
Which of the following principles is incorrect regarding "Whole Language Approach"?

(A) The teacher uses authentic literature rather than artificial texts.

(B) Writing is viewed as a process through which learners explore and discover meaning.

(C) The teacher is the authority in the classroom. It is very important that students get the correct answer.

(D) Reading, writing, and other skills are integrated in the curriculum.


統計:A(52),B(69),C(424),D(56),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:extol 同義詞praise, glorify, eulogize, laud


【用戶】Michelle Chua





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【用戶】Dex Shih


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【評論內容】原本題目:Which of the following principles is incorrect redarding "Whole Language Approach"? (A) The teacher uses authentic literature rather than artificial texts. (B) Writing is viewed as a process through which learners explore and discover meaning. (C) The teacher is the authority in the classroom. It is very important that students get the correct answer. (D) Reading, writing, and other skills are integrated in the curriculum.修改成為Which of the following principles is incorrect regarding "Whole Language Approach"? (A) The teacher uses authentic literature rather than artificial tex...