
A basket of man’s waste is a beautiful thing.   4      strange, but here is   5      the story goes. A doctor took a trip to Nigeria in June, 2015 to see firsthand hard work of taking away polio. She was surprised to know that the health workers once a week took out the baskets to collect the waste and packed it into ice. It took them another eight hours to drive to the testing center to test the waste. However, they were proud of being helpful because they knew they could save people’s lives.
       Thanks to thousands of workers   6      love and care, not a case of polio happened in Nigeria in 2016. But it still needs to wait until 2017 to make sure the country is out of the list of polio. We are making the history and keep our children   7    getting polio. Isn’t it a beautiful thing?
  waste 排泄物 polio 小兒麻痺症
(A) It seems to
(B) It seems be
(C) It seems being
(D) It seems






【評論內容】X(A)物質X匱乏時,冰棒即是美食☆ →...