【評論主題】1. Buying out the dominant local newspaper is a chance of a lifetime that most media moguls _____ to

【評論內容】題目:buy out買下所有權mogul 大亨exploit   v. 開採,開拓,利用(…為自己謀利),剝削             n. 功績,功勞選項:(A)perish消滅; 死去; 暴卒(B) demolish毀壞, 破壞; 拆除(C) relish喜愛,愛好[n/ v-ing],品嘗,欣賞     with relish—an enjoyment of or delight in sth. that satisfies one’s tastes,                             inclinations, or desires     relish for –a strong liking(D) relinquish放棄; 撤出; 棄絕

【評論主題】3. With great conditions for swimming, snorkeling, and more things to do, the beach provides ample _


(A)   diversions 娛樂, 消遣[C]

(B)divisions  分裂

(C)distortions  曲解

(D) divergences  意見分歧

【評論主題】25.教育行政學者Griffiths指出:混沌理論是一種發現潛藏脈絡與非秩序結構的管理,值得應用到學校領導工作的推動。請判斷下列那一種不屬於其指出「混沌理論」中的的混沌現象?(A)蝴蝶效應 (B)隨機



美國1947年至1974年代學校行政研究興起的「理論運動(The Theory Movement)」,因為有邏輯經驗主義的哲學思想為其奠基,或稱為社會科學時期、行為科學時期、系統理論時期,主張1947年前教育行政理論缺乏科學理論依據,未能形成理論基礎架構。推動「理論運動」最有名的學者為D.E.Griffiths,其強調論點包括:

(一)      有效的研究是有其理論根源的,並由理論所指引

(二)      假設演繹系統是最佳的理論範例

(三)      較佳的教育行政理論研究必須是以理論為基礎

(四)      以決定為教育行政理論的核心

【評論主題】Though often deemed to be ______ carnivores, this type of lizard is actually vegetarian.(A) litigiou

【評論內容】(A)litigious  a.好爭論的

【評論主題】13. Plastic bags are a major eco-problem, littering city streets, finding their way intoour once ___

【評論內容】Plastic bags are a major eco-problem, littering city streets, finding their way into our once_______rivers and crowding landfills.(A) turbulent (B) noxious (C) pristine (D) mutable

【評論主題】10. Without being properly informed, many AIDS victims of the country ignore ordelay countermeasures

【評論內容】Without being properlyinformed, many AIDS victims of the country ignore or delay countermeasures,thus_______the problem.

【評論主題】15. ______order, which is based on time, involves writing about events in the orderin which they occ

【評論內容】__________ order, which is based on time, involves writing about events in the order in which they occur.

【評論主題】12. The news about Lisa’s secret engagement_____quickly through Facebook; bythe end of the day, all

【評論內容】The news about Lisa’s secret engagement_______quickly through Facebook; by the end of the day, all her colleagues had known about it.

【評論主題】9. After months of _____headlines about the Prime Minister’s corruption scandal,thousands of angry c

【評論內容】Aftermonths of _______ headlines about the Prime Minister’s corruption scandal,thousands of angry citizens rallied to protest.

【評論主題】我國教育學者賈馥茗論述「教育的不變性」時,所提出的教育目的,不包括下列何者?(A)發展人性 (B)順應人情 (C)培養人格 (D)改善人生

【評論內容】《教育哲學》(賈馥茗,1995)一書,賈教授仍本於對於「人」的關懷,從教育的基本意義在於「教人成人」作出發,突破過去教育哲學訴諸哲學家或教育家理論的詮釋或教育思想史的敘述之格局,另闢蹊徑,從具體的教育問題,追索其哲學根源,這四個教育哲學的根本問題即為: 1.為什麼要教? 2.教什麼? 3.誰來教? 4.怎麼教? 這四個問題的論述,賈馥茗教授從人的共同性、特殊性開始討論,以迄於論述教育之目的在於發展人性、提升人格、改善生活、創造文化、參與天地之化育。黃昆輝、楊深坑主編(2009)《賈馥茗教育學體系研究》,臺北市:五南,頁001-015 ◎賈馥茗:教育的確切目的 (一)培養品格:以仁心愛人愛物並遍及一切;以誠心待人接物...




