
One day, Larry overslept and was going to be late for work, so he took a taxi. When he got in the taxi, he found that the taxi driver was drunk. The driver was speeding and didn’t even wear his seat belt. Five minutes later, the taxi was stopped by a police officer.  “ What’s wrong, Officer?” asked the driver. The police officer looked angrily at him and said, “ Do you know what the speed limit is? Wait, I smell beer on you; I’m giving you a drunk driving test.”  The driver was given three tickets and fined NT$25,500. Poor Larry! He was an hour late for work. It really wasn’t his day.

【題組】4) The word “overslept” is closest(最接近)in meaning(意義)to “ ______________   ”.
(A) went to bed late 
(B) got up early 
(C) went to bed early 
(D) got up late

