
110. 有關發燒、皮疹(skin rashes)之疾病與致病原之配對,下列敘述何者為非?
(A) Measles (麻疹) - Paramyxovirus
(B) Rubella (德國麻疹) - Togavirus
(C) Erythema infectiosum (第五病)- Coxsackievirues A9
(D) Roseola (玫瑰熱、第六病) - Human herpesvirus 6
(E) Dengue fever (登革熱) – Flaviviruses






【評論內容】A. 麻疹病毒屬於副黏液病毒科(Paramyxovirida)Measles is caused by a non-segmented, single-strand, negative-sense RNA virus of the genus Morbillivirus and the family Paramyxoviridae.B. 德國麻疹病毒屬於套膜病毒科(Togaviridae)Rubella is a contagious infectious disease caused by a single-strand, enveloped RNA virus in the family Togaviridae and the genus Rubivirus.C. 第五病是由細小病毒B19引起的Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease): The main manifestation of symptomatic B19V disease, erythema infectiosum presents as a low-grade fever ∼7–10 days after exposure and a facial “slapped-cheek” rash (more common among children) a few days later.D. 第六病是由人類皰疹6型病毒引起的HHV-6 causes exanthem subitum (roseola infantum, a common childhood febrile illness with rash) and 10–20% of febrile seizures without rash in infancy.E. 登革熱病毒屬於黃病毒屬(flaviviruses)The most clinically important flaviviruses that cause the fever and myalgia syndrome are dengue viruses 1–4.