
【題組】49 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The number of deaths given by Froissart is not reliable.
(B) The disease described in the passage broke out first in 1349.
(C) The mortality rates of the affected countries differ greatly.
(D) An infected ship landing on Bergen started the spread of the disease in Norway.






【評論內容】請問為甚麼(B) 不行?  第一次爆發是在1349阿 文章開頭?

【用戶】Xin-Yi Ye


【評論內容】(B)選項,文章開頭In 1349 it "resumed" in Paris,用了resumed,是"重新開始"的意思,表示這個瘟疫又再次開始流行的意思(吧?)




【用戶】Xin-Yi Ye


【評論內容】(B)選項,文章開頭In 1349 it "resumed" in Paris,用了resumed,是"重新開始"的意思,表示這個瘟疫又再次開始流行的意思(吧?)






【評論內容】(A) The number of deaths given by Froissart is not reliable. (B) The disease described in the passage broke out first in 1349. (C) The mortality rates of the affected countries differ greatly. =>死亡數字在受感染國家有很大的變化=>Although the mortality rate was erratic, ranging from one-fifth in some places to nine-tenths or almost total elimination in others 範圍從1/5到9/10甚至全滅亡的都有(D) An infected ship landing on Bergen started the spread of the disease in Norway.