n. 名詞




vt. 及物動詞




vt. 及物動詞

推進, 推

【評論主題】42.浮流中心(Flow Center)的規劃係哪一種學習方式的核心重點?(A)蒙特梭利教學 (B)高瞻教學 (C)方案教學 (D)多元智能教學

【評論內容】Csikszentmihalyi(契森米海利):浮流(Flow) (≒ Goldstein高峰經驗)(一) Flow表強烈的內在動機、高峰經驗(一種心馳神往的心態,為做而做)  (二) Flow用於創造力,創造力的為必備因素。 (三) 創造的意義:創造是個人、學門和領域三者交互作用。  1. 個人:遺傳基因、生活經驗。  2. 學門:學門的設局;指負責選擇產品的機構或社群。3. 領域:由一套規則,步驟的程序所建構的符號系統(即文化),其影響人類創造。  →後為Gardner所引用。http://blog.yam.com/chensanli/article/27685924

【評論主題】我國教育學者賈馥茗論述「教育的不變性」時,所提出的教育目的,不包括下列何者?(A)發展人性 (B)順應人情 (C)培養人格 (D)改善人生

【評論內容】《教育哲學》(賈馥茗,1995)一書,賈教授仍本於對於「人」的關懷,從教育的基本意義在於「教人成人」作出發,突破過去教育哲學訴諸哲學家或教育家理論的詮釋或教育思想史的敘述之格局,另闢蹊徑,從具體的教育問題,追索其哲學根源,這四個教育哲學的根本問題即為: 1.為什麼要教? 2.教什麼? 3.誰來教? 4.怎麼教? 這四個問題的論述,賈馥茗教授從人的共同性、特殊性開始討論,以迄於論述教育之目的在於發展人性、提升人格、改善生活、創造文化、參與天地之化育。黃昆輝、楊深坑主編(2009)《賈馥茗教育學體系研究》,臺北市:五南,頁001-015 ◎賈馥茗:教育的確切目的 (一)培養品格:以仁心愛人愛物並遍及一切;以誠心待人接物...




vt. 及物動詞




vt. 及物動詞

推進, 推




n. 名詞

【評論主題】42.浮流中心(Flow Center)的規劃係哪一種學習方式的核心重點?(A)蒙特梭利教學 (B)高瞻教學 (C)方案教學 (D)多元智能教學

【評論內容】Csikszentmihalyi(契森米海利):浮流(Flow) (≒ Goldstein高峰經驗)(一) Flow表強烈的內在動機、高峰經驗(一種心馳神往的心態,為做而做)  (二) Flow用於創造力,創造力的為必備因素。 (三) 創造的意義:創造是個人、學門和領域三者交互作用。  1. 個人:遺傳基因、生活經驗。  2. 學門:學門的設局;指負責選擇產品的機構或社群。3. 領域:由一套規則,步驟的程序所建構的符號系統(即文化),其影響人類創造。  →後為Gardner所引用。http://blog.yam.com/chensanli/article/27685924

【評論主題】19. The weekly letters from their son, who works overseas, are __________ to the old couple.(A) brea


bread and butter 生計

meat and drink 快樂的泉源、生活的目的

big cheese 重要人士、具影響力的人

【評論主題】17. Halle Berry jubilantly told the press that she was __________ after learning she’s pregnant.(A)


by ones and twos零零落落地

mat sixes and sevens 不和,亂七八糟地

on cloud nine 狂喜,非常愉快

at the eleventh hour 在最後時刻

【評論主題】6. My crush sitting opposite me, in his gaze, my emotions _______, following his every smile and sil

【評論內容】(A) amputate v. 切斷; 截; 鋸掉; 刪除(B) congregate v. 使聚集, 使集合; 聚集, 集合

【評論主題】3. The prodigal son _______ all the family estate; he was broke shortly after he received the wealth

【評論內容】(A) spurt n. 噴射, 衝刺  v. 噴射, 噴出; 突然加速行進, 衝刺; 噴射, 噴出(B) squander n./ v. 浪費, 揮霍(D) sprout n. 芽, 萌芽  v. 發芽; 很快地成長; 抽條; 使發芽, 摘去芽

【評論主題】9. Climate change experts predict that, as sea levels rise, the world’s largest cities will be incre

