【評論主題】88. Which of the following endogenous DNA-damaging reactions occurs most frequently in cells?(A) dep

【評論內容】此題在問發生率最高的 DNA-damaging reaction,而非問最嚴 重。根據 Mathews’s Biochemistry 4th edt 有一表列出depurination為最常發生的DNA damage。

【評論主題】85. Retinoid acid ______.(A) can be converted to retinal in the body(B) participates in the synthesi

【評論內容】vitamin A與Retinoid acid為代謝上之上下游關係,但其各 有其他功能。

【評論主題】84. P53 ______.(A) belongs to oncogene(B) regulates the activity of E2F transcription factor(C) cann


P53角色: (B) regulates the activity of E2F transcription factor 與 (E) acts as a transcription factor to regulate cell cycle 均可。因此答案應更正為 (B)&(E)

【評論主題】83. Which statement about the chain elongation of vertebrate fatty acids is NOT true?(A) It occurs o

【評論內容】因為 FA synthase只能合成至 16C FA,本題 Chain elongation 指合成更長的 FA,此過程乃在 ER及 Mitochrondria進行。

【評論主題】79. Which statement about energy metabolism in patients with type I diabetes mellitus and poor blood

【評論內容】Type Ⅰ DM 產生 Ketone bodies 的原因 , 明顯因為無法從glucose 來補充能量 , 轉由 Lipid 代謝來源 。 而 Ketone bodies 替代 Glucose 做為能量來源之敘述並無不妥。

【評論主題】76. Which of the followings describes the initial bond formation in the covalent intermediate in the

【評論內容】76 本題在問 : initial bond formation , 因此維持 ( A ) 選項 。

【評論主題】80. A young boy is unusually tall and presents with joint laxity and retinal detachment. Examination

【評論內容】從 Collagen 結構每 3 個胺基酸便有一個 Gly (佔 35%),其又是 最小一個胺基酸,為形成 triple helix 所必須,當突變發生在 Gly,便導至 Collagen disease 。

【評論主題】78. What is an important component(s) to transport ammonia from skeletal muscles and the othertissue

【評論內容】Glutamate 從肝外組織運送 ammonium ion , 必須先轉給Glutamine 。

【評論主題】74. There are cholesterols and cholesterol esters in LDL. How and where are cholesterol estersgenera

【評論內容】74 Cholesterol esters 乃在 bloodstream 中利用 lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase 從 TG 上轉移一個 Acyl group 至 Cholesterol 來形成 Cholesterol ester。

【評論主題】70. How many items of the followings have the activity of proof-reading to reduce the error rate inb

【評論內容】70 DNA polymerase 、 amino-acyl tRNA synthase, EIongation Factor-Tu 、 Klenow fragment 等 4 種具有 proof-reading 雖然 RNA polymerase ⅠⅠ 有被討論 , 但在 Lehninger 8 edt 仍不認為 。 所以仍維持 4 種。

【評論主題】69. How many of the followings are ketogenic amino acid in human?Asp; Phe; Arg; Val; His; Thr; Lys.(

【評論內容】ketogenic amino acid: Phe; Thr; Lys 等3種。其中Thr屬於Ketogenic與Glucogenic均可。

【評論主題】66. Which of following statements is NOT true regarding the lysozyme’s Phillips mechanism?(A) Glu 35

【評論內容】選項 (B) lysozyme can take six residues of monosaccharides乃作用在其Substrate上之6個單醣。

【評論主題】29. What substance(s) can affect the concentration of calcium ions inside the cell, an importantseco

【評論內容】29 Ca2+ 濃度由Phosphatidylinositol and phospholipase C 來調控,從ER釋出。Ca2+  進一步作為second messenger,與calmodulin及calmodulin-dependent protein kinases結合,進一步調控下游基因。

【評論主題】32. 下列反應的主要產物為何? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)送分


本題答案實為誤植,本題送分。 本題送分

【評論主題】31. 以下之複合離子中哪個會吸收最長波長的光?(A) (B) (C) (D)



【評論主題】24. We have 206 bones and we are ________ seventy-three percent water.(A) made into (B) comprised of

【評論內容】正確答案是 (B) comprised ☆☆。"☆☆ ...

【評論主題】43. 下列何者不屬於免疫檢查點(immune checkpoint)蛋白?(A) PD-L1 (B) CTLA4 (C) CD27 (D) CD133

【評論內容】考古題18. ★★★(☆☆☆☆☆ ☆....

【評論主題】49. The native PAGE for a purified protein sample is shown below. Which lanes arelikely to be the SD

【評論內容】在 Native PAGE 中觀察到的蛋白質為 160 kDa。如果該蛋白質由一個 60 kDa 和一個 100 kDa 的 subunit組成,則在 SDS PAGE 上可以觀察到同一條 lane 中有兩條 band,分別位於 60 kDa 和 100 kDa 位置。維持原答案 (D)

【評論主題】45.The Ga subunit of GTP-binding proteins in G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) commonly has the fo

【評論內容】45同意考生的提問 (A)或(B)均可45同意考生的提問 (A)或(B)均可

【評論主題】44. Which of the following statements about glycogen synthesis is incorrect?(A) The initiation of gl

【評論內容】答案(B)是問 glycogenin 可以形成約七個葡萄醣的鏈。考生提出的證據是指後續如要增加醣鏈的長度維持原來的答案(D)時,需要原有多少個醣的醣鏈,跟題目的原意不同。原來答案沒有問題(考生可參考如 Wikipedia 的glycogenin)。

【評論主題】27. The nucleotide sequences of the p53 gene showed a single amino acid change inthe tumor mass, whi

