
      In the hugely popular game Pokémon Go, players take on the roleof Pokémon trainer, searching in the real world for wild Pokémon. Usingsmartphone cameras, the game makes the creatures look as though they’reright in front of you! However, because players must search for Pokémonoutdoors, Pokémon Go’s popularity has had some unexpected effects.
       Players must capture as many kinds of Pokémon as they can, using special areas called PokéStops to get important items. However, many are unhappy about the inappropriate locations of certain PokéStops, which include private homes, hospitals, and police stations. Worse yet, some players have driven cars while playing, causing serious accidents.
       On the other hand, although video games are frequently seen as distractions from healthier physical activities, Pokémon Go requires players to constantly be on the move. Certain Pokémon can appear miles away from players’ home, which means that they’ll have to do some exercise to “catch’em all.”
       Despite some surprising consequences of play, the positive effects of Pokémon Go shouldn’t be ignored. Have fun hunting, but please mind your surroundings!

trainer培訓師 creature生物 unexpected意料之外的  effect效應  capture捕獲  inappropriate不適當的

location地點  accident意外事故  distraction分散注意的事  require要求  consequence結果

【題組】48.What is the best title for the reading?
(A) The Unexpected Effects of Pokémon Go
(B) The Popularity of Pokémon Go
(C) The Introduction of Pokémon Go
(D) The History of Pokémon Go

