【評論主題】48.李老師想以深入晤談法(deep interview)研究某位學生家庭經驗對學生行為的影響,為增加研究的信實度,李老師應採用何種方法?(A)因素分析(factor analysis) (B)德懷術


類題:108 年 - 108 澎湖縣 國民中學聯合甄選代理教師暨增置專長教師:教育專業科目

69. 在進行質性研究時,研究者經常使用不同的方法蒐集資料,以多方管道佐證資料的正確性,這是指?

(A)開放編碼(open coding)



(D)辨識(identification) 。


【評論主題】96. 王小明為某國立大學之身心障礙學生,學校為協助其學習及發展,依據特殊教育法之規定,必須為王小明訂定何種計畫?(A)個別化輔導計畫 (B)個別化支持計畫 (C)個別化教育計畫 (D)個別化轉銜計畫


類題:107 年 - 107中區國小教育學科(加重特殊教育比重)

44. 新修訂之特殊教育課程大綱的四項基本理念之一,課程需與何者結合?





50. 有關 IEP 的敘述,下列哪一項的敘述是正確的?



 【各教育階段身心障礙學生轉銜輔導及服務辦法】§3 ITP納入IEP內

(C)每學期應至少有 3 次檢討會議,包括期初、期中、期末檢討會議 

【特殊教育法施行細則】§10 每學期應至少檢討一次


類題:99 年 - 金門縣99學年度國民中學正式教師暨代理...

【評論主題】96. 王小明為某國立大學之身心障礙學生,學校為協助其學習及發展,依據特殊教育法之規定,必須為王小明訂定何種計畫?(A)個別化輔導計畫 (B)個別化支持計畫 (C)個別化教育計畫 (D)個別化轉銜計畫

【評論內容】類別對象法源IEP 個別化教育計畫高級中等以下,身心障礙【特殊教育法】§28IGP 個別輔導計畫高級中等以下,資賦優異【特殊教育法】§36ISP 個別化支持計畫高等教育,身心障礙


ITP 個別化轉銜計畫高級中等以下學校應將生涯轉銜計畫納入學生個別化教育計畫


【評論主題】15. 對於S-P 表分析理論的敘述,下列何者為非?(A)目的在獲得每位學生的學習診斷資料(B)作法是將學生在試題上的作答反應以圖形化進行分析(C)適用於總結性評量的測驗資料分析(D)它是屬於無母數統


類題:108 年 - 新竹市108學年度國民中學教師聯合甄選甄選-教育專業




類題:106 年 - 新北市立高級中學106學年度教師聯合甄選初試-教育專業

48. 經由 S-P 表分析,下列哪一位學生,你會覺得他可能有作弊之嫌?






【評論主題】15. 對於S-P 表分析理論的敘述,下列何者為非?(A)目的在獲得每位學生的學習診斷資料(B)作法是將學生在試題上的作答反應以圖形化進行分析(C)適用於總結性評量的測驗資料分析(D)它是屬於無母數統


類題:102 年 - 102年 嘉義市 102 學年度國民小學專任教師聯合甄選

31.在進行試題分析時,依據 S-P 表跑出來的結果,下列哪一種情況會是「異質型試題」?

(A) 學生答對率 50%以上,注意係數在 0.50 以下

(B) 學生答對率 50%以上,注意係數在 0.50 以上

(C) 學生答對率 50%以下,注意係數在 0.50 以下

(D) 學生答對率 50%以下,注意係數在 0.50 以上


【評論主題】62. 假設學校數學段考的內部一致性為.90,下列有關該測驗品質的推論,哪一項最為適切?(A)測驗的內涵是穩定的(B)測驗區辨落後學生的效能佳(C)測驗試題的性質接近(D)測驗的效度達到顯著。


類題:96 年 - 苗栗縣96學年度國民中學教師聯合甄選教育專業科目試題







類題:96 年 - 96學年度南區國中教師甄試教育專業科目







【評論主題】96.下列哪一句成語是比喻弟子恭敬接受老師教誨?(A)程門立雪 (B)老蚌出明珠 (C)實繁有徒 (D)甘棠有蔭


類題:95 年 - 國立澎湖高級海事水產職業學校95學年度第1學期新聘教師甄選國文科筆試試題


(A)「端木遺風」用於農界  商界

(B)「絳帳清風」用於政界  教育界

(C)「甘棠遺愛」用於教育界  政界










【評論主題】31.( ) 在進行試題分析時,依據 S-P 表跑出來的結果,下列哪一種情況會是「異質型試題」?(A) 學生答對率 50%以上,注意係數在 0.50 以下(B) 學生答對率 50%以上,注意係數在 0


類題:108 年 - 新竹市108學年度國民中學教師聯合甄選甄選-教育專業




類題:102 年 - 102年 澎湖縣 102 學年度國民小學暨附設幼兒園代理教師甄試

15. 對於S-P 表分析理論的敘述,下列何者為非?






