
Guilford 編製「非常用途測驗」(UnusualUsesTest),用以測量學生在指定時間內列出紅磚的各種用途,以了解其創造力的傾向。請用這是在測量學生創造力的何種行為特徵?






【評論內容】這一題B選項的誘答力真是猛了!我們在看到關鍵字「指定時間」內列出紅磚的「各種用途」,直覺就選流暢性。以下三點說明為何選C:1.我們都忽略了,一般而言紅磚的「用途」就是蓋房子,當你能跳脫思維的固著,想出紅磚的其他用途,那就是「變通性」了,例如,練鐵頭功、烤肉、墊腳石...等,因此答案選C。2.另一個支持選C的理由在於這份測驗名稱叫做「非常用途測驗」,原文字面上的意思就是「非一般使用的測驗」(Unusual use test),既然如此該測驗旨在測量受試者能否不墨守成規,變通地想出某項物品的其他功能,例如老虎鉗綁線之後,垂吊於天花板可以當鐘擺。3.再者,所謂流暢性,意指個體能在固定時間內提出最多觀念,例如老師問學生,園遊會可以賣什麼?在固定時間內想出最多點子的學生,其流暢性最佳,但他的變通性就不見得好(至少在這個測驗中看不出來)。然而,這一題已經限制了品項(也就是「紅磚」),受試者若能在有限時間內回答最多種不同的用途,那麼他/她必須具備高度的「變通性」。綜上,此題選C

【用戶】Emily Lin


【評論內容】親愛的 Melody 你說的不對喔! 106教檢 中等學校課程與教學 (C) 21. 邱老師拿出一張光碟,請學生在半分鐘內,寫出光碟的用途 ,且越多越好。 邱老師可藉此評估學生創造力的何種成分? (A) 變通性 (B) 獨創性 (C) 流暢性 (D) 精緻性

【用戶】Emily Lin


【評論內容】Components Of CreativityFluency – the ability to generate quantities of ideasFlexibility – the ability to create different categories of ideas, and to perceive an idea from different points of viewOriginality – the ability to generate new, different, and unique ideas that others are not likely to generateElaboration – the ability to expand on an idea by embellishing it with details or the ability to create an intricate plan http://www.jrimagination.com/blog/2011/11/11/the-powerful-fours-of-creative-thinking.htm...

【用戶】Emily Lin


【評論內容】還是原文解釋得比較清楚! 看完後才真正理解 fluency和flexibility的差別Torrance, P. (1979). The Search for Satori and Creativity. http://people.bethel.edu/~shenkel/PhysicalActivities/CreativeMovement/CreativeThinking/Torrance.htmlFluencyHow many uses can you think of for a clothes hanger? List 15 things that are commonly red or contain red.Example: Apple, blood, brick, caboose, cherry, Christmas stocking, exitsign, fire alarm, flag, heart, red nose reindeer, rose, tomatoe, wagon.FlexibilityHow would you group the ideas about "red" into categories?Example: Fruit, safety featu...



【評論內容】這一題B選項的誘答力真是猛了!我們在看到關鍵字「指定時間」內列出紅磚的「各種用途」,直覺就選流暢性。以下三點說明為何選C:1.我們都忽略了,一般而言紅磚的「用途」就是蓋房子,當你能跳脫思維的固著,想出紅磚的其他用途,那就是「變通性」了,例如,練鐵頭功、烤肉、墊腳石...等,因此答案選C。2.另一個支持選C的理由在於這份測驗名稱叫做「非常用途測驗」,原文字面上的意思就是「非一般使用的測驗」(Unusual use test),既然如此該測驗.....



【評論內容】親愛的 Melody 你說的不對喔! 106教檢 中等學校課程與教學 (C) 21. 邱老師拿出一張光碟,請學生在半分鐘內,寫出光碟的用途 ,且越多越好。 邱老師可藉此評估學生創造力的何種成分? (A) 變通性 (B) 獨創性 (C) 流暢性 (D) 精緻性



【評論內容】Components Of CreativityFluency – the ability to generate quantities of ideasFlexibility – the ability to create different categories of ideas, and to perceive an idea from different points of viewOriginality – the ability to generate new, different, and unique ideas that others are not likely to generateElaboration – the ability to expand on an idea by embellishing it with details or the ability to create an intricate plan http://www.jrimagination.com/blog/2011/11/11/the-powerful-fours-of-creative-thinking.htm...



【評論內容】還是原文解釋得比較清楚! 看完後才真正理解 fluency和flexibility的差別Torrance, P. (1979). The Search for Satori and Creativity. http://people.bethel.edu/~shenkel/PhysicalActivities/CreativeMovement/CreativeThinking/Torrance.htmlFluencyHow many uses can you think of for a clothes hanger? List 15 things that are commonly red or contain red.Example: Apple, blood, brick, caboose, cherry, Christmas stocking, exitsign, fire alarm, flag, heart, red nose reindeer, rose, tomatoe, wagon.FlexibilityHow would you group the ideas about "red" into categories?Example: Fruit, safety featu...



【評論內容】這一題B選項的誘答力真是猛了!我們在看到關鍵字「指定時間」內列出紅磚的「各種用途」,直覺就選流暢性。以下三點說明為何選C:1.我們都忽略了,一般而言紅磚的「用途」就是蓋房子,當你能跳脫思維的固著,想出紅磚的其他用途,那就是「變通性」了,例如,練鐵頭功、烤肉、墊腳石...等,因此答案選C。2.另一個支持選C的理由在於這份測驗名稱叫做「非常用途測驗」,原文字面上的意思就是「非一般使用的測驗」(Unusual use test),既然如此該測驗.....看完整詳解



【評論內容】親愛的 Melody 你說的不對喔! 106教檢 中等學校課程與教學 (C) 21. 邱老師拿出一張光碟,請學生在半分鐘內,寫出光碟的用途 ,且越多越好。 邱老師可藉此評估學生創造力的何種成分? (A) 變通性 (B) 獨創性 (C) 流暢性 (D) 精緻性



【評論內容】Components Of CreativityFluency – the ability to generate quantities of ideasFlexibility – the ability to create different categories of ideas, and to perceive an idea from different points of viewOriginality – the ability to generate new, different, and unique ideas that others are not likely to generateElaboration – the ability to expand on an idea by embellishing it with details or the ability to create an intricate plan http://www.jrimagination.com/blog/2011/11/11/the-powerful-fours-of-creative-thinking.htm...



【評論內容】還是原文解釋得比較清楚! 看完後才真正理解 fluency和flexibility的差別Torrance, P. (1979). The Search for Satori and Creativity. http://people.bethel.edu/~shenkel/PhysicalActivities/CreativeMovement/CreativeThinking/Torrance.htmlFluencyHow many uses can you think of for a clothes hanger? List 15 things that are commonly red or contain red.Example: Apple, blood, brick, caboose, cherry, Christmas stocking, exitsign, fire alarm, flag, heart, red nose reindeer, rose, tomatoe, wagon.FlexibilityHow would you group the ideas about "red" into categories?Example: Fruit, safety featu...