【評論內容】Stem cell-like cancer cell(幹細胞樣癌細胞),同時具有幹細胞和癌細胞的特徵,並保有自我更新和分化能力。細胞能跳脫細胞週期限制而不斷增生,不能就被稱為 Stem cell-like。原題目指出定序後發現 p53 單一胺基酸改變,p53可能失去正常成功或獲得非預期功能進而促使癌症產生,能促使癌細胞適應自身與環境壓力及增加存活。最為合適的答案為(A)、(C)在 Membranes 2022, 12(2), 202; Front Oncol.2020; 10: 595187 也指出: Mutant p53 通過改變正常的細胞分泌組,藉由旁分泌/自分泌信號、ECM 重塑、吸引基質細胞進入癌組織等機制協助促癌腫瘤微環境的建立。因此(B)也可。(A)、(B)、(C)均可

【評論主題】22. Electrocardiogram, abbreviated as ECG or EKG, is a biological test used to convertthe activities

【評論內容】ECG 為復合波,心室去極化開始在 QRS-T segment。 維持原答案 (D)

【評論主題】23. Which of the following cell organelles is NOT correctly matched with its function?(A) Centrosome


(C) 在動物細胞中, peroxisomes 通過 β-氧化作用氧化脂肪酸, long chain and very long chain fatty acids(LCFAs and VLCFAs)優先被過氧化物酶體氧化。 JBiol Chem. 1999 Jul 2;274(27):19228-36; Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 73 (1976), pp. 2043-2046; Annu. Rev. Nutr., 14 (1994), pp. 343-370; Neurochem. Res.,24 (1999), pp. 551-563。(D) Endoplasmic Reticulum - the production of lipids and proteins

【評論主題】26. T cell activation requires the formation of a transient cell-cell contact calledimmunological sy

【評論內容】題目提及活化的 T 細胞會合成分泌大量 IL-2,IL-2作用在自身上為 T 細胞增殖所需,這個現象稱為Autocrine action。T 細胞活化需要樹突細胞提供 2個訊號: (1) MHC:petide (DC) to TCR (T); (2)CD80/CD86 (DC) to CD28 (T)。

【評論主題】22. Determine the number of isomers for the [Co(NH3)2(H2O)2BrCl]+ complex.(A)3 (B)4 (C)5 (D) 6 (E) 7

【評論內容】22 該結構有六個 structural ☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】17. Watching television is part of the everyday life of the viewers. It is not,as is sometimes sugge

【評論內容】1. 本大題是要選擇出文法錯誤,選項 E ”surrounding” 為可屬名詞,應作 surroundings,因此答案為 E2. 考生提問指選項 D “in perfect quiet”中的 quiet 為形容詞,而認為是錯誤。然而 quiet 這個字可以是形容詞也可以是名詞,並不一定要加上 ness 才能作為名詞。請參考 Definition of quiet from the Cambridge Advanced Learner'sDictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)查找”quiet”一字的說明。以下摘錄其名詞用法的說明:quietnoun [ U ]UK /ˈkwaɪ.әt/ US /ˈkwaɪ.әt/B2the state of being silent:Let's have some quiet!I go camping for some peace and quiet (= absence of activity and excitement).

【評論主題】13. Perhaps most notable were her efforts to bring about an end to violence in the Balkans, and she

【評論內容】1. 本大題是要選擇出文法錯誤,所以選擇答案C,原因是因為此句型為形容詞加上介系詞,後面的動詞應該為 Ving,而C裡頭的動詞 push 並沒有加上 ing。2. 考生提問指選項 A 有疑義,其理由為 most notable 是最高級的用法,所以應該要在最高級的前面加上 “the”,並且以The Farlex Grammar Book 中的最高級範例,以及 Goodreads的例句做例子。但是 most 本來也可以作為 “very”使用,意指 “to a very great degree”,並非一定只有最高級的用法。比如說 Cambridge Dictionary 裡頭,就有此一解釋,例句為: “It was a most beautiful morning.” 所以 A 選項並非錯誤。請參考 the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)查看”most”一字的說明

【評論主題】【題組】44. What is the author's attitude toward Al in this passage?(A) Optimistic, because it is d


本篇閱讀測驗主旨在說明新的 AI(NooK)與傳統的 AI 不一樣的原因。第一段結尾就提出後者對人類的貢獻有限。第二段透過說明橋牌的遊戲規則凸顯 NooK 與傳統 AI的差異。第三段說明 NooK造成差異的關鍵。第四段說明 Donald Michie 心目中 AI 的理想境界為何,而 NooK 的運作與 Michie 的想法一致。第五段進一步說明 NooK 如何實現 Michie 的想法。最後一段的「主題句」“Technologies build trust if they are understandable”再次回應第二段 NooK 在橋牌的特有規則下戰勝世界級橋牌高手的關鍵,並以“NooK will be a world changing technology if it lives up to the promise of solving problem and explaining how it does so”結尾。整篇文章的發展以 NooK 的發明為基調,輔以傳統 AI 不足之處,強調 NooK 為 AI 的發展帶來曙光(“the promise of solving problem and explaining how it does so”)。所以作者的態度樂觀,應無疑義。選項(C) indifferent 指「不感興趣的」、「不關心的」、「冷淡的」,若作者的態度「不感興趣」、「冷淡」就不會大費周章說明 NooK 有別其他 AI 之處,也不會說明理想 AI 是甚麼樣貌。維持原公布答案(B)

【評論主題】【題組】42. What can be inferred from this passage?(A)   This is an international campaign.(B)   Medical