類題:106 年 - 新北市立高級中學106學年度教師聯合甄選初試-教育專業

48. 經由 S-P 表分析,下列哪一位學生,你...



類題: 108 新北市市立國民中學正式教師聯合甄選:教育專業

33.某種學習觀點主張接受相關訓練後可以有效提升學習成效,小明經訓練之後也真的有些效果。請問這種知識檢證標 準稱之為? (A)真理建構論 (B)真理貫通論 (C)真理符應論 (D)真理實用論

【評論主題】29.以下那一種教室領導技巧,最能幫助教師在教室與生活中,能扮演好各種不同角色,以適應不同狀況,以符合當時情境的需求?(A)情緒控制 (B)敏銳洞察 (C)人際關係 (D)角色轉換


類題參考:107 年 - 新北市立高級中等學校107學年度教師聯合甄選(教育專業科目)試題

36. 以下哪一個學派的班級經營理論,建議教師有效地使用自我形象的發展與影響, 透過藉由學生對班規訂定及反應,經由自我形象的轉型分析了解,塑造良好班級氣氛,促進學生學習效果? (A) 果斷紀律型 (B) 溝通互動型 (C) 行為塑造型 (D) 合理邏輯型


37. 以下班級經營的情境:「善於觀察且樂意傾聽,能敏銳解析學生互動現象,表現出適當的行為」。請問大部份的教師在進行班級經營時會採用哪一種技巧,來進行其班級經營活動? (A) 敏銳洞察的技巧 (B) 情緒控制的技巧 (C) 人際關係的技巧 (D) 角色轉換的技巧 


38. 以下班級經營的情境:「...

【評論主題】15. 有關於動態評量(dynamic assessment) 的敘述,下列何者錯誤?(A) 動態評量允許受試者與施測者互動(B) 動態評量可以評量學生的潛在能力(C) 動態評量特別重視學生的操作與身




第 5 條











【評論主題】7. 下列何位學者提出之班級經營策略模式,是以「肢體語言」、「獎勵制度」、「有效的幫助」等原則和程序,進行有效地班級經營?(A) 庫寧(J. Kounin)(B) 瓊斯(F. H. Jones)(C)


類題:108 年 - 澎湖縣108學年度國民小學暨附設幼兒園候用(代理)教師甄選試題-國小教育專業科目

11.下列關於瓊斯(F. Jones)對班級經營的觀點,何者是錯誤的?

(甲) 真正的獎勵不一定是學生所需求的

(乙)眼神接觸不必強制要求學生眼 神要注視教師


(丁)做什麼事情?怎麼做? 何時做?例如發言前要舉手、離開座位前要獲得允許等是屬於一般性班規。

(A) 甲丁

(B) 乙丙

(C) 丙丁

(D) 甲乙


【評論主題】【題組】38. According to the passage, what were some of the jobs that Boone held?(A)Blacksmith and accou


第一段有指出hunter的身份 ; 第五段點出surveyor的背景:

Daniel Boone will always occupy a unique place in American history as the archetype of the hunter and wilderness wanderer. He was a true pioneer, and stood at the head of that class of Indian-fighters, game-hunters, forest-fellers, and backwoods farmers who, generation after generation, pushed westward the border of civilization from the Alleghenies to the Pacific.

His main business was that of surveyor, for his knowledge of the country, and his ability to travel through it, in spite of the danger from Indians, created much demand for his ser...

【評論主題】【題組】37. According to Paragraph 2, all of the following statements are true about Kentucky EXCEPT:(A)



Kentucky, for which, in after years, the red men and the white strove with such obstinate fury that it grew to be called "the dark and bloody ground."  But when Boone first saw it, it was a fair and smiling land of groves and glades and running waters, where the open forest grew tall and beautiful, and where innumerable herds of game grazed, roaming ceaselessly to and fro along the trails they had trodden during countless generations. Kentucky was not owned by any Indian tribe, and was ...

