
Imagine getting up and seeing snow everywhere. What would you do first? There are a lot of fun things you can do in the snow. You can build a snowman or make a snow angel. You can also throw snowballs, but don’t throw too hard. Snowballs can hurt! Other winter activities are fun, too. You can go skiing, skating or ride a sled down a hill.
       Snow is beautiful and makes everything look new and bright. But snow isn’t always fun. In snowy countries, people usually wake up early to shovel snow. When the snow is wet, it can be very heavy. Shoveling is a lot of work.
       Traveling in the snow can also be difficult. Snow and ice make roads dangerous. Workers have to put salt on roads. The salt melts the snow, so the roads are safe.
       Snowstorms can cause problems, too. Storms bring strong winds and cold weather. They can bring lots of snow, too─ sometimes more than a foot of snow! At times, houses don’t have water or electricity. During storms it is too dangerous to go to work or school. Roads, businesses and schools are closed. Then students can enjoy a snow day.

sled雪橇   shovel鏟起  melt融化   electricity電

【題組】46.According to the article, what CAN’T you do with snow?
(A) Build a snowman.
(B) Make a snow angel.
(C) Throw snowballs.
(D) Put salt on snow to make it taste better.

