
69.酪胺酸激酶(tyrosine kinase)抑制劑用於慢性骨髓性白血病時,療效監測的參數不包括那一項?
(A)hematologic response
(B)cytogenetic response
(C)biochemical response
(D)molecular response






【評論內容】在慢性骨髓性白血病(CML)治療中,療效監測的參數包括:(A) hematologic response:指白血病細胞數量在外周血中的減少,白血球、紅血球和血小板數量的恢復到正常範圍內。(B) cytogenetic response:指檢查骨髓細胞的染色體變化,特別是慢性骨髓性白血病特有的Philadelphia染色體是否有減少或消失。(D) molecular response:指測量特定基因遺傳物質(如BCR-ABL融合基因)的分子水平,觀察其是否降至非檢測水平。



【評論內容】慢性骨髓性白血病治療評估標準:完全血液學反應(Complete hematological response, CHR) 細胞學反應(Cytogenetic response) 分子反應(Molecular response)



【評論內容】補充 10th koda & kimble p. 2179 內文補充3個response的定義TKI的治療目標是延長存活期、預防疾病惡化、達到(A)完全血液學反應(Complete hematological response, CHR)與(B)細胞學反應(Cytogenetic response)當interferon當作CML初始治療時,會將(D)分子反應(Molecular response)當成療劑監測指標【(A) hematologic response】【(B) cytogenetic response】 【(D) molecular response】BCR-ABL mRNA在PCR中監測不到且BCR-ABL mRNA的數量下降>3個logThe primary goals of the TK inhibitors are to prolong survival, prevent progression of disease, and attain a complete hematologic or cytogenetic remission. Assessment of response to CML therapies are based on both hematologic (Table 92-2) and cytogenetic (Table 92-3) responses.Response definitions were created when interferon was the primary treatment for CML, leading some clinicians to use major molecular response as another marker of response.Major molecular response is defined as undetectable BCR-ABL mRNA by polymerase chain reaction assay and a greater than 3-log decrease in BCR-ABL mRNA.



【評論內容】在慢性骨髓性白血病(CML)治療中,療效監測的參數包括:(A) hematologic response:指白血病細胞數量在外周血中的減少,白血球、紅血球和血小板數量的恢復到正常範圍內。(B) cytogenetic response:指檢查骨髓細胞的染色體變化,特別是慢性骨髓性白血病特有的Philadelphia染色體是否有減少或消失。(D) molecular response:指測量特定基因遺傳物質(如BCR-ABL融合基因)的分子水平,觀察其是否降至非檢測水平。



【評論內容】慢性骨髓性白血病治療評估標準:完全血液學反應(Complete hematological response, CHR) 細胞學反應(Cytogenetic response) 分子反應(Molecular response)



【評論內容】補充 10th koda & kimble p. 2179 內文補充3個response的定義TKI的治療目標是延長存活期、預防疾病惡化、達到(A)完全血液學反應(Complete hematological response, CHR)與(B)細胞學反應(Cytogenetic response)當interferon當作CML初始治療時,會將(D)分子反應(Molecular response)當成療劑監測指標【(A) hematologic response】【(B) cytogenetic response】 【(D) molecular response】BCR-ABL mRNA在PCR中監測不到且BCR-ABL mRNA的數量下降>3個logThe primary goals of the TK inhibitors are to prolong survival, prevent progression of disease, and attain a complete hematologic or cytogenetic remission. Assessment of response to CML therapies are based on both hematologic (Table 92-2) and cytogenetic (Table 92-3) responses.Response definitions were created when interferon was the primary treatment for CML, leading some clinicians to use major molecular response as another marker of response.Major molecular response is defined as undetectable BCR-ABL mRNA by polymerase chain reaction assay and a greater than 3-log decrease in BCR-ABL mRNA.