
三、文意選填(占20%) (1)(AB)exploit(AC) rescue(AD) grant(AE) service(BC) recalled(BD) sergeant(BE) prove(CD) entertained One cold night, Mr. White and his family were at home. He played chess with his son Herbert while his wife was knitting. There was a knock at the door. Mr. White opened it and saw his old friend. He welcomed __(41)__ Major Morris inside. Morris had just returned from military __(42)__ in India. He __(43)__ the Whites with stories of his time there. Mr. White wanted to hear the story about the monkey paw again. He had heard it before and enjoyed it. Mrs. White also wanted to hear it. Morris pulled a dried-up monkey’s paw from his pocket. He told the Whites that an Indian miracle worker had put a spell on the paw. The Indian wanted to __(44)__ to people that nobody should try to change their fate. The paw had the power to __(45)_ three people three wishes each. Morris was the second owner. He threw it in the fire because he believed it only brought misfortune. Mr. White took it out and kept it.






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...