【評論內容】(A) invincible adj. 不能征服的, 無敵的(C) vulnerable adj. 易受傷害的, 易受攻擊的, 有弱點的

【評論主題】8. Guatemala is the country with the second-greatest income _______between rich and poor in Latin Am

【評論內容】A) disparity n. 不一致(B) oblivion n. 遺忘, 赦免, 湮沒(C) moratorium n. 延期償付; 延期償付期間(D) contraception n. 避孕; 避孕法

【評論主題】5. Albee did not perceive the full _______ of her decision then until now when the consequences of h

【評論內容】(A) exponent n. 說明者, 說明物(B) propensity n. 傾向, 習性, 愛好(C) ramification n. 分枝, 樹枝, 分歧(D) trajectory n. 軌道, 軌線, 彈道

【評論主題】4. The movies received overwhelmingly negative reviews because its _______ ending failed to convince

【評論內容】(A) congruent adj. 適合的, 符合的, 一致的(C) implausible adj. 難信的; 不像真實的(D) poignant adj. 濃烈的; 強烈的; 辛辣的, 酸辣的; 深刻的

【評論主題】2. The president announced in the press conference that he would ______ part of his power, thus givi

【評論內容】(A) retain v. 保持, 保留(C) repudiate v. 與...斷絕關係; 否認, 否定; 駁斥, 批駁(D) remonstrate v. 抗議; 告誡; 反對; 指出; 抗議; 進諫; 反對; 告誡

【評論主題】1. The mountainous area is barren, but on the other hand, it is ______ in valuable minerals.(A) prol

【評論內容】(C) sterile adj. 貧脊的, 不結果的, 不育的

【評論主題】【題組】28. (A) to the point (B) on the rise (C) off the hook (D) for the record

【評論內容】(A) to the point 中肯、扼要(B) on the rise 增長、提高

【評論主題】9. Artificial trans fats are used both in processed food and in restaurants as a way to improve the



phase out




(B) prompt 

n. 1.催促 2.付款期限 3.提醒 4.提示

v. 1.促使 2.慫恿 3.激勵 4.引起, 激起

adj. 1.迅速的 2.立刻的 3.敏捷的

(C) apposite 貼切的.適當的

(D) pertinent  相關的 .切題的.中肯的

【評論主題】5. Most tsunamis happen within the Pacific Ocean’s “Ring of Fire,” a geologically active area where











1.翻倒, 倒塌, 摔倒

2.使摔倒, 弄亂,使滾翻

【評論主題】12.Please sign the last page of the rental agreement and _____ all the other pages.(A) initial (B) i



n. 1.起首字母 2.首字母

v. 簽姓名的首字母

adj. 1.開始的 2.字首的 3.最初的

(B) initiate

n. 1.接受初步知識者 2.新加入者

v. 1.開始 2.傳授 3.發動

(C) initialize vt. 初始化

(D) initiation n. 1.開始, 創始 2.入會, 加入 3.開始實施 4.入會儀式

【評論主題】6. We need a more __ approach to this problem so that we can avoid the same mistakes the first team


(A) rigorous (a.)嚴格的


 vigorous adj.1.精力旺盛的2.健壯的3.有力的

【評論主題】3. The tech industry in Silicon Valley had been secretive about the makeup of its workforce largely



secretive  adj.

遮遮掩掩的,守口如瓶的,秘密的,偷偷摸摸的; [生](促进)分泌的; 嘴紧; 鬼头鬼脑


pledge to

n. 保证,誓言; [法]抵押权; 公约; (表示友谊的)干杯

vt.& vi.  使发誓,保证; 典当,抵押

vt.  许诺; 用…担保; 以誓言约束; 向…祝酒

vi. 作出庄重有约束力的誓言; 祝愿,祝酒

【評論主題】2. During the crisis, oil prices _____ between $20 and $40 a barrel.(A) peaked (B) vibrated (C) wave

【評論內容】(C) waver v.1.搖擺2.擺動3.顫抖

【評論主題】15. The improvements in his English proficiency have made John shed his ______ and show renewed


(D)snag n. 小困难或障碍; 突出物; 钩丝

vt. 戳坏; 抓住; 清除暗桩

vi. 妨碍; 被戳坏

过去式: snagged

EX: It is to be expected that anexperiment will sometimes run into a snag at first.


