【評論主題】40 I will________away some of my old clothes to people in need. (A) give


I will ________ away some of my old clothes to people in need.

【評論主題】39 The new word processing software can________the total number of words and lines in a document.


The new word processing software can ________ the total number of words and lines in a document.

【評論主題】37 It is reported that one violent crime________every three hours in some countries. (A) agre


It is reported that one violent crime ________ every three hours in some countries.




Tim wore a very ________ mask at the Halloween parade and scared many children.

【評論主題】26 關於行政程序法規定之公法上請求權,下列敘述何者錯誤? (A)公法上之請求權於請求權人為行政機關時,原則上因 5 年間不行使而消滅 (B)公法上請求權之時效,因行政機關為實現


第 131 條


【評論主題】33 原住民地區之各級政府機關、公立學校及公營事業機構,進用須具公務人員任用資格者,根據原住民族工 作權保障法的規定,其進用原住民人數應不得低於現有員額的多少比率? (A)百分之


第 5 條


【評論主題】31 1989 年 11 月聯合國通過兒童權利公約,為維護兒童權利提出四大原則,下列何者非屬之? (A)尊重多元文化原則 (B)禁止歧視原則



【評論主題】26 符合特殊境遇家庭之規定而申請緊急生活扶助者,每人每次的補助以多久期間為原則? (A) 12 個月 (B) 9 個月 (C) 6 個月


第 6 條


【評論主題】37.依照「休閒農業輔導管理辦法」規定,休閒農場中農業用地占比 不得低於全場總面積多少比例? (A)70% (B)80% (C)90% (D)95%

【評論內容】第 17 條設置休閒農場之農業用地占全場總面積不得低於百分之九十,且應符合下列規定:

【評論主題】21. What is the best title for the passage? (A) Age-old philosophical questions (B) Ways to practice

【評論內容】你的杯子是半空還是半滿? 你如何回答這個關於正向思考的古老問題可能會反映你的人生觀、你對自己的態度以及你是樂觀還是悲觀,甚至可能影響你的健康。 事實上,一些研究表明,樂觀和悲觀等性格特徵會影響您健康和福祉的許多方面。 通常伴隨樂觀而來的正向思考是有效壓力管理的關鍵部分。 有效的壓力管理與許多健康益處有關。 如果您傾向於悲觀,請不要絕望。 您可以學習正向思考的技能。         正向思考並不代表你忽略生活中不太愉快的情況。 正向思考只是意味著你以更積極、更有成效的方式處理不愉快的事情。 您可以學習將消極思維轉變為積極思維。 這個過程很簡單,但確實需要時間和練習。 如果你想變得更加樂觀並進行更積極的思考,首先要確定你生活中經常產生消極想法的領域,無論是工作、日常通勤、生活變化還是人際關係。 您可以從小事做起,專注於一個領域,以更積極的方式處理。 想出一個正面的想法來管理你的壓力,而不是負面的想法。 此外,目標是在一周的大部分時間鍛煉 30 分鐘左右。 運動可以積極影響情緒並減輕壓力。 遵循健康的飲食習慣,為您的身心提供能量。 足夠的睡眠。 並學習管理壓力的技巧。 接下來,讓自己周圍都是正面的人。 確保你生活中的人都是積極的、支持你的人,你可以依靠他們來提供有用的建議和回饋。 消極的人可能會增加您的壓力水平,並使您懷疑自己以健康方式管理壓力的能力。 最後,練習積極的自言自語。 先遵循一個簡單的規則:不要對自己說任何你不會對別人說的話。 溫柔地鼓勵自己。 如果你的腦海中出現了負面的想法,請理性地評估它,並以肯定你的優點來回應。 想想生活中你值得感激的事。 What is the best title for the passage?

【評論主題】20. (A) dilution (B) fence (C) chapter (D) wafer

【評論內容】(A) dilution 稀釋(B) fence 圍欄(C) chapter 章節(D) wafer 晶圓

【評論主題】19. (A) emergence (B) criteria (C) trial (D) attention

【評論內容】(A) emergence 緊急情況(B) criteria 標準(C) trial 審判(D) attention 注意

【評論主題】18. (A) released (B) invented (C) improved (D) replaced

【評論內容】(A) released 釋放 發佈(B) invented 發明(C) improved 改進(D) replaced 替換

【評論主題】41 The global economy has shown a general_______ toward inflation and higher unemployment.(A)expedie

【評論內容】The global economy ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】8. Our homeroom teacher was _________ when she knew two students skipped class and smoked on campus.

【評論內容】8. Our homeroom teacher was _________ when she knew two students skipped class and smoked on campus.

【評論主題】7. Feeling like an outsider in the family, John doesn’t know how to chat with his siblings easily an

【評論內容】7. Feeling like an outsider in the family, John doesn’t know how to chat with his siblings easily and always has a sense of _________.

【評論主題】13. It is dangerous for us to ________ without grasping the whole picture. We need to clarify all th

【評論內容】13. It is dangerous for us to ________ without grasping the whole picture. We need to clarify all the uncertain points before we make decisions.

