
【題組】23 According to the passage, which of the following can reduce the risk of sickness when riding Kraken?
(A)The coaster's creating his own nauseating experiences.
(B)The coaster's remaining seated still and not moving around.
(C)The coaster's movements matching with the headset's image.
(D)The coaster's keeping his headset firmly on his head.






【評論內容】Matching what is seen with the sensation of movement is crucial. Get it wrong and the result is nausea. Yet, when executed properly, the pairing of rollercoasters and VR, two things that can both, by themselves, be nauseating experiences, actually helps reduce the risk of sickness.#單字: nausea (n  噁心;作嘔



【評論內容】According to the passage, which of the following can reduce the risk of sickness when riding Kraken? (A)The coaster's creating his own nauseating experiences. (B)The coaster's remaining seated still and not moving around. (C)The coaster's movements matching with the headset's image. (D)The coaster's keeping his headset firmly on his head. firmly /f'ɚmli/ (ad.)堅固,堅定,斷然