The passage states that the healthcare sector has a global greenhouse gas contribution of 4.4% and that more than 60 governments, making up more than 47% of net global health care emissions have committed to low-carbon health systems. This suggests that healthcare is a significant source of greenhouse emissions and that there is a global effort to reduce these emissions. 正確答案是A)這是一個國際運動。文章說明需要針對氣候危機進行全球行動,而醫療保健是一個重要的行業,其全球溫室氣體排放貢獻率為4.4%。文章也提到,超過60個國家已承諾實施低碳醫療保健系統,這可作為這是國際運動的證據[more than 60 governments have committed to low-carbon health systems, indicating that this is a global effort.]。因此,選項A是可以從文章中得到的最合理推斷。

【評論主題】7. The shortage of blood donors makes the council appeal_______blood donation.(A) to(B) for(C) again

【評論內容】appeal 用法如下: appeal to 某人或 appeal for 某事,因為此題空格後是 blood donation,並非人,故正確答案為(B) for。英文亦有 appeal to one’s sense of loyalty 之用法,to 後面不接某人,但這種用法,appeal to 後面應接某人的某種抽象感受,如 one’s sense of loyalty,指的是訴諸某人的某種抽象的東西(如:忠誠),但此題空格後是 blood donation,非忠誠之類的抽象的事物,故(A) to 非正確答案。

【評論主題】89. Several classes of hydrolases are localized in_________.(A) Golgi vesicle(B) lysosomes(C) late e

【評論內容】The question mentions that “Several classes” of hydrolases, does not mean single hydrolase.Lysosomes contain more than 70 hydrolases and are the major location for degradation of both intracellular and extracellular macromolecules, including protein, glycogen, lipid and nucleotides.Reference: Biochemistry, by Roger Miesfeld and Megan McEvoy, 2017 (ISBN: 9780393977264), page 719, 852-853Current methods to analyze lysosome morphology, positioning, motility and function. Traffic. Vol 23,

【評論主題】85. People who can have relatively high level of pyruvate in their blood due to_________;what enzyme

【評論內容】Pyruvate oxidation to acetyl-CoA is catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH complex). It is an oxidative decarboxylation, which is virtually irreversible involving three enzymes and five coenzymes. Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), one of the cofactor in pyruvate dehydrogenase, participates in decarboxylation of pyruvate, yielding hydroxyethyl-TPP for next step. In clinical study, patients with PDH complex deficiency elevate plasma pyruvate levels.The pyruvate carboxylase reaction requires the vitamin biotin, which is the prosthetic group of the enzyme. But lacking biotin or pyruvate carboxylate does not cause high level of pyruvate in their blood.Reference: Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency: updating the clinical, metabolic and mutational landscapes in a cohort of Portuguese patients. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2020) 15:298維持原公布答案(C)

【評論主題】82. Dietary polysaccharides are metabolized by________to monosaccharides; intracellular carbohydrate

【評論內容】Glycogen phosphorylase phosphorylates and removes glucose from non-reducing end of glycogen until it reaches to branch point. Major degradation of glycogen releases Glucose-1-P (~90%), which is phosphorylated “monosaccharide”. Thus, the answer should be (B)Reference:Biochemistry, by Roger Miesfeld and Megan McEvoy, 2017 (ISBN: 9780393977264), page 706-707維持原公布答案 (B)

【評論主題】78. The process of "sugar modification" to proteins starts in the_________?(A) endoplasmic

【評論內容】The most of proteins are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and undergo glycosylation. Glycoproteins take place within lumen of endoplasmic reticulum. Some of O-glycosylation occur in theGolgi complex. However, the question asks general “sugar modification of protein starts”. Thus, it should be still in endoplasmic reticulum.Reference: Biochemistry, by Roger Miesfeld and Megan McEvoy, 2017 (ISBN: 9780393977264), page 648維持原公布答案(A)

【評論主題】77, Which of the following nucleoside analogs is used against HIV?(A) 2',3'-Dideoxycytidin


AZT is the earliest and the most common nucleoside analog for treating patients with HIV. This question does not mention “the earliest and the most common”. Thus, the other nucleoside analogs are correct answers as well.更正原公布答案—本題正確答案為(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)、(E),選(A)或(B)或(C)或(D)或(E)均給分。

【評論主題】70. Which amino acid is the common donor for methyl transfer?(A) Met(B) Ala(C)Gly(D) Ser(E) Lys

【評論內容】In the “Biochemistry” textbook and several reports as below mentioned that S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) is a universal methyl donor for various molecules, such as DNA, protein, metabolite as shown below.Serine provides methylene group for tetrahydrofolate(THF) to generate N5, N10-methylene tetrahydrofolate, which serves as a methyl donor for dUMP, Thus, serine is not a common methyl donor.Reference: Biochemistry, by Roger Miesfeld and Megan McEvoy, 2017 (ISBN:9780393977264), page 331-332, 886-887. 930 (legend of figure 18.33)Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase Interacts with Enzymes of the Methionine Cycle and Regulates Methyl Donor Metabolism.Biochemistry 2018, 57, 40, 5775–5779The Role of Methyl Donors of the Methionine Cycle in Gastrointestinal Infection and Inflammation. Healthcare vol. 10,1 61. 29 Dec. 2021, 維持原公布答案(A)

【評論主題】48. Which of the following statements about fungi is true? I. They are eukaryotic. Ⅱ. They all have


【評論主題】39. After the emergency surgeries, the plasma potassium level of this patient appeared slightly high

【評論內容】高血鉀引發心律不整(Cardiac arrhythmias)過快或緩慢及肌肉無力。因為題目設定狀況未明,故(A)、(B)、(C)都有可能。因此答案為(A)、(B)、(C)。更正原公布答案—本題正確答案為(A)、(B)、(C),選(A)或(B)或(C)均給分

