
100. Which proposed initiative aims to provide customers with enhanced value for their money?
(A)Implementing a loyalty program.
(B)Introducing a new menu with innovative options.
(C)Exploring partnerships with local suppliers.
(D)Running weekly specials on certain beverages and meals.






【評論內容】Additionally,we are running into weekly specials on certain beverages and meals.因此選D答案。解答:本題要注意不要聽到 loyalty program 就倉促選A,而是要聽到後面,we are running into weekly specials on certain beverages and meals.因此選D答案。(A) Implementing a loyalty program.實施一個忠誠度計畫。(X)(B) Introducing a new menu with innovative options.推出一個創新選項的新菜單。(X)(C) Exploring partnerships with local suppliers.探索與當地夥伴供應商的關係。(X)(D) Running weekly specials on certain beverages and meals.每週特定的飲料和餐點特價。(O)



【評論內容】Additionally,we are running into weekly specials on certain beverages and meals.因此選D答案。解答:本題要注意不要聽到 loyalty program 就倉促選A,而是要聽到後面,we are running into weekly specials on certain beverages and meals.因此選D答案。(A) Implementing a loyalty program.實施一個忠誠度計畫。(X)(B) Introducing a new menu with innovative options.推出一個創新選項的新菜單。(X)(C) Exploring partnerships with local suppliers.探索與當地夥伴供應商的關係。(X)(D) Running weekly specials on certain beverages and meals.每週特定的飲料和餐點特價。(O)