
五、請描述如何用 Data mining 的技術去發現新的知識。(20 分)


統計:A(130),B(56),C(1217),D(43),E(0) #







【評論內容】A scorpion 蠍子 and a frog met at the side of a river. The scorpion wanted to cross the river 渡河, but he didn't know how to swim.“Please, Mr. Frog,”he said,“would you carry me across the river?”“I can’t do that,” said the frog.“You are a scorpion, and you will sting 叮、刺 me.” “No,”said the scorpion.“I won't sting you because then we will both drown 溺水、淹死 in the river.”This made sense 合理 to the frog, and he agreed to help him. The scorpion climbed onto the back of the frog, and the frog began to swim. When they reached the middle of the river, the scorpion stung 叮、刺...



【評論內容】Now I will die, and you will surely drown.