【評論主題】34. What is the general sequential steps of human urine production?(A) Filtration→ secretion → reabs

【評論內容】請詳見 Biology, A global approach, 12 Ed. Campbell, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Orr. Chapt 44, pp 1036-1043.Figure 44.8 Key steps of excretory system function:an overview.維持原公布答案(D)

【評論主題】18. Each round of the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA cycle) produces_________.(1) two molecules of ca

【評論內容】Succinyl-CoA synthetase (SCS) catalyzes succinyl-CoA to produce succinate and GTP/ATP. In mammals, SCS is a heterodimer and is located within the mitochondria. Two different isoforms exist: one is ATP-specific (ATPSCS; EC and the other is GTP-specific (GTPSCS; EC Thus, A and C are correct.Reference: Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 8/e, David L. Nelson; Michael M. Cox; Aaron A.Hoskins, W. H. Freeman, 8version, Nov. 2021, page: 585Structure of GTP-specific succinyl-CoA synthetase in complex with CoA. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 2015;71(Pt 8):1067- 1071. doi:10.1107/S2053230X15011188更正原公布答案—本題正確答案為(A)、(C),選(A)或(C)均給分

【評論主題】9. The destination of ubiquitinated proteins in cytosol is__________.(A)lysosome(B)autophagosome(C)

【評論內容】胞質內的可溶性蛋白經泛素化後、最終會被送往 proteasome 降解。胞膜或胞器膜上的非可溶性蛋白或稱 membrane associated protein 會被標上單一泛素後經內膜傳輸系統送進 lysosome 或經由自噬作用經由 autophagosome 與 lysosome 融合後被降解。本題中細胞質內的泛素化蛋白乃指前者,故維持原答案。

【評論主題】88. Which of the following endogenous DNA-damaging reactions occurs most frequently in cells?(A) dep

【評論內容】此題在問發生率最高的 DNA-damaging reaction,而非問最嚴 重。根據 Mathews’s Biochemistry 4th edt 有一表列出depurination為最常發生的DNA damage。

【評論主題】85. Retinoid acid ______.(A) can be converted to retinal in the body(B) participates in the synthesi

【評論內容】vitamin A與Retinoid acid為代謝上之上下游關係,但其各 有其他功能。

【評論主題】84. P53 ______.(A) belongs to oncogene(B) regulates the activity of E2F transcription factor(C) cann


P53角色: (B) regulates the activity of E2F transcription factor 與 (E) acts as a transcription factor to regulate cell cycle 均可。因此答案應更正為 (B)&(E)

【評論主題】83. Which statement about the chain elongation of vertebrate fatty acids is NOT true?(A) It occurs o

【評論內容】因為 FA synthase只能合成至 16C FA,本題 Chain elongation 指合成更長的 FA,此過程乃在 ER及 Mitochrondria進行。

【評論主題】80. A young boy is unusually tall and presents with joint laxity and retinal detachment. Examination

【評論內容】從 Collagen 結構每 3 個胺基酸便有一個 Gly (佔 35%),其又是 最小一個胺基酸,為形成 triple helix 所必須,當突變發生在 Gly,便導至 Collagen disease 。

【評論主題】79. Which statement about energy metabolism in patients with type I diabetes mellitus and poor blood

【評論內容】Type Ⅰ DM 產生 Ketone bodies 的原因 , 明顯因為無法從glucose 來補充能量 , 轉由 Lipid 代謝來源 。 而 Ketone bodies 替代 Glucose 做為能量來源之敘述並無不妥。

【評論主題】78. What is an important component(s) to transport ammonia from skeletal muscles and the othertissue

【評論內容】Glutamate 從肝外組織運送 ammonium ion , 必須先轉給Glutamine 。

【評論主題】76. Which of the followings describes the initial bond formation in the covalent intermediate in the

【評論內容】76 本題在問 : initial bond formation , 因此維持 ( A ) 選項 。

【評論主題】74. There are cholesterols and cholesterol esters in LDL. How and where are cholesterol estersgenera

【評論內容】74 Cholesterol esters 乃在 bloodstream 中利用 lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase 從 TG 上轉移一個 Acyl group 至 Cholesterol 來形成 Cholesterol ester。

【評論主題】70. How many items of the followings have the activity of proof-reading to reduce the error rate inb

【評論內容】70 DNA polymerase 、 amino-acyl tRNA synthase, EIongation Factor-Tu 、 Klenow fragment 等 4 種具有 proof-reading 雖然 RNA polymerase ⅠⅠ 有被討論 , 但在 Lehninger 8 edt 仍不認為 。 所以仍維持 4 種。

【評論主題】69. How many of the followings are ketogenic amino acid in human?Asp; Phe; Arg; Val; His; Thr; Lys.(

【評論內容】ketogenic amino acid: Phe; Thr; Lys 等3種。其中Thr屬於Ketogenic與Glucogenic均可。

【評論主題】66. Which of following statements is NOT true regarding the lysozyme’s Phillips mechanism?(A) Glu 35

【評論內容】選項 (B) lysozyme can take six residues of monosaccharides乃作用在其Substrate上之6個單醣。

【評論主題】29. What substance(s) can affect the concentration of calcium ions inside the cell, an importantseco

【評論內容】29 Ca2+ 濃度由Phosphatidylinositol and phospholipase C 來調控,從ER釋出。Ca2+  進一步作為second messenger,與calmodulin及calmodulin-dependent protein kinases結合,進一步調控下游基因。

【評論主題】32. 下列反應的主要產物為何? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)送分


本題答案實為誤植,本題送分。 本題送分

【評論主題】31. 以下之複合離子中哪個會吸收最長波長的光?(A) (B) (C) (D)



【評論主題】24. We have 206 bones and we are ________ seventy-three percent water.(A) made into (B) comprised of

【評論內容】正確答案是 (B) comprised ☆☆。"☆☆ ...

