
四、閱讀測驗 Just as all friendships have beginnings, most will come to an end. This is a sad but true fact. Losing friends is part of life, just as making friends is. Sometimes, friendship ends with a fight. For example, one friend hurts another, and the one who is hurt cannot forgive (原諒). Or perhaps one friend breaks trust between each other. When friends stop talking, their friendship dies quickly. Other friendships die slowly over time. Friends may sense this happening, and let it happen, or it may happen without the friends really thinking about it. There is a saying, “Out of sight, out of mind.” It means that if we don’t see someone, we don’t think of him or her as often. Think about cases where one friend moves away to another city or country. In the beginning, the friends might stay in touch, but with time, both of them make new friends who live close by. Old friends are thought of less and less until they’re almost forgotten. Thus, whenever big changes happen in life, it is an important test for friendships. If both friends decide their friendship is worth holding on to, it takes effort and attention to keep it alive. With determination, having a “friend for life” is possible.
【題組】41、( ) The passage is mainly about ________.
(A) how to keep a close friendship
(B) where to meet new friends
(C) why people lose friends sometimes
(D) when people will have a fight