【評論主題】16. Information overload is inevitable in the modern society where ______ access to the world w



statusquo n. 现状

EX: They have no wish for any change in the status quo.  他们不想改变现状。


(A) ludicrous  adj.无所不在的; 普遍存在的

(B)strident adj. 刺耳的; 尖锐的; 轧轧叫的; 吱吱叫的

(C) transient adj.短暂的; 转瞬即逝的

(D) ubiquitous  adj.无所不在的; 普遍存在的

【評論主題】7. Many prominent scientists consider extraterrestrial life to be _____ because many planets in



extraterrestrial  adj. 地球外的,地球大气圈外的

n. 外星人


(A)tentative  adj. 试探性的; 试验的; 尝试性的; 不确定的

n. 假设; 实验; 尝试

(B)oblivious  adj. 忘却的; 健忘的; 不注意的; 不知道的

(C) plausible adj. 貌似可信的,貌似真实的; 貌似有理的; 花言巧语的

(D) credulousadj.轻信的,易受骗的

【評論主題】18. The climbers had great courage and skills to get on top of the ______ cliffs.(A) perpendicu


(A) perpendicular  adj. 垂直的,成直角的; 直立的,险陡的; [建]垂直式的; 〈谑〉


n. 垂直线,垂直面; 直立,直立姿势,廉直; 垂直测器,锤规; [建]垂直式建筑,绝壁

词根: pend 1. =expend,表示"花费,支付";  2. 最初意思为"称重量而衡量……",引申出花费,支付;3. =hang,表示"悬挂"

(B) abdominal  adj. 腹部的; [鱼]有腹鳍的

  n. 腹肌(常用作复数)

(C) irreversible  adj. 不可逆的; 不能翻转的; 不能倒置的; [法]不可取消的

 EX: SouthAfrica was going through a period of irreversib...

【評論主題】17. It appears that Jack is _______ to criticism because he has so much confidence in his opini


(B)immortal adj. 不死的; 永恒的,不朽的; 神的; 流芳百世的

n. 神仙; 流芳百世的人; 不朽的作家

EX: He believed his immortal soul was in peril.


(C)impervious  adj. 不可渗透的; 透不过的; 无动于衷的; 不受影响的

(D) insaneadj.疯狂的; 精神病的;非常愚蠢的

【評論主題】14. It is quite a pity that people tend to truly appreciate the ______ of health until they no


(A) blissn. 极乐; 天赐的福; 幸福无比; 狂喜

vt. 使欣喜若狂,使狂喜

vi. 欣喜若狂,狂喜


1. She clings to a romantic fantasy of wedded bliss. 


 2. It was a scene of such domestic bliss.这是一派天伦之乐的场景。

(B) sanctionn. 制裁,处罚; 批准,认可; 约束力; 鼓励

  vt. 批准; 鼓励,容忍EX: 1. The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.


2. As an ultimate sanction, they can sell their shares.


【評論主題】13. Due to illegal operation, Jim was forced to ______ his control of the enterprise and his sh


(B)bewilder vt. 使迷惑; 使为难; 使手足无措; 使变糊涂

EX: Again and again passages inhis essays exasperate or bewilder.


(D)usurp vt. 篡夺; 侵占,霸占; 盗用; 夺取,强夺

vi.篡夺; 篡权;侵占; 侵害

【評論主題】12. To encourage childbirth, the government enacted a new law to ______ parents who are having


(A) articulate

adj. 发音清晰的; 善于表达的; 有关节的

vt. 清晰地发(音); 言语表达; (用关节)连接

vi. 清楚地和清晰地讲; 发音; [解剖学] 连接

(B)impoverishvt. 使贫穷; 使贫瘠或恶化; 耗尽…的力气

(C)perplex vt. 使迷惑,使混乱; 使复杂化

(D) subsidize  vt. 以津贴补助; 以金钱收买;向…发放奖金;用贿赂拉拢

【評論主題】6. The contagious infection put the entire household under _____ for at least a week.(A) irides


(A) iridescent  adj. 彩虹色的; (随位置不同而)变色的,闪耀的; 小配件


(B) pollinationn. <植授粉(作用)

(C)quarantine (n.) 隔離 

(D) proboscis n. (象等的)长鼻; (昆虫等的)喙

【評論主題】2. A group of enthusiastic environmentalists have begun a _____ campaign to oppose nuclear dump