【評論主題】Daniel Boone will always occupy a unique place in American history as the archetype of thehunter and


第一段後半部提到Allegheny Mountains過去是個多數白人定居者不敢跨越的界線 ; 第二段指出Boone在1769年才決定要跨越山脈去探險,代表(B)錯誤:

The Alleghany Mountains still marked a boundary beyond which the settlers dared not go; for west of them lay immense reaches of frowning forest, uninhabited by bands of warlike Indians. Occasionally some venturesome hunter or trapper penetrated this immense wilderness, and returned with strange stories of what he had seen and done. 

In 1769 Boone, excited by these vague and wondrous tales, determined himself to cross the mountains and find out what manner of...

【評論主題】【題組】35. According to this selection, the primary desire of young adults is for literature that will_



        Adults also need to realize that the goal of most adolescents is to leave childhood behind as they move into adulthood. This has implications for whether libraries treat young adult services as a branch of the children’s or the adults’ department. Few teenagers are going to want to sit on small children’s chairs or compete with nine- and ten-year-olds when they pick books off the shelves. Neither are they going to be attracted to books that use the word children or picture preteens on the covers. 


【評論主題】【題組】34. One would conclude from this reading that ________________.(A) there is a great market for a


(C) the provision of appropriate reading material for adolescents can be helpful to their maturation. Their physical developments, intellectual growth, and emotional makeup. 

【評論主題】【題組】33. This selection makes the point that meeting the needs of adolescent students often requiresi



Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the security of some kind of organization with a supportive adult barely visible in the background. 

【評論主題】Teachers and librarians need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes thatyo


In my humble opinion,

(A) The reading material available in libraries and schools meets the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes for students. Teenagers/young adults(B) Reading material meets the needs of life changes for teens. Physical changes, intellectual growth, or emotional challenges (C) Young adults need to have the option for reading material that speaks to the needs of their developing physical and emotional makeup. 

Young adults want a wide variety of informational books about aspects of their lives that are new; for example, the physical development of their bodies, the...

【評論主題】【題組】31. Of all the procedures described in the article, which of the following are effective for cor


第四段提到INTACS不適合散光,所以可刪除(A)、(B)、(C)。第五段提到CUSTOM LASIK矯正遠視、近視,有無散光皆適合。

There are other alternatives being explored to improve vision. INTACS are crescent shaped rings that re removable. They are placed within the cornea, leaving it intact. It works well for minimal nearsightedness, but is not effective for extreme nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.

CUSTOM LASIK is adjusted for specific differences in an individual’s cornea, lens, and retina. IT 4 corrects both nearsightedness (sometimes to 20/20) and farsightedness with or without astigmatism....

【評論主題】【題組】30. The difference between correcting nearsightedness and farsightedness depends on the_________



A computer guides the laser as it reshapes the cornea. To correct farsightedness, a piece of tissue shaped like a doughnut ring is removed. If the cornea’s center is trimmed, thereby making it flatter, nearsightedness is corrected. The hinged flap is then put back in position. 

【評論主題】IV. Reading comprehension (20%; 2% each)        There are 160 million people in the United States wh



The procedure begins by marking the cornea with ink, then dropping a liquid anesthetic into the patient’s eye. The ink is water soluble and harmless and is used to help reposition the flaps of the cornea. Then a suction ring stabilizes the eye and pressure is applied to allow for a clean cut by the microkeratome (the cutting instrument), which glides across the moistened surface of the cornea, cutting the outer layers and stopping automatically.

