
16 Coming out isn’t an all-or-nothing choice. In many cases, keeping sexual orientation a secret from all but aselected few may be the healthiest answer.
(A) Coming out of the closet is the only choice for gays and lesbians to lead a healthy life.
(B) Depending on how supportive the environment is, public revelation of sexual identity isn’t always a positivemove for gays and lesbians.
(C) Keeping a secret about their sexual identity can be costly for people who are gay or lesbian.
(D) Revealing your sexual identity to family members only because friends and co-workers cannot be trusted.






【評論內容】奇摩知識+Coming out isn’t an all-or-nothing choice. In many cases, keeping sexual orientation a secret from all but a selected few may be the healthiest answer.同志出櫃並不是完全坦白或者完全保密的抉擇,很多個案中,除了選擇性的對部份的親友出櫃外,對其他多數人隱瞞自己的性取向,是最健康的方式 。(譯註:all-or-nothing  意思是要嘛全部,要嘛什麼都沒有,是一種二選一的情況,所以是完全出櫃或者完全隱暪,本文指的是否定的,也就是同志應可以「選擇性出櫃」)(A)Coming out of the closet is the only choice for gays and lesbians to lead a healthy life.出櫃是同性戀男女他們得以保持健康生活的唯一選擇 (不符文意)...