(D) vigorous adj. 有力的;精力充沛的; 充满活力的; 朝气蓬勃的

词根:vig =life,表示"生命"

【評論主題】12. We believe that the ocean is also a main driver of theclimate change, a main mitigator in the wa


(C)crustacean  n. 甲壳纲动物(如蟹、龙虾)


【評論主題】11. The stupendous rise of the company surprised manyinvestors who did not expect that it would have


(D)incumbent  adj. 在职的; 义不容辞的; 靠在[压在]上面的; 弯垂下来的

n. 在职者; 教会中的任职者; 〈英〉教区牧师


1. It isincumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort. 我们所有人都必须加倍努力。

2. the present incumbent of the White House现任美国总统

3. He defeated the incumbent governor by a large plurality. 他以压倒多数票击败了现任州长.


词根: cumb

1. =lie down,表示"躺";

2. =barrier,表示躺的"东西,障碍"

A  adj.

1  accumbent横卧的,斜靠的,ac加强+cumb躺+ent……的→adj.横卧的,斜靠的

2  cumbersome笨重的,cumber躺+some具有……倾向→有障碍的

3  incumbent职责所在的,负有...

【評論主題】12. We believe that the ocean is also a main driver of theclimate change, a main mitigator in the wa


(A)jeopardyn. 危险; 危险境地; 被告在法庭上有被判罪的危险

jeopardize  vt.危及,损害,使陷入险境或受伤,使…遇险

jeopardy  n.危险,危险境地,被告在法庭上有被判罪的危险

jeopardise  vt.危及,损害

jeopard  v.危及,使受危困

jeopardous  adj.危险的,冒险的

【評論主題】11. The stupendous rise of the company surprised manyinvestors who did not expect that it would have


(A)decrepit adj. 衰老的,老朽的,破旧的; 头童齿豁; 衰朽; 蓬头历齿

EX: The British music scene is nostalgic, decrepit and moribund.



(C)bilateral  adj.双边的,双方的; 两侧的;双向的; 双系的

【評論主題】10. After the earthquake had happened, bad weather andfloods hampered rescue efforts and operations,


(C)spurned vt. 蔑视; 唾弃; 轻视地踏或踢

vi. 轻视地拒绝某物

n. 轻视的拒绝; 踢开


(D)sabotaged  v. 蓄意破坏; 怠工; 对…采取破坏行动,捣乱

n. 破坏活动

【評論主題】6. She was eager to _____ with the other guests at thatparty and did not spend too much time chattin


(A)tingle vi. 感到刺痛; 引起刺痛; (耳朵等)鸣响

vt. 使…感到刺痛

n. 刺痛; 激动; 鸣响

(B)mingle vt.& vi. 混合,混淆 ,  vi. 混进,与…交往

(C)bingle n. 安打,打出安打,短髮

(D)mangle vt. 乱砍; 损坏; 用轧布机砑光

n. 轧布机,轧板机,碾压机

【評論主題】1. Last month, European Union officials accused Google of unfairly _____ research results. It’s


(B) manipulate 操作,处理; 巧妙地控制; 操纵;

[医] 推拿,调整;


(D) shattering

vt. 使(梦想、希望或信念)粉碎;(使)破灭; 使破碎,使碎裂,砸碎; 使…成为泡影; 使…痛不欲生; 使…散开 使非常惊愕;使受到极大打击

vi. 粉碎,损坏,落叶

n. 碎片,碎块; 落花(叶等)

【評論主題】36. Its strength and lightness make aluminum is( A ) an excellent material for( B ) constructingthe


make 為使役動詞,後接原形動詞

make aluminum be

【評論主題】38. Examining( A ) specific instances of language use gives( B ) us insights into how languageworks


C 由後面界詞by來判斷前句應是被動狀態

have been obtained

【評論主題】31. As technology has become more readily available( A ), more blue-collar jobs haverequired to mani

【評論內容】stay (連綴動詞)* 形容詞 stay  competitive

【評論主題】9. In ___________ their winning approach, members of Taichung University’s team knew theywould not b


(B) devise

vt. 想出,设计; 遗赠给; 图谋

n. 遗赠; 遗赠的财产; 遗赠的条款

Experts are trying to devise ways to clean up the huge slick.


It is not easy to devise means.


