
(II) People often remember experiences from their childhood, especially when an act of kindness or acceptance results in a friendship for life. Childhood friendships often help shape our characters. The following story, “A Friend,” is one such example that makes us understand how forming friendships helps in the development of children.
    It was the beginning of the school year and Heather wanted to be friends with the popular children. Even though they had accepted her into their group, they did not treat her well. On the other hand, Christopher was a new student, and the children often made fun of him. Although Heather did not like this and wanted to talk to him, she was afraid of losing her new popular friends.
    Then, one day, when the class ate pizza for lunch, one of the popular children ran and pushed Christopher. In the process, Christopher’s pizza fell on the ground, and all the children began to laugh at him. But Heather felt bad and offered the rest of her pizza to Christopher. When she did this, she established a friendship with him. Through this act, Heather showed that she did not care what other children thought of Christopher. She accepted him even if the others did not.
    “A Friend” explains how childhood friendships can enable children to understand ideas like giving and sharing. It tells us that a real friend is one who is willing to do things for us even when it is difficult.
【題組】41 What does the article mainly talk about?
(A) We can make friends by sharing pizza.
(B) We cannot accept popular children as our good friends.
(C) We cannot treat the students who are not popular badly.
(D) We can develop a true friendship with others by giving and sharing.

