【評論主題】17. Which of the following sentence is correct? (A) Shanghai, which name means “on the sea,” is one

【評論內容】(A)Shanghai, which name means “on the sea,” is one of the China’s largest cities.(B)Last night, my neighbor made a lot of noise, that kept me awake.請問選項D如何修改(D)My computer, that worked yesterday, doesn’t work today.

【評論主題】4.在Sn2+(aq) + Fe3+(aq) → Sn4+(aq) + Fe2+(aq)(未平衡)中,【題組】(1)何者為氧化劑?____________

【評論內容】Delaware美國德拉瓦州fake one's way into fake V. 偽造(A) be caught up with catch up with somebody趕上某人(B) be kicked out with 被退學(C) took over 接管(D) be converted to變換 轉換

【評論主題】Among outdoorsmen, the Swiss Army knife has won fame asan extraordinarily versatile tool.(A) multi-f

【評論內容】ingenious靈巧的 有獨創力的  dependable 可信賴的 可靠的  outdoors在戶外 extraordinarily非常地

【評論主題】4.在Sn2+(aq) + Fe3+(aq) → Sn4+(aq) + Fe2+(aq)(未平衡)中,【題組】(1)何者為氧化劑?____________

【評論內容】Delaware美國德拉瓦州fake one's way into fake V. 偽造(A) be caught up with catch up with somebody趕上某人(B) be kicked out with 被退學(C) took over 接管(D) be converted to變換 轉換

【評論主題】Among outdoorsmen, the Swiss Army knife has won fame asan extraordinarily versatile tool.(A) multi-f

【評論內容】ingenious靈巧的 有獨創力的  dependable 可信賴的 可靠的  outdoors在戶外 extraordinarily非常地

【評論主題】4.在Sn2+(aq) + Fe3+(aq) → Sn4+(aq) + Fe2+(aq)(未平衡)中,【題組】(1)何者為氧化劑?____________

【評論內容】Delaware美國德拉瓦州fake one's way into fake V. 偽造(A) be caught up with catch up with somebody趕上某人(B) be kicked out with 被退學(C) took over 接管(D) be converted to變換 轉換

【評論主題】Among outdoorsmen, the Swiss Army knife has won fame asan extraordinarily versatile tool.(A) multi-f

【評論內容】ingenious靈巧的 有獨創力的  dependable 可信賴的 可靠的  outdoors在戶外 extraordinarily非常地

【評論主題】4.在Sn2+(aq) + Fe3+(aq) → Sn4+(aq) + Fe2+(aq)(未平衡)中,【題組】(1)何者為氧化劑?____________

【評論內容】Delaware美國德拉瓦州fake one's way into fake V. 偽造(A) be caught up with catch up with somebody趕上某人(B) be kicked out with 被退學(C) took over 接管(D) be converted to變換 轉換

【評論主題】Among outdoorsmen, the Swiss Army knife has won fame asan extraordinarily versatile tool.(A) multi-f

【評論內容】ingenious靈巧的 有獨創力的  dependable 可信賴的 可靠的  outdoors在戶外 extraordinarily非常地

【評論主題】4.在Sn2+(aq) + Fe3+(aq) → Sn4+(aq) + Fe2+(aq)(未平衡)中,【題組】(1)何者為氧化劑?____________

【評論內容】Delaware美國德拉瓦州fake one's way into fake V. 偽造(A) be caught up with catch up with somebody趕上某人(B) be kicked out with 被退學(C) took over 接管(D) be converted to變換 轉換

【評論主題】Among outdoorsmen, the Swiss Army knife has won fame asan extraordinarily versatile tool.(A) multi-f

【評論內容】ingenious靈巧的 有獨創力的  dependable 可信賴的 可靠的  outdoors在戶外 extraordinarily非常地

【評論主題】【題組】20. (A) stored (B) killed (C) detected (D) hunted

【評論內容】kayak  愛斯基摩人用的小型皮船  海豹皮船

【評論主題】2. Instruction on grammar should not be totally _____. Grammar teaching still has some value in help

【評論內容】Instruction on grammarshould not be totally _discounted____. Grammar teaching still has some value inhelping students learn a foreign language.文法教學不該完全不予考慮文法教學在幫助學生學習外語方面仍具有價值

【評論主題】With so many contributions to this country, the general was held in near ________ during his life ti

【評論內容】With so many contributions to this country, the general was held in near veneration during his life time.對此國家有諸多貢獻,將軍在他一生中 ...?

【評論主題】【題組】3. Nick was happy after he (find) his dog.

【評論內容】safety concerns ?

【評論主題】【題組】3. Nick was happy after he (find) his dog.