【評論主題】2. Research ___________ a variety of hardware platforms, such as computer hardware, cellphones and o


(A) consists of 由…組成

(B) be composed of由…組成

(D) be engaged in 從事於


(B) encompass 包圍

【評論主題】29.使學生能學習到如何自由控制其内在心理活動歷程從 而獲得知識的一切方法,這是屬於蓋聶(R. M.Gagne)提出的哪一項學習結果?(A)心智技能 (B)認知策略 (C)語文訊息 (D)動作技能

【評論內容】蓋聶(Gagne)分為五種學習結果(learning outcomes),包括:心智技能(intellectual skills) 、認知策略(cognitive strategies)、語文資訊(verbal information)、動作技能(motor skills)與態度(attitude)等。 1. 心智技能(intellectual skills):使用符號學習如何去做某事的能力為一種程式性知識,包括辨別具體概念、定義『概念』、『原則』、高層次原則。能使用符號或概念與學習中的環境互相作用,而不是只重複學習或使用一些事實或知識。能使用符號或概念與學習中的環境互相作用,而不是只重複學習或使用一些事實或知識。心智技能主要涉及知道「如何」(know how)去做,例如,學會如何把分數轉為小數。心智技能型式包括有五類技能,每一技能是建...

【評論主題】31. 教育計畫中經常使用的「計畫評核術」(PERT),最重視的是下列何者的管理?(A)時間管理 (B)經費管理 (C)人力管理 (D)設備管理









2. 最強調的重點在『時』的部分,計畫評核術(PERT)與行政三聯制意涵相似。

【評論主題】8. 「透過校園建築空間與環境的規劃、建置與運用,以促進教育意境、學校課程、教師教學、學生學習、行政管理和社區公關之提升」,是下列哪一項教育領導理論之論述?(A)轉型領導 (B)空間領導 (C)情境領


Tarner & Lackney在2006年<教育設施:領導、建築和管理一書中提出空間領導。湯志民(2008)定義空間領導為領導者透過規劃與運用校舍、校園、運動場和附屬設施,以建構對學校課程、教師教學、學生學習、行政管理和社區公關,具有實質影響力的『點、線、面、體』環境,以引領學校空間和教育發展之歷程。

【評論主題】6. The outbreak of the _____ influenza that has already caused two deaths provokedwidespread panic i


(A) staunch  堅定的

(B)sardonic  冷嘲的

(C)virulent   劇毒

(D)pungent  尖刻的 痛苦的

【評論主題】5. Some developing countries such as Brazil and Venezuela are facing the _____ ofstruggling between


(A) crotchet 反覆無常

(B)rancor  仇恨

(C)peccadillo  小過失

(D)conundrum  難題

【評論主題】4. The marketing director _____ from previous experience that this new social network appwouldn’t st

【評論內容】(A)enumerated 列舉(B) extrapolated 推斷(C) repudiated 拒絕 否認(D) scavenged 清除汙物,打掃,(在廢物中)尋覓,(動物)食腐肉

【評論主題】13. The only _____ of the old man’s career as a car racer were the trophies anddocumentaries on the


vestiges(n) 遺跡;殘餘

bonanza(n) 走鴻運﹐獲利之道﹐致富之源

rumination(n) 反芻; 沉思

emolument酬金; 酬勞,薪水

【評論主題】12. This movie featured nothing but _____ pageants. Although the visual effects wereimpressive, the



feature  n. 特徵,特輯,故事片

  vt. 使有特色,描寫…的特徵,以…為號召物

  vi. 起主要作用,做重要角色



(A) insipid 〔飲食〕淡而無味的,枯燥無味的﹐不吸引人的

(B)mellifluous  聲音甜美的; 悅耳的﹐動聽的

(C)specious  似是而非的﹐貌似正確的,外觀好看的,


(D)sanguine  懷著希望的;樂觀的[(+about/of)],血色好


【評論主題】14. Kevin felt completely _____ under the scorching heat of the sun, wishing that the routinebasketb



scorching  a. 極熱的,燒似烤焦的,苛刻的,尖酸刻薄的

scorch  v. 燒焦,烤焦,使(植物)枯萎,痛罵

 n. 焦痕,植物褐色斑點



enervate(v) 使失去活力;使衰弱

infatuate 使糊塗 衝昏腦

mortify 使羞愧