【評論主題】43. 下列何者不屬於免疫檢查點(immune checkpoint)蛋白?(A) PD-L1 (B) CTLA4 (C) CD27 (D) CD133

【評論內容】考古題18. ★★★(☆☆☆☆☆ ☆....

【評論主題】49. The native PAGE for a purified protein sample is shown below. Which lanes arelikely to be the SD

【評論內容】在 Native PAGE 中觀察到的蛋白質為 160 kDa。如果該蛋白質由一個 60 kDa 和一個 100 kDa 的 subunit組成,則在 SDS PAGE 上可以觀察到同一條 lane 中有兩條 band,分別位於 60 kDa 和 100 kDa 位置。維持原答案 (D)

【評論主題】45.The Ga subunit of GTP-binding proteins in G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) commonly has the fo

【評論內容】45同意考生的提問 (A)或(B)均可45同意考生的提問 (A)或(B)均可

【評論主題】44. Which of the following statements about glycogen synthesis is incorrect?(A) The initiation of gl

【評論內容】答案(B)是問 glycogenin 可以形成約七個葡萄醣的鏈。考生提出的證據是指後續如要增加醣鏈的長度維持原來的答案(D)時,需要原有多少個醣的醣鏈,跟題目的原意不同。原來答案沒有問題(考生可參考如 Wikipedia 的glycogenin)。

【評論主題】27. The nucleotide sequences of the p53 gene showed a single amino acid change inthe tumor mass, whi

【評論內容】Stem cell-like cancer cell(幹細胞樣癌細胞),同時具有幹細胞和癌細胞的特徵,並保有自我更新和分化能力。細胞能跳脫細胞週期限制而不斷增生,不能就被稱為 Stem cell-like。原題目指出定序後發現 p53 單一胺基酸改變,p53可能失去正常成功或獲得非預期功能進而促使癌症產生,能促使癌細胞適應自身與環境壓力及增加存活。最為合適的答案為(A)、(C)在 Membranes 2022, 12(2), 202; Front Oncol.2020; 10: 595187 也指出: Mutant p53 通過改變正常的細胞分泌組,藉由旁分泌/自分泌信號、ECM 重塑、吸引基質細胞進入癌組織等機制協助促癌腫瘤微環境的建立。因此(B)也可。(A)、(B)、(C)均可

【評論主題】26. T cell activation requires the formation of a transient cell-cell contact calledimmunological sy

【評論內容】題目提及活化的 T 細胞會合成分泌大量 IL-2,IL-2作用在自身上為 T 細胞增殖所需,這個現象稱為Autocrine action。T 細胞活化需要樹突細胞提供 2個訊號: (1) MHC:petide (DC) to TCR (T); (2)CD80/CD86 (DC) to CD28 (T)。

【評論主題】23. Which of the following cell organelles is NOT correctly matched with its function?(A) Centrosome


(C) 在動物細胞中, peroxisomes 通過 β-氧化作用氧化脂肪酸, long chain and very long chain fatty acids(LCFAs and VLCFAs)優先被過氧化物酶體氧化。 JBiol Chem. 1999 Jul 2;274(27):19228-36; Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 73 (1976), pp. 2043-2046; Annu. Rev. Nutr., 14 (1994), pp. 343-370; Neurochem. Res.,24 (1999), pp. 551-563。(D) Endoplasmic Reticulum - the production of lipids and proteins

【評論主題】22. Electrocardiogram, abbreviated as ECG or EKG, is a biological test used to convertthe activities

【評論內容】ECG 為復合波,心室去極化開始在 QRS-T segment。 維持原答案 (D)

【評論主題】22. Determine the number of isomers for the [Co(NH3)2(H2O)2BrCl]+ complex.(A)3 (B)4 (C)5 (D) 6 (E) 7

【評論內容】22 該結構有六個 structural ☆☆☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】17. Watching television is part of the everyday life of the viewers. It is not,as is sometimes sugge

【評論內容】1. 本大題是要選擇出文法錯誤,選項 E ”surrounding” 為可屬名詞,應作 surroundings,因此答案為 E2. 考生提問指選項 D “in perfect quiet”中的 quiet 為形容詞,而認為是錯誤。然而 quiet 這個字可以是形容詞也可以是名詞,並不一定要加上 ness 才能作為名詞。請參考 Definition of quiet from the Cambridge Advanced Learner'sDictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)查找”quiet”一字的說明。以下摘錄其名詞用法的說明:quietnoun [ U ]UK /ˈkwaɪ.әt/ US /ˈkwaɪ.әt/B2the state of being silent:Let's have some quiet!I go camping for some peace and quiet (= absence of activity and excitement).

