
35 Before you point the finger at others, you might want to make sure that you are more than ready to defend yourself.
(A)Before blaming others, you had better be well-prepared for potential criticism that may come toward you.
(B)Before making a vulgar gesture, you had better be sure that you do not end up defending yourself in court.
(C)Before losing your temper, you might want to stop to think twice about the consequences of your angry words.
(D)Before giving others a hard time, you might want to double-check to see if you know who you are dealing with.


統計:A(233),B(38),C(38),D(24),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:Cloze test、Are You Sleep Enough?、中華郵政股份有限公司 101 年從業人員甄試試題




【評論內容】defendKK[dɪˋfɛnd]vi.不及物動詞防禦; 保衛; 保護【律】進行辯護; 當辯護律師【體】防守vt.及物動詞防禦; 保衛; 保護We shall defend our city, whatever the cost may be. 不管代價如何, 我們要捍衛我們的城市。【體】防守(球門等)【律】為...辯護; 作...的辯護律師She defended herself successfully in court. 她在法庭上成功地為自己作了辯護。為...辯護; 為(論文等)答辯 vulgarKK[ˋvʌlgɚ]n.名詞【古】庶民, 平民百姓[the S]Nor was this the suspicion of the vulgar alone; it seems to have been shared by the clergy. 這也不單是庶民的懷疑; 看來教士們也有同感。a.形容詞粗俗的; 下流的; 粗魯的Spitting in public is considere...



【評論內容】Point your finger at others 意思是指責對方之意



【評論內容】Point your finger at others 意思是指責對方之意

【用戶】骨頭(警 上榜)


【評論內容】vulgar翻譯:不得體的, 粗俗的;庸俗的;不雅的, 粗魯的, (尤指)下流的,猥褻的。gesture翻譯:動作, 手勢;姿勢;示意動作, 象徵性的行動, 姿態;表示, 做手勢;用手勢表示court翻譯:法律, 法院;法庭;全體出庭人員;(尤指)全體審判人員, 運動, (網球、籃球等運動的)球場,賽場, 區域, 庭院;大院,場院, 皇室, 宮廷;皇室;朝廷, 朝臣,侍臣temper翻譯:脾氣;易怒, 心情;情緒, 減少, 使緩和;使變溫和;使變淡, 金屬, 使(金屬)consequence翻譯:(常指不好或不利的)結果,後果。



【評論內容】People who criticize others will always be criticized by others.



【評論內容】Point your finger at others 意思是指責對方之意



【評論內容】vulgar翻譯:不得體的, 粗俗的;庸俗的;不雅的, 粗魯的, (尤指)下流的,猥褻的。gesture翻譯:動作, 手勢;姿勢;示意動作, 象徵性的行動, 姿態;表示, 做手勢;用手勢表示court翻譯:法律, 法院;法庭;全體出庭人員;(尤指)全體審判人員, 運動, (網球、籃球等運動的)球場,賽場, 區域, 庭院;大院,場院, 皇室, 宮廷;皇室;朝廷, 朝臣,侍臣temper翻譯:脾氣;易怒, 心情;情緒, 減少, 使緩和;使變溫和;使變淡, 金屬, 使(金屬)consequence翻譯:(常指不好或不利的)結果,後果。



【評論內容】(A)Before you point the finger at others, you might want to make sure that you are more than ready to defend yourself.在你指責用手指指責別人之前,你應該要確認,你自己要做好防備(A)Before blaming others, you had better be well-prepared for potential criticism that may come toward you.在指責別人之前,你最好做好準備,你可能會有潛在的批評,朝向你而來。(B)Before making a vulgar gesture, you had better be sure that you do not end up defending yourself in court.(C)Before losing your temper, you might want to stop to think twice about the consequences of your angry words.(D)Before giving others a hard ...