【評論主題】3. Even though he was only a neophyte in the business, he effectively used ________ methods to______


stentorian (a.) 聲音極響亮的


【評論主題】【題組】22. Even when hearing it from the hotel balcony several floors above the street, the noise from


主要句的主詞是the noise,所以前面的句子主詞要一致。原本的Even when hearing it的主詞還原後是人,因為只有人才會使用hearing (主動用法)。然而這邊的句子是要表達noise即使從飯店好幾層樓的陽台都可以「被聽見」,所以選(C)被動用法。

【評論主題】【題組】21. Unlike coniferous trees, whose leaves are usually needlelike, the leaves of deciduous trees


Unlike引導的句子主詞是coniferous trees,所以後面主要句的主詞要對稱,所以選deciduous trees開頭的(D)。

*coniferous trees針葉樹

*deciduous trees落葉樹

【評論主題】【題組】20. VitaminD, which the body needs in order to absorb calcium, is produced when skin is exposed


中間的which...是補充子句,修飾前面主詞Vitamin D,所以第二個逗點後面是連接前面主詞Vitamin D,題目原本已有主要動詞is produced,所以無需修正。

中間的which...可以省略,意思不變:Vitamin D is produced when skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays. 

【評論主題】【題組】19. Despite living only to the age of forty, the music of John Coltrane, it inspired a generatio


先判斷Despite living only to the age of forty的主詞是什麼?是John(人),所以後方主要句的主詞要一致,所以選John Coltrane created music that,而非他的音樂作品(物)。

【評論主題】【題組】18. While playing in the park one morning, a loud argument was gotten into by several of the chi


While playing in the park的主詞還原後是 several of the children,因此後方主要句子的主詞要一致。(D)選項getting的寫法會造成這個句子沒有主要動詞。

【評論主題】II. Correctness and effectiveness of expression (12%; 2% each)Direction: The following sentences tes


改成an understanding of... 能夠與第二句 the psychology of... 形成對稱。

【評論主題】16. Because of his __________ record of lying to police, the suspect was regarded as a(n) _________c


(A) irascible 易怒的 disputatious 好爭辯的(B) chaste 貞節的 incorrigible 積習難改的 (C) circuitous 拐彎抹角的、迂迴的 insipid 乏味的 (D) inveterate 積習已深的 habitual 習慣的、一貫的

【評論主題】15. To change from a passive acceptance of fate to a dynamic involvement in public affairs requires


(A) paradigm 典範(B) hierarchy 階級、等級(C) scenario 劇本提綱、劇本(D) appreciation 欣賞、感激

【評論主題】14. ___________ markets sell grains, other foods, and precious metals.(A) Currency (B) Bond (C) Comp


(A) Currency 貨幣(B) Bond 聯結、關係、契約、公債、保釋金(C) Comprehensive 全面的、綜合的(D) Commodities 商品

【評論主題】13. My friend’s uncle is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous; his ___________ led to an____________ liv


(A) dipsomania 嗜酒症 ineluctable 無可避免的(B) avarice 貪婪 auspicious 吉利的(C) volition 意志力 unctuous 油質的、油腔滑調的(D) tableau 如畫似的描寫 incipient 初期的、剛出現的 

【評論主題】12. A refugee may be forced to __________ allegiance to his former country and ___________ all ofhis


(A) fabricate 捏造、製造 garble 竄改 (B) fetch 拿取、打、賣 extradite 引渡回國(C) abjure 發誓放棄 forsake 放棄 (D) lacerate 撕裂、深深傷害 occlude 使阻塞

【評論主題】11. Philosophers tell us that one’s lifetime is __________ when considered from the viewpoint of____


(A) laudatory 讚美的 prestidigitation 變戲法(B) jaded 玉、翡翠 youth 青春、年輕、青年人(C) ephemeral 短暫的 eternity 永恆 (D) gauche 笨拙的 theology 神學、宗教信仰

【評論主題】10. Most people have _______. They are afraid of snakes.(A) arachnophobia (B) acrophobia (C) ophidio


(A) arachnophobia 蜘蛛恐懼症(B) acrophobia 懼高症(C) ophidiophobia 恐蛇症(D) xenophobia 懼外者、排外者

【評論主題】9. During the fearful storm, the people in its path __________ God for divine _________.(A) importun


(A) importuned 強求、不斷請求 intervention 介入、干涉(B) imputed 歸咎於 favors 支持、贊同 (C) expiated 贖罪 revelation 顯示、洩漏的事實(D) deprecated 輕視 power 力量

【評論主題】8. Since the terms of the proposed agreement between the vendors were __________, bothbusinessmen we


(A) benign 慈祥的 edified 啟發(B) recondite 深奧的 stymied 阻礙 (C) vaunted 吹噓 nebulous 模糊不清的、雲狀的(D) equivocal 模稜兩可的 exigent 緊急的

