
This is probablv what many people see in tneir offices: employees 36 themselves into work every morning and the office is quiet and almost a dull place to stay in. In this case, the employees’ morale may need a 37 . But why is low morale a problem? For starters, low morale can lead to poor cooperation, low productivity and increased 38 , with more employees leaving--and eventually prevent a business from reaching its goals. A positive office morale can build a company’s success. Everyone needs to feel that his or her work has a real purpose, and also that he or she is greatly 39 and needed by the company. While achieving the goal, employees should also be encouraged to take time to reflect and appreciate what has been done so far. By doing so, they will gain more 40 to continue the good work.
(B) shred
(C) drag
(D) pour






【評論內容】這可能是許多人在辦公室裡看到的:員工n每天早上都把自己拖進工作,辦公室很安靜,幾乎是一個沉悶的地方。在這種情況下,員工的士氣可能需要提升。但為什麼士氣低落是個問題呢?對於初學者來說,士氣低落可能導致貧困,低生產率和營業額,更多的員工離開 - 並最終阻止企業實現其目標。積極的辦公室士氣可以建立公司的成功。每個人都需要感到自己的工作有一個真正的目的,而且公司也非常重視和需要他或她的工作。在實現目標的同時,還應鼓勵員工花時間思考和欣賞到目前為止所做的工作。通過這樣做,他們將獲得繼續良好工作的更多動力。



【評論內容】題目是不是有錯啊?開頭This is probablv what many people see in tneir offices應該改為This is probably what many people see in their offices



【評論內容】shred 這裡應該表動詞撕碎,切碎,鍘