【評論主題】13. Perhaps most notable were her efforts to bring about an end to violence in the Balkans, and she

【評論內容】1. 本大題是要選擇出文法錯誤,所以選擇答案C,原因是因為此句型為形容詞加上介系詞,後面的動詞應該為 Ving,而C裡頭的動詞 push 並沒有加上 ing。2. 考生提問指選項 A 有疑義,其理由為 most notable 是最高級的用法,所以應該要在最高級的前面加上 “the”,並且以The Farlex Grammar Book 中的最高級範例,以及 Goodreads的例句做例子。但是 most 本來也可以作為 “very”使用,意指 “to a very great degree”,並非一定只有最高級的用法。比如說 Cambridge Dictionary 裡頭,就有此一解釋,例句為: “It was a most beautiful morning.” 所以 A 選項並非錯誤。請參考 the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)查看”most”一字的說明

【評論主題】【題組】44. What is the author's attitude toward Al in this passage?(A) Optimistic, because it is d


本篇閱讀測驗主旨在說明新的 AI(NooK)與傳統的 AI 不一樣的原因。第一段結尾就提出後者對人類的貢獻有限。第二段透過說明橋牌的遊戲規則凸顯 NooK 與傳統 AI的差異。第三段說明 NooK造成差異的關鍵。第四段說明 Donald Michie 心目中 AI 的理想境界為何,而 NooK 的運作與 Michie 的想法一致。第五段進一步說明 NooK 如何實現 Michie 的想法。最後一段的「主題句」“Technologies build trust if they are understandable”再次回應第二段 NooK 在橋牌的特有規則下戰勝世界級橋牌高手的關鍵,並以“NooK will be a world changing technology if it lives up to the promise of solving problem and explaining how it does so”結尾。整篇文章的發展以 NooK 的發明為基調,輔以傳統 AI 不足之處,強調 NooK 為 AI 的發展帶來曙光(“the promise of solving problem and explaining how it does so”)。所以作者的態度樂觀,應無疑義。選項(C) indifferent 指「不感興趣的」、「不關心的」、「冷淡的」,若作者的態度「不感興趣」、「冷淡」就不會大費周章說明 NooK 有別其他 AI 之處,也不會說明理想 AI 是甚麼樣貌。維持原公布答案(B)

【評論主題】【題組】42. What can be inferred from this passage?(A)   This is an international campaign.(B)   Medical


The passage states that the healthcare sector has a global greenhouse gas contribution of 4.4% and that more than 60 governments, making up more than 47% of net global health care emissions have committed to low-carbon health systems. This suggests that healthcare is a significant source of greenhouse emissions and that there is a global effort to reduce these emissions. 正確答案是A)這是一個國際運動。文章說明需要針對氣候危機進行全球行動,而醫療保健是一個重要的行業,其全球溫室氣體排放貢獻率為4.4%。文章也提到,超過60個國家已承諾實施低碳醫療保健系統,這可作為這是國際運動的證據[more than 60 governments have committed to low-carbon health systems, indicating that this is a global effort.]。因此,選項A是可以從文章中得到的最合理推斷。

【評論主題】7. The shortage of blood donors makes the council appeal_______blood donation.(A) to(B) for(C) again

【評論內容】appeal 用法如下: appeal to 某人或 appeal for 某事,因為此題空格後是 blood donation,並非人,故正確答案為(B) for。英文亦有 appeal to one’s sense of loyalty 之用法,to 後面不接某人,但這種用法,appeal to 後面應接某人的某種抽象感受,如 one’s sense of loyalty,指的是訴諸某人的某種抽象的東西(如:忠誠),但此題空格後是 blood donation,非忠誠之類的抽象的事物,故(A) to 非正確答案。

【評論主題】89. Several classes of hydrolases are localized in_________.(A) Golgi vesicle(B) lysosomes(C) late e

【評論內容】The question mentions that “Several classes” of hydrolases, does not mean single hydrolase.Lysosomes contain more than 70 hydrolases and are the major location for degradation of both intracellular and extracellular macromolecules, including protein, glycogen, lipid and nucleotides.Reference: Biochemistry, by Roger Miesfeld and Megan McEvoy, 2017 (ISBN: 9780393977264), page 719, 852-853Current methods to analyze lysosome morphology, positioning, motility and function. Traffic. Vol 23,

【評論主題】85. People who can have relatively high level of pyruvate in their blood due to_________;what enzyme

【評論內容】Pyruvate oxidation to acetyl-CoA is catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDH complex). It is an oxidative decarboxylation, which is virtually irreversible involving three enzymes and five coenzymes. Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), one of the cofactor in pyruvate dehydrogenase, participates in decarboxylation of pyruvate, yielding hydroxyethyl-TPP for next step. In clinical study, patients with PDH complex deficiency elevate plasma pyruvate levels.The pyruvate carboxylase reaction requires the vitamin biotin, which is the prosthetic group of the enzyme. But lacking biotin or pyruvate carboxylate does not cause high level of pyruvate in their blood.Reference: Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency: updating the clinical, metabolic and mutational landscapes in a cohort of Portuguese patients. Orphanet J Rare Dis (2020) 15:298維持原公布答案(C)

【評論主題】82. Dietary polysaccharides are metabolized by________to monosaccharides; intracellular carbohydrate

【評論內容】Glycogen phosphorylase phosphorylates and removes glucose from non-reducing end of glycogen until it reaches to branch point. Major degradation of glycogen releases Glucose-1-P (~90%), which is phosphorylated “monosaccharide”. Thus, the answer should be (B)Reference:Biochemistry, by Roger Miesfeld and Megan McEvoy, 2017 (ISBN: 9780393977264), page 706-707維持原公布答案 (B)

【評論主題】78. The process of "sugar modification" to proteins starts in the_________?(A) endoplasmic

【評論內容】The most of proteins are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and undergo glycosylation. Glycoproteins take place within lumen of endoplasmic reticulum. Some of O-glycosylation occur in theGolgi complex. However, the question asks general “sugar modification of protein starts”. Thus, it should be still in endoplasmic reticulum.Reference: Biochemistry, by Roger Miesfeld and Megan McEvoy, 2017 (ISBN: 9780393977264), page 648維持原公布答案(A)

【評論主題】77, Which of the following nucleoside analogs is used against HIV?(A) 2',3'-Dideoxycytidin


