
17 To reduce the country’s addiction to private, after-hours tutoring academies, the authorities have begun enforcinga curfew—even paying citizens bounties to turn in violators.Based on the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) No private after-hours instruction is allowed by the authorities.
(B) Private, after-hours tutoring is an addiction to be reduced by paying citizens who turn them in.
(C) Citizens will be rewarded when they report violators of the curfew to the authorities.
(D) A curfew is enforced on private tutoring academies to turn in violators.代號:10120-1912060120-60720頁次:4-3






【評論內容】To reduce the country’s addiction to private, after-hours tutoring academies, the authorities have begun enforcing a curfew—even paying citizens bounties to turn in violators. 為了減少本國對於私下課後補習班成癮症,官方開始實施宵禁-甚至支付賞金給告發違反者的民眾curfew是宵禁, 是戒嚴令下的夜間行動管制措施, Based on the passage, which of the following statements is true? (A) No private after-hours instruction is allowed by the authorities. 官方不允許私下課後輔導  ______ (X) 是禁止半夜課後輔導(B) Private, after-hours tutoring is an addiction to be reduced by paying citizens who turn them in...



【評論內容】此處 turn in = 告發



【評論內容】A 官方實施的是宵禁, 沒有禁止私人補習班, 實施宵禁後私人的課後補習班也會減少.B 違反的是宵禁, 告發違反宵禁有獎金, 告發私人課後補習沒有獎金C 人民告發違反宵禁有獎金.