
IV. TESOL Concepts: The questions focus on terms and issuesin English language teaching. Please choose the mostappropriate answer.In a modern foreign language classroom, when teachers areconcentrating on _______, they are helping students toexpress themselves in English. They are not concerned witherrors of grammar and vocabulary.
(A) multiple intelligences
(B) comprehensible input
(C) accuracy
(D) fluency


統計:A(65),B(128),C(29),D(717),E(0) #


【用戶】Tom Chiu


【評論內容】fluency KK [ˋfluənsɪ] DJ [ˋflu:ənsi] 1. 流暢

【用戶】Joy :) 考上國小英語


【評論內容】A critical concept for second-language development for students with and without learning difficulties is comprehensible input.Comprehensible input means that students should be able to understand the essence of what is being said or presented to them.This does not mean, however, that teachers must use only words students understand. In fact, instruction can be incomprehensible even when students know all of the words. Students learn a new language best when they receive input that is just a bit more difficult than they can easily understand. In other words, students may understand most, but n...