AZT is the earliest and the most common nucleoside analog for treating patients with HIV. This question does not mention “the earliest and the most common”. Thus, the other nucleoside analogs are correct answers as well.更正原公布答案—本題正確答案為(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)、(E),選(A)或(B)或(C)或(D)或(E)均給分。

【評論主題】70. Which amino acid is the common donor for methyl transfer?(A) Met(B) Ala(C)Gly(D) Ser(E) Lys

【評論內容】In the “Biochemistry” textbook and several reports as below mentioned that S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) is a universal methyl donor for various molecules, such as DNA, protein, metabolite as shown below.Serine provides methylene group for tetrahydrofolate(THF) to generate N5, N10-methylene tetrahydrofolate, which serves as a methyl donor for dUMP, Thus, serine is not a common methyl donor.Reference: Biochemistry, by Roger Miesfeld and Megan McEvoy, 2017 (ISBN:9780393977264), page 331-332, 886-887. 930 (legend of figure 18.33)Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase Interacts with Enzymes of the Methionine Cycle and Regulates Methyl Donor Metabolism.Biochemistry 2018, 57, 40, 5775–5779The Role of Methyl Donors of the Methionine Cycle in Gastrointestinal Infection and Inflammation. Healthcare vol. 10,1 61. 29 Dec. 2021, 維持原公布答案(A)

【評論主題】48. Which of the following statements about fungi is true? I. They are eukaryotic. Ⅱ. They all have


【評論主題】34. What is the general sequential steps of human urine production?(A) Filtration→ secretion → reabs

【評論內容】請詳見 Biology, A global approach, 12 Ed. Campbell, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Orr. Chapt 44, pp 1036-1043.Figure 44.8 Key steps of excretory system function:an overview.維持原公布答案(D)

【評論主題】39. After the emergency surgeries, the plasma potassium level of this patient appeared slightly high

【評論內容】高血鉀引發心律不整(Cardiac arrhythmias)過快或緩慢及肌肉無力。因為題目設定狀況未明,故(A)、(B)、(C)都有可能。因此答案為(A)、(B)、(C)。更正原公布答案—本題正確答案為(A)、(B)、(C),選(A)或(B)或(C)均給分

【評論主題】18. Each round of the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA cycle) produces_________.(1) two molecules of ca

【評論內容】Succinyl-CoA synthetase (SCS) catalyzes succinyl-CoA to produce succinate and GTP/ATP. In mammals, SCS is a heterodimer and is located within the mitochondria. Two different isoforms exist: one is ATP-specific (ATPSCS; EC and the other is GTP-specific (GTPSCS; EC Thus, A and C are correct.Reference: Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 8/e, David L. Nelson; Michael M. Cox; Aaron A.Hoskins, W. H. Freeman, 8version, Nov. 2021, page: 585Structure of GTP-specific succinyl-CoA synthetase in complex with CoA. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 2015;71(Pt 8):1067- 1071. doi:10.1107/S2053230X15011188更正原公布答案—本題正確答案為(A)、(C),選(A)或(C)均給分

【評論主題】9. The destination of ubiquitinated proteins in cytosol is__________.(A)lysosome(B)autophagosome(C)

【評論內容】胞質內的可溶性蛋白經泛素化後、最終會被送往 proteasome 降解。胞膜或胞器膜上的非可溶性蛋白或稱 membrane associated protein 會被標上單一泛素後經內膜傳輸系統送進 lysosome 或經由自噬作用經由 autophagosome 與 lysosome 融合後被降解。本題中細胞質內的泛素化蛋白乃指前者,故維持原答案。

【評論主題】40. 王元澤(王雱)數歲時,客有以一獐、一鹿同籠以問雱:「何者是獐?何者為鹿?」雱時未識,良久,對曰:「獐邊者是鹿,鹿邊者是獐。」客大奇之。 (沈括《夢溪筆談》)上文「客大奇之」的原因最可能是:(A


【評論主題】17 關於勞動基準法第 9 條之 1 離職後競業禁止期間之規定,下列敘述何者正確?(A)沒有任何規範,完全由雇主視實際需要約定 (B)最長不得逾 3 年。逾 3 年者,無效 (C)最長不得逾 1 年。










【評論主題】16 公開發行股票之 A 公司欲發行特別股,依公司法之規定,下列何者並非 A 公司得以發行之特別股種類?(A)優先分派股息及紅利之特別股 (B)股東無表決權之特別股 (C)優先分派公司賸餘財產之特別股

















【評論主題】74. How many of the following will raise the pH of a weak acid HA in aqueous solution?I. Addition of


題意為下列共有幾個選項會提高原弱酸(HA)水溶液的 pH 值。其選項 II 為加入 NaA(s)去製備緩衝溶液:原弱酸(HA)水溶液有較低的 pH 值,在加入 NaA(s)的過程中會提高其溶液的 pH 值, 因此(C)選項為正確選項。

【評論主題】71. The reaction “A + 2B → 2 C” exhibits the rate law as following: Rate = k [A][B] 2Which of the fo



(A) D → 2C 為速率決定步驟,並無法獲得 Rate=k[A][B]2

(B) D+A → 2C為速率決定步驟,也無法獲得 Rate=k[A][B]2


【評論主題】42. 下列反應生成主要產物結構為何? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)送分



【評論主題】62. What compound offers the one-carbon unit to produce N5, N10-methylene tetrahydrofolate in onecar


Glycine cleavage enzyme亦可將Glycine分解產生methylene,進行N5,N10-methylene tetrahydrofolate合成。因此更改選項B,E均可。BE 均可

【評論主題】22. Which of the following coenzymes is required for methionine synthase?(A) methylcobalamin (B) pyr


