
請依下文回答第 48 題至第 50 題:Beth and Tony are a couple who like to go mountain hiking. One day, they decided to do it again on a sunnyday. But by the time they started the hike, it was already in the afternoon. Enjoying themselves all the waythrough, they both reached the top of the mountain before the sunset. Yet, instead of taking the same route, Bethsuggested to take another trail down, and it turned out to be an unexplored one. The trail was rather hidden by thegrass and trees. Not being able to see the road ahead most of the time, they slipped a couple of times.They became nervous when it started to get dark, and had to hold on to each other tightly. Walking totally inthe dark, they carefully watched over every step they made and moved even slower than they did before. Suddenlyseeing a light, they began to walk faster. Eventually, they found their car in the lot. After driving back homesafely, they made up their mind not to make any attempt for something unknown or uncertain.
【題組】48 What is the main reason for the delay when they went down the mountain?
(A)They stayed too long watching the beautiful scenery.
(B)They parked their car at an unknown place.
(C)They took an unknown road on their way back.
(D)One of them fell and was injured.

