
I am a Christian. To us Christians, praying is a very important part of our life. Praying is telling God what is on our minds. God wants to hear it in our own words even though He already knows it before we pray to Him. However, how do we pray? There are five types of prayers. The first type of prayer is “praise.” We may call Him Almighty God, Lord of Lords, King of Kings to tell Him how glorious He is. The second type is “thanksgiving,” in which we tell God how much we thank Him for what He has done and offered us. The third type is “confession.” We tell God how sorry we are for doing something wrong. The fourth type is “supplication,” which means asking for help. When we are in need or in trouble, we can always ask God to give us strength, wisdom, or courage to deal with our problems. The final type is the prayer of “intercession.” When our friends or family need help, we can pray to God and ask God to help with the tough situation that our friends or family are faced with. Each type of prayer plays an important part in a Christian’s life.
【題組】46.What might be the best title for this passage?
(A) The Importance of Praying to a Christian
(B) How to Pray Properly
(C) The Categories of Prayers
(D) What to Say in Praying






【評論內容】我是一位基督教徒。對我們基督徒來說,禱告是我們生活中非常重要的一部分。禱告就是告訴上帝我們的想法。上帝想用我們自己的話來聽到它,即使在我們向他祈禱之前他已經知道了。然而,我們如何禱告?祈禱有五種。第一種禱告是“讚美”。我們可以稱他為全能的神,萬主之主,萬王之王,來告訴他他是何等的榮耀。第二種是“感恩節”,我們告訴上帝,我們多麼感謝他所做的和提供給我們的。第三種是“懺悔”。我們告訴上帝我們為做錯事感到多麼抱歉。第四種是“懇求”,意思是尋求幫助。當我們有需要或有困難時,我們總是可以祈求上帝給我們力量、智慧或勇氣來處理我們的問題。最後一種是“代禱”的禱告。當我們的朋友或家人需要幫助時,我們可以向上帝祈禱,並祈求上帝幫助我們的朋友或家人所面臨的艱難處境。每種類型的祈禱在基督徒的生活中都扮演著重要的角色。What might be the best title for this passage?  這篇文章的最佳標題可能是什麼?(C) The Categories of Prayers  (C) 禱告的類別