【評論主題】7. In a child’s early years, he is ____________, accepting instruction and quickly learning new skil


(A) quixotic 不切實際的(來自Don Quixote 唐吉訶德)pragmatic 實用主義的、實際的

(B) fulsome 虛情假意的、充滿的 acquiescent 默認的、逆來順受的

(C) docile 聽話的 malleable 可塑的

(D) resilient 有彈性的、適應力強的、堅強的 truant 逃學、逃學者

【評論主題】6. Almost lulled to sleep by the candidate’s ___________ speech, the audience seemed to fall into as


(A) convoluted 旋繞的、費解的 ecstasy 狂喜(B) vociferous 大聲叫嚷的 apostasy 變節 (C) turgid 腫脹 torpor 死氣沈沈 (D) acerbic 苦澀的、苛薄的 sloth 樹懶、懶惰 

【評論主題】2.           When we get wet, we need a towelto get ourselves dry. When a dog getswet, all it needs

【評論內容】第三段的開頭談到把毛甩乾還增加了他們活命的機會:For animals, shaking is not just about getting themselves dry. It is also about saving their lives.(A)動物們都是從頭甩到尾巴。"animal.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】23. Why was Mary angry with Bob?(A) He took away her story book. (B) He hurt Mary.(C) He didn’t


Mary was disturbed when she was reading books because Bob’s plane fell on her book.

Bob, Mary and their parents were in the living room last night. Bob was playing with his toy plane. He took out a piece of paper, drew some interesting pictures on it, and then made it into a plane. To make it fly higher, he had to stand on a high chair, throw out the paper plane, and jump down to the ground to pick it up. Mary was reading storybooks on the sofa. She looked angry when Bob’s toy plane fell on her book. Mr. And Mrs. Wang were watching the basketball game on TV and eating some pumpkin pies. What a happy night for the Wang family! 

【評論主題】【題組】8.Which is true? (A)Students study for 3 hours. (B)Students surf the Internet for 2 hours. (C)St

【評論內容】(A)Students study for 3 hours.  2 hours(B)Students surf the Internet for 2 hours. 4 hour.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】9. We can expect _____ temperatures and calm conditions in the central and southern regions for at l

【評論內容】我們可以預期至少接下來三天,在中南部地區的天氣概況是溫和平靜的。(A) accidental (a.) 意外的,偶然的(B) mode.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】9. We can expect _____ temperatures and calm conditions in the central and southern regions for at l

【評論內容】我們可以預期至少接下來三天,在中南部地區的天氣概況是溫和平靜的。(A) accidental (a.) 意外的,偶然的(B) mode.....










【評論主題】【題組】51. Which of the following best serves as the title of the passage?(A) Reforesting an Ancient Tr

【評論內容】The question is not associated with the texts.

【評論主題】Who first ___________ the idea of building nuclear power plants?(A)conceive (B)consent (C)contend (D

【評論內容】補充:conceive 也有懷胎的意思

【評論主題】Was Ben Jason  __________ with Shakespeare?(A)consent(B)consolidate(C)contend(D)contemporary

【評論內容】的確有contemporary with的用法:alive or existing at the same time as a particular event or person

【評論主題】微小的(adj.)(A) slight(B) remote(C) 皆是(D) 皆非

【評論內容】Remote can mean "not likely to happen"

【評論主題】There have been demands _____ as chairman of the board, but he won't accept them.(A) for Mr. Am

【評論內容】demand that (should) V. ...

【評論主題】教師在教學或輔導的過程中對學生所抱持的特定期望,常常會對學生的自我期望及行為產生影響,進而導致學生實現教師對學生的期望。這是什麼現象? (A)比馬龍效應(B)霍桑效應(C)閃光燈效應(D)萊斯拖夫效應



萊斯托夫效應(Restorff effect):反應學習材料的獨特性,對於記憶和遺忘的影響。最初的例子是:在人數眾多的宴會上,行列中有名身高2m的來賓往往突出眾人印象。社交上,有些人為了增加別人對他的印象,總在服裝或言行上表現突出。廣告上亦如此,我們會記得蕭敬騰的『按。光。叫』是因為他的主題/情境有顯著的突出性,不容易被遺忘。教學上,可應用的方式是不同顏色的粉筆標示重點,講義文字的粗體/斜體變化,讓特定教材內容受到矚目。