
18 To the average shopper, farmed fish is barely distinguishable from its wild cousin—except, often, in price.Without the growth in aquaculture, many of our favorite kinds of seafood would likely be much more expensivethan they are now.Based on the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Aquaculture technology has helped drive up the price of fish.
(B) Consumers typically pay more to buy wild fish.
(C) Most shoppers are able to tell the difference between farmed fish and wild fish.
(D) Farmed fish and its wild cousin are growing in numbers.






【評論內容】奇摩知識+對一般消費者,飼養的魚與它們野生的親戚,除了常常在價格上之外,幾乎是很難區別。若非是有人工水產養殖,許多我們喜歡水產的價格會比現在貴很多。Based on the passage, which of the following statements is true?(a)Aquaculture technology has helped drive up the price of fish.人工水產養殖使魚的價格提高。(b)Consumers typically pay more to buy wild fish.消費者通常付較高的價格購買野生的魚。(c)Most shoppers are able to tell the difference between farmed fish and wild fish.一般消費者可以區分飼養魚與野生魚的不同。(d)Farmed fish and its wild cousin are growing in numbers.飼養的魚與它們野生的親戚都...