【評論主題】11. The novelist ________ many speech invitations to concentrate on writing his next new novel.(A) b

【評論內容】11. The novelist ________ many speech invitations to concentrate on writing his next new novel.

【評論主題】10. On Christmas Eve, all flights were cancelled _______ the heavy snowstorm. Many tourists were dis

【評論內容】10. On Christmas Eve, all flights were cancelled _______ the heavy snowstorm. Many tourists were disappointed about the delay of their family reunion.

【評論主題】9. After the cruel murder, all the elementary schools should take measures to ________ anyone suspic

【評論內容】9. After the cruel murder, all the elementary schools should take measures to ________ anyone suspicious from entering the campus.

【評論主題】6. The capable student was ________ the chairperson of the Student Association. He will be in charge

【評論內容】6. The capable student was ________ the chairperson of the Student Association. He will be in charge of the coming school anniversary.

【評論主題】5. You will get sunburned if you are ________ to the scorching sun for too long without applying sun

【評論內容】5. You will get sunburned if you are ________ to the scorching sun for too long without applying sunscreen.

【評論主題】4. In the Indian culture, cows are thought to be _______ animals. They are respected in religious ac

【評論內容】4. In the Indian culture, cows are thought to be _______ animals. They are respected in religious activities.在印度文化中,牛被認為是_______動物。 他們在宗教活動中受到尊重。

【評論主題】3. Chen Shu-Chu is a person of _______ character. Although she is just a vegetable vendor, she donat

【評論內容】3. Chen Shu-Chu is a person of _______ character. Although she is just a vegetable vendor, she donates lots of money to the charitable organizations without expecting anything in return.陳樹菊是個具有_______品行的人。 雖然她只是個菜販,但她卻為慈善機構捐了很多錢,不求任何回報。

【評論主題】1. There is a sign saying “No trespassing.” This area is a private place, so people cannot enter thi

【評論內容】1. There is a sign saying “No trespassing.” This area is a private place, so people cannot enter this place without the owner’s _________.

【評論主題】14 The furniture company already committed to making all its new products from eco-friendly, renewab

【評論內容】The furniture compan☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】12 Whole fruits and vegetables_______their vitamins and other nutrients longer than those that have

【評論內容】Whole fruits and veg☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】13 Injuries and death can be effectively prevented if more harsh_______are to be enforced on drunk d

【評論內容】Injuries and death c☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】18 (A) insure (B) please (C) obtain (D) release

【評論內容】(A) insure 保險(B) ple☆☆☆ ★ ★★...

【評論主題】【題組】20 (A) prices (B) sales (C) temperatures (D) groceries

【評論內容】(A) prices 價格(B) sales 銷售

【評論主題】【題組】17 (A) accompanied (B) imitated (C) transported (D) trapped

【評論內容】(A) accompanied 陪伴(B) imitated 模仿

【評論主題】11 Influenza is a highly_______disease. It can easily be passed on to people around.(A) influential

【評論內容】Influenza is a highl☆ _______ ...

【評論主題】15 About 600 residents were safely evacuated from their village before the volcano started to_______

【評論內容】About 600 residents were safely evacuated from their village before the volcano started to _______ .

【評論主題】10 You had better not drink that milk. I think it_______several days ago.(A) inspired (B) retired (C

【評論內容】You had better not d☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】9 Good_______helps a business to build better relationships with its customers.(A) credibility (B) t

【評論內容】Good _______ helps ☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】8 Mexico has always had all the elements of an_______vacation destination: fantastic beaches andbeau

【評論內容】Mexico has always ha☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】6 Every new employee is required to get familiar with the entire product_______ in one week.(A) conv

【評論內容】Every new employee i☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】5 Only people wearing_______ clothing can be admitted to the graduation ceremony.(A) decent (B) dipl

【評論內容】Only people wearing _______ ...

【評論主題】43 The _____ Festival, which is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the Lunar New Year,

【評論內容】The _____ Festival, ☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】40 Before buying stocks, it is important to _____ all of the risks and profits involved.(A) assess (

【評論內容】Before buying stocks, ☆☆ ☆☆ ...

【評論主題】29 有關枉法裁判罪之罪質,下列何者正確?(A)純正身分犯 (B)集合犯 (C)實害犯 (D)繼續犯

【評論內容】刑法第 125 條有追訴或處罰犯罪職務之...


【評論內容】行政執行法第 28 條 前條所稱之間接強...


【評論內容】訴願法第 97 條 於有左列各款情形之一★,...


【評論內容】公務人員保障法第 85 條保障★★★★★,...


【評論內容】行政執行法第 9 條 義務人或利害關係人...


【評論內容】行政執行法第 21 條 義務人或其他依法...


【評論內容】行政罰法第 27 條 行政罰之裁處權,因...


【評論內容】公務人員任用法第 28 條 有下列情事之★★...


【評論內容】行政程序法第 154 條 行政機關擬訂法...




【評論內容】公務員懲戒法   第 9 條   公務員...