
The price difference can be as much as 100% and can save a farmer from ______ or allow a family to send theirchildren to school.
(A) bankruptcy
(B) subsidies
(C) charity
(D) textiles


統計:A(2422),B(471),C(401),D(214),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:grin 、grin 、excited & exciting







【評論內容】The price difference can be as much as 100% and can save a farmer from bankruptcy or allow a family to send their children to school.






【評論內容】The price difference can be as much as 100% and can save a farmer from bankruptcy or allow a family to send their children to school.






【評論內容】The price difference can be as much as 100% and can save a farmer from bankruptcy or allow a family to send their children to school.






【評論內容】The price difference can be as much as 100% and can save a farmer from bankruptcy or allow a family to send their children to school.