【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】17.A: Is there a bakery around here?B: Oh, yes, there’s one just around the corner. _______________.


prime rib :牛前胸的上等肋條


【評論主題】It is our dream that one day we can live in _________, rather than conflicts and violence, with peop



【評論主題】依司法院解釋,有關於人民服兵役的義務,下列敘述何者錯誤?(A)人民有依法律服兵役之義務(B)兵役法第 1 條規定中華民國男子有依法服兵役之義務,違反性別平等的憲法規定(C)服兵役義務與宗教信仰自由並未


【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】You must ___ Sam to prevent him from killing himself again.(A) get involved in(B) get along with(C)

【評論內容】get along with 與...和睦相處

【評論主題】Improper dieting might ___ malnutrition.(A) take charge of(B) run out of(C) give rise to(D) lend to


take charge of 負責

run out of


【評論主題】After a long discussion, no one ___ a solution.(A) kept up with(B) got a long with(C) put up with(D)


came up with 提供

kept up with 跟上

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】I ___ a pilot some day.(A) dream to become(B) dream to becoming(C) dream of becoming(D) dream for be


為什麼不能選 (A) 呢 ?

【評論主題】I'm sorry for being late. My car broke ___ on my way here and I spent over 20 minutes waiting f


break up  分手

break down 故障

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】China Airlines will provide ___ flights because there are so many passengers during the holidays.(A)

【評論內容】handy【口】手邊的; 近便的[(+for)]

【評論主題】Although some things are ___, they nevertheless exist.(A) important(B) intelligible(C) invisible(D)


nevertheless 仍然, 不過, 然而

intelligible 可理解的, 明瞭的; 清晰的[(+to)]

【評論主題】John's poor math score must have ___ him a lot, because he is not attending the class any more.


expelled驅逐, 趕走

discouraged灰心的; 沮喪的; 氣餒的; 洩氣的

impressed 給...極深的印象; 使感動[W][H]


【評論主題】After we ___ our study schedule, we should do our best to carry it out.(A) confine(B) finalize(C) fe


confine 限制; 使局限[(+to)]

fertilize使肥沃; 施肥

frustrate 挫敗; 阻撓; 使感到灰心

【評論主題】We must try to ___ our spending.(A) elevate(B) deduct(C) curtail(D) estimate


deduce  演繹

deduct    扣除

【評論主題】He was nothing but a ___ and a rascal.(A) coincidence(B) empire(C) nuisance(D) hurricane


coincidence 巧合; 巧事; 同時發生[U][C]

empire  帝國[C]

nuisance 討厭的人(或事物); 麻煩事[C]

hurricane 颶風, 暴風雨

【評論主題】I had a sudden ___ about the missing jewels.(A) intuition(B) institution(C) tuition(D) constitution



【評論主題】Many scientists try to find the secrets of ___.(A) malady(B) longevity(C) friction(D) procedure

【評論內容】malady 病, 疾病 longevity 長命.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】He ___ that it would rain the following day.(A) blinks(B) forecasts(C) addicts(D) assesses


blinks   瞇著眼看[(+at)]

addicts 使成癮[H][(+to)]

assesses  (為徵稅)估定(財產)的價值[(+at)]

【評論主題】Trapped in the cave by a fall of rock, the men kept up their ___ by singing together.(A) moral(B) mo


moral 道德

morel 龍葵

morale 士氣


【評論主題】Many people admire for his ___ role as composer and conductor.(A) double(B) insolent(C) dual(D) humb


傲慢的; 無禮的; 侮慢的[(+in/towards/to)]

【評論主題】He has ___ to smallpox by getting that vaccine.(A) infection(B) obsession(C) immunity(D) invasion




【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】As it was ___ cold, everyone stayed indoors and the streets were almost deserted.(A) increasing(B) f

【評論內容】increasing 動詞,沒有形容詞

【評論主題】依據司法院釋字第576 號之解釋,下列何者不受複保險之限制?(A)人身保險‚(B)火災保險(C)海上保險„(D)陸空保險


【評論主題】45. A: __________________________B: The post office is just around the corner.(A) I have to mail thi

【評論內容】parcel 包裹。 gro.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】Good quality dogs have ___ to their masters.(A) destiny(B) loyalty(C) diameter(D) episode


destiny 命運



【評論主題】How safe and how ___ convenient Internet shopping is.(A) necessarily(B) mainly(C) incredibly(D) orig


難以置信地; 很, 極為

【評論主題】We ___ believe that with your intelligence and hard work, you will pass the exam without any difficu


請問為何答案不能選 (b) 呢 ? 謝謝~

【評論主題】The young man got the job simply because his father was on ___ terms with the manager of the company


intimate 親密的

imitative 模仿的

intentional 存心的

這組單字要記起來 ~

【評論主題】The ___ of their home was disturbed by certain trivialities.(A) harmony(B) mutiny(C) destiny(D) deny


destiny 命運

triviality  瑣事

mutiny 叛變

mutation 突變

【評論主題】Jack has the ability to ___ people to follow him.(A) inspire(B) insist(C) inspect(D) install



堅持; 堅決認為[+(that)]

【評論主題】In order to prepare for the examination, he ___ late last night.(A) sat down(B) stayed up(C) stayed


break up 分手

stayed up 熬夜

【評論主題】The table is not ___; if you leave eggs on it, they will roll down to the ground and break.(A) just(


gentle 溫和的 ,高貴的


【評論主題】jump on(A)跳下(B)無解(C)爬下(D)走下(E)攻擊


jump on 跳上



【評論主題】10 下列何者有權羈押被告?(A)法官(B)檢察官(C)司法事務官(D)警察


【評論主題】17.A: Is there a bakery around here?B: Oh, yes, there’s one just around the corner. _______________.


prime rib :牛前胸的上等肋條