【評論內容】spark (v)發出火花 , 成為...導火線sparked  (a) intense (a) 強烈的,熱心的,熱情的decline (n) 傾斜,物價下跌,衰退,衰弱 treatment (n) 論述,對待方式,待遇concerns  (n)關心的事情obstructions (n)障礙物,妨礙議事進行appreciation (n)評價,賞識

【評論主題】一、Traduisez le texte suivant en chinois:(45 分) Réfugiés: la droite française critique Angela Mer

【評論內容】Robert Burns, whowrote over 300 songs in Scots, a northern dialect of English spoken byScottish peasants, also collected Scottish folk songs for an anthropology called the Scots Musical Museum.Robert Burns寫了超過三百首蘇格蘭歌曲他也替蘇格蘭音樂博物館收錄所謂的蘇格蘭民謠(英國北部的蘇格蘭農夫說的英語)


【評論內容】integral 必要的 完整的

【評論主題】一、依據我國審計準則公報第 1 號「一般公認審計準則總綱」第 5 條之規定,運用檢查、觀察、函證、分析及比較等方法,以獲得足夠及適切之證據,俾對所查核財務報表表示意見時有合理之依據。請問:【題組】⑴決

【評論內容】Poaching, the illegalshooting of wildlife and collecting of plants, is a growing problemwithin many national parks around the world.在世界各地的許多國家公園盜獵(非法槍殺野生動物和採集植物)是日漸嚴重的問題

【評論主題】【題組】7、「此地樹木均是樹幹低而多結,樹皮較厚,葉片小且硬,具有蠟質。」請問上述中提及的植被應分布在甲~己中的哪一帶?(填代號) (2%)


【評論主題】Though there was much _____ among critics over whether or not the play portrayed the “real” Paul Rob

【評論內容】outstanding傑出的controversy 爭論

【評論主題】4.在Sn2+(aq) + Fe3+(aq) → Sn4+(aq) + Fe2+(aq)(未平衡)中,【題組】(1)何者為氧化劑?____________

【評論內容】Delaware美國德拉瓦州fake one's way into fake V. 偽造(A) be caught up with catch up with somebody趕上某人(B) be kicked out with 被退學(C) took over 接管(D) be converted to變換 轉換


【評論內容】Comets 慧星illuminated 被照亮; 被照射boil  煮沸icy particles覆蓋著冰的粒子(顆粒)nucleus 【天文】(彗)核 【核】(原子)核is reflected off  ?reflect照射

【評論主題】四、飛機降落時,何謂「決定高度」(decision height, DH)?請說明其定義。(10 分)


【評論主題】People in the sixth century braved the turbulent seas and treacherous storms of the Atlantic Oceanin

【評論內容】turbulent (風)浪大的 狂暴的  吵雜的 動亂的 

【評論主題】Death is the great leveler.(A)死後萬人皆平等 (B)人皆有一死(C)不自由毋寧死 (D)死輕如鴻毛

【評論內容】level (a)同水平的, 同程度的

【評論主題】Global stock markets took another battering and remained _____, partly because of fears about euro-z

【評論內容】Global stock marketstook another battering and remained volatile, partly because of fears abouteuro-zone debt and increased tensions between North and South Korea.全球股市重創且一直震盪,部分原因是因為歐元債務和南北韓之間局勢緊張

【評論主題】下列那一位課程學者將課程發展分為「目標」、「學習經驗」、「活動」以及「結果評鑑」四要素,從而促進課程科學化理論之發展?(A)巴比特(F. Bobbit) (B)查特斯(W. Charters) (C)




【評論主題】17. Which of the following sentence is correct? (A) Shanghai, which name means “on the sea,” is one

【評論內容】(A)Shanghai, which name means “on the sea,” is one of the China’s largest cities.(B)Last night, my neighbor made a lot of noise, that kept me awake.請問選項D如何修改(D)My computer, that worked yesterday, doesn’t work today.

【評論主題】Jessica Watson docked at Sydney's iconic Opera House. The teenager burst into tears and gasped

【評論內容】Jessica Watson dockedat Sydney's iconic Opera House. The teenager burst into tears and gasped___in____ relief as she stepped off the yacht and into the arms of herparents.dock vi. 不及物動詞

靠碼頭; 入船塢[(+at)]  burst into tears突然哭起來

gasp in  (因驚訝等)倒抽一口氣[(+at/with/in)]

【評論主題】General Motors opened the largest automotive battery laboratory in the United States, a move the str

【評論內容】1. hasten the development of electric vehicles加速電力車的發展  hasten (v)催促  趕快2. the struggling company   struggling 掙扎的 ,奮鬥的    company (n)朋友3. (a) harass  V.  (不斷)騷擾               (b)deteriorate V. 惡化,降低,墮落 ( c) hasten  V. 催促  (d) pierce  V.刺穿 

【評論主題】Among outdoorsmen, the Swiss Army knife has won fame asan extraordinarily versatile tool.(A) multi-f

【評論內容】ingenious靈巧的 有獨創力的  dependable 可信賴的 可靠的  outdoors在戶外 extraordinarily非常地






【評論主題】4. Most large cities had public libraries supported by taxation or private philanthropy, ________.(A

【評論內容】philanthropy 慈善事業團體 taxation稅收

【評論主題】20. Many ________ were committed on innocent civilians in wartime.(A) congregations (B) suffrages (C

【評論內容】Many __atrocities______ were committed on innocent civilians in wartime.戰爭時諸多暴行被施加在無辜市民身上

【評論主題】1.下列何者適合作為智力測驗的效標(A) 學業成就 (B) 學習態度 (C) 自我觀念 (D) 學習動機

【評論內容】適合作為智力測驗的效標(A) 學業成就