Methylcobalamin 和tetrahydrofolic acid 均扮演 Methioninesynthase的coenzyme,因此選項AC均可。 AC 均可

【評論主題】35. 正丁基苯在質譜分析中經由 McLafferty 重排斷裂所產生的離子其 m/z 為何?(A) 77 (B) 91 (C) 92 (D) 134


正丁基苯在質譜分析中經由 McLafferty 重排斷裂所產生的離子其 m/z 為92。(如下圖所示)雖然在質譜分析中亦會有 m/z = 91 的訊號峰,但此訊號峰並非來自 McLafferty 重排,所以答案為(C) 92。

【評論主題】33. 下列反應生成主要產物結構為何? (A) (B) (C) (D)


本題中二級溴化物和銀離子反應形成形成溴化銀沈澱與二級碳正離子(carboncation)。此二級碳正離子會進行 1,2-hydride 重排反應形成三級碳正離子此碳正離子亦是 benzylic carbocation,然後醋酸根離子跟此碳正離子進行 SN1 反應得到產物。

【評論主題】29. 與「不足掛齒」的「不足」,意思相同的選項是:(A) 斷長續短,損有餘,益「不足」 (B) 公與吾同心,天下「不足」平也(C) 章邯已破項梁軍,則以為楚地兵「不足」憂(D) 愚「不足」與謀智,坎



【評論主題】※閱讀下文後,回答第 19〜20 題        吉祥圖案,顧名思義是表現出吉祥美好主題內容的圖案裝飾紋樣,它的形成和發展在我國有著極為悠久的歷史。早在遙遠的新石器時期,我們的祖先藉捕魚狩獵刀耕火耨

【評論內容】1.考生指出︰根據文章中的定義:「吉祥圖案,顧名思義是表現出吉祥美好主題內容的圖案裝飾紋樣…」,因此應該是某些固定形式的「圖案裝飾紋樣」,如龍鳳等(如文章所言「商周青銅器上的龍鳳紋樣……都可視為吉祥圖案。」),而且要表現出吉祥美好的主題內容。然而,據文章中所說 「早在遙遠的新石器時期,我們的祖先藉捕魚狩獵刀耕火耨以謀生存之時,在彩陶上就出現了植物魚鳥等形象,表達了圖騰崇拜和對後代繁衍等觀念。」這應該只是對某些形象的圖騰崇拜,而非有固定吉祥美好主題內容的裝飾紋樣。如果一般繪畫的魚鳥等都可以視為「吉祥圖案」,那就不用特別定義吉祥圖案了。★實際上:題幹原文一開始先解釋吉祥圖案的意思(並非下嚴格定義),然後指出「吉祥圖案的形成和發展在我國有著極為悠久的歷史。」緊接著說明「早在遙遠的新石器時期,我們的祖先藉捕魚狩獵刀耕火耨以謀生存之時,在彩陶上就出現了植物魚鳥等形象,表達了圖騰崇拜和對後代繁衍等觀念。」從文意上推敲,作者的意思是︰「新石器時期在彩陶上就出現的植物魚鳥等形象,是吉祥圖案最早的形式。」殆無疑義。2.考生又引原文「唐宋以後,由於城市的繁榮,促使反映民間意識及審美趣味的世俗美術有了明顯的發展,繪畫及工藝裝飾上湧現出眾多的吉祥題材。」認為選項(D)「唐宋時期吉祥圖案大量湧現在民間」應該是更適宜的答案。★實際上:考生所引原文,作者的意思是︰除了前文所提及的植物魚鳥、龍鳳紋樣、麒麟、白鵲、嘉禾、連理枝等吉祥圖案外,唐宋以後,反映民間意識(並非吉祥圖案)及審美趣味的世俗美術(並非吉祥圖案)有了明顯的發展,繪畫及工藝裝飾上湧現出眾多的吉祥題材。考生將這段話解讀為唐宋時期已有大量吉祥圖案在民間湧現,是明顯的錯誤。文章後面也清楚指出「明清以來吉祥圖案大量出現於民間生活之中」。3.綜上所述,原答案既無誤謬,亦無疑義,故維持原答案(A)。

【評論主題】29. 下列化合物的燃燒熱(heat of combustion)由高至低排列為何? (A) I > III > II (B) I > II > III (C) II > I > III (D) II


本題中選項 III 的化合物(C9H16)比其他兩個選項的化合物(C8H14)具有較高的燃燒熱是無庸置疑的。因為碳氫化合物之燃燒熱為碳數最多者最高。選項 I 和 II 的化 合物中因為化合物 I 為具有三圓環化合物所以相較化合物 II 較不穩定,所以燃燒 熱較高。所以燃燒熱高低排序為 III>I>II。由烷類分子位能高低(穩定度)判斷其燃燒熱大小,只適用於碳數相同的烷類,所以 I 與 II 可用此方式判斷,因此燃燒熱 I > II,但 III 所含碳數與 I 及 II 不同,不能用烷類位能高低(穩定度)判斷。一般而言,碳數越多,燃燒時所釋放出的熱量越多,所以 III 會大於 I 及 II,因此燃燒熱 III > I > II。

且由文獻中(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1970, 92, 3109–3118.)的 Table IV 得知cis-bicyclo[5.1.0]octane 的燃燒熱為 1216 kcal/mol ---> Icis-bicyclo[3.3.0]octane 的燃燒熱為 1198 kcal/mol ---> II由文獻中(J. Phys. Chem. 1960, 64, 927–931.)的 Table IV 得知cis-bicyclo[4.3.0]nonane 的燃燒熱為 1351 kcal/mol ---> III