
請依下文回答第41題至第45題      Travel back in time to 1662, when Catherine of Braganza (daughter of Portugal’s King John IV) won thehand of England’s newly restored monarch, King Charles II, with the help of a very large dowry that includedmoney, spices, treasures and the lucrative ports of Tangiers and Bombay. This    41   made her one veryimportant lady: the Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland. When she relocated up north to join King Charles,she is said to have    42   loose-leaf tea as part of her personal belongings; it would also have likely been part ofher dowry. A fun legend has it that the crates were marked Transporte de Ervas Aromaticas (Transport of AromaticHerbs) – later    43   to T.E.A. That last bit probably isn’t true (    44       believe the word ‘tea’ came from atransliteration of a Chinese character), but what is for sure is that tea was already popular among the aristocracy ofPortugal due to the country’s direct trade line to China     45    its colony in Macau, first settled in the mid-1500s(visit today to sample the other end of this culinary exchange, the Portuguese pastéis de nata, aka egg custard tarts).






【評論內容】Travel back in time to 1662, when Catherine of Braganza (daughter of Portugal’s King John IV) won the hand of England’s newly restored monarch, King Charles II, with the help of a very large dowry that includedmoney, spices, treasures and the lucrative ports of Tangiers and Bombay. This hookup made her one veryimportant lady: the Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland. 時光倒流回到 1662 年,當時布拉幹薩的凱瑟琳(葡萄牙國王約翰四世的女兒)在巨額嫁妝的幫助下贏得了英格蘭新恢復的君主查理二世的手,其中包括金錢、香料、寶藏和利潤豐厚的港口。丹吉爾和孟買。這種聯繫使她成為一位非常重要的女士:英格蘭、蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭的女王。(A) hookup連接(B) affair事務(C) combat戰鬥(D) breakthrough突破