【評論主題】【題組】50 (A) informed (B) transformed (C) transmitted (D) confirmed

【評論內容】We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】【題組】50 (A) informed (B) transformed (C) transmitted (D) confirmed

【評論內容】We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】【題組】47 (A) indiscriminate (B) insightful (C) indispensable (D) independent


We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】【題組】50 (A) informed (B) transformed (C) transmitted (D) confirmed

【評論內容】We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】7 地方制度法賦予下列那些地方自治團體有一定程度行政罰之裁罰權?(A)臺北市、臺中市、板橋區(B)臺灣省、嘉義市、鳳山區(C)新北市、澎湖縣、屏東市(D)高雄市、連江縣、基隆市




參自維基百科 行政區劃https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B8%A3%E8%BD%84%E5%B8%82

第 26 條自治條例應分別冠以各該地方自治團體之名稱,在直轄市稱直轄市法規,在縣 (市) 稱縣 (市) 規章,在鄉 (鎮、市) 稱鄉 (鎮、市) 規約。直轄市法規、縣 (市) 規章就違反地方自治事項之行政業務者,得規定處以罰鍰或其他種類之行政罰。但法律另有規定者,不在此限。其為罰鍰之處罰,逾期不繳納者,得依相關法律移送強制執行。前項罰鍰之處罰,最高以新臺幣十萬元為限;並得規定連續處罰之。其他行政罰之種類限於勒令停工、停止營業、吊扣執照或其他一定期限內限制或禁止為一定行為之不利處分...



地方制度法 § 3 

地方劃分為省、直轄市。省劃分為縣、市 (以下稱縣 (市) ) ;縣劃分為鄉、鎮、縣轄市 (以下稱鄉 (鎮、市) ) 。直轄市及市均劃分為區。鄉以內之編組為村;鎮、縣轄市及區以內之編組為里。村、里 (以下稱村 (里) ) 以內之編組為鄰。


省設省政府、省諮議會。直轄市設直轄市議會、直轄市政府;縣 (市) 設縣 (市) 議會、縣 (市)政府;鄉 (鎮、市) 設鄉 (鎮、市) 民代表會、鄉 (鎮、市) 公所,分別為直轄市、縣 (市) 、鄉 (鎮、市) 之立法機關及行政機關。直轄市、市之區設區公所。村 (里) 設村 (里) 辦公處。

【評論主題】【題組】47 (A) indiscriminate (B) insightful (C) indispensable (D) independent


We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】【題組】50 (A) informed (B) transformed (C) transmitted (D) confirmed

【評論內容】We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】7 地方制度法賦予下列那些地方自治團體有一定程度行政罰之裁罰權?(A)臺北市、臺中市、板橋區(B)臺灣省、嘉義市、鳳山區(C)新北市、澎湖縣、屏東市(D)高雄市、連江縣、基隆市




參自維基百科 行政區劃https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B8%A3%E8%BD%84%E5%B8%82

第 26 條自治條例應分別冠以各該地方自治團體之名稱,在直轄市稱直轄市法規,在縣 (市) 稱縣 (市) 規章,在鄉 (鎮、市) 稱鄉 (鎮、市) 規約。直轄市法規、縣 (市) 規章就違反地方自治事項之行政業務者,得規定處以罰鍰或其他種類之行政罰。但法律另有規定者,不在此限。其為罰鍰之處罰,逾期不繳納者,得依相關法律移送強制執行。前項罰鍰之處罰,最高以新臺幣十萬元為限;並得規定連續處罰之。其他行政罰之種類限於勒令停工、停止營業、吊扣執照或其他一定期限內限制或禁止為一定行為之不利處分...

【評論主題】23 建築法規定建築物所有權人、使用人應維護建築物合法使用與其構造及設備安全;違反前述義務或擅自未經核准變更使用擅自使用建築物者,由直轄市或縣(市)政府處建築物所有權人、使用人新臺幣 6萬元以上30萬




地方制度法 § 3 

地方劃分為省、直轄市。省劃分為縣、市 (以下稱縣 (市) ) ;縣劃分為鄉、鎮、縣轄市 (以下稱鄉 (鎮、市) ) 。直轄市及市均劃分為區。鄉以內之編組為村;鎮、縣轄市及區以內之編組為里。村、里 (以下稱村 (里) ) 以內之編組為鄰。


省設省政府、省諮議會。直轄市設直轄市議會、直轄市政府;縣 (市) 設縣 (市) 議會、縣 (市)政府;鄉 (鎮、市) 設鄉 (鎮、市) 民代表會、鄉 (鎮、市) 公所,分別為直轄市、縣 (市) 、鄉 (鎮、市) 之立法機關及行政機關。直轄市、市之區設區公所。村 (里) 設村 (里) 辦公處。

【評論主題】【題組】50 Which of the following words best describes the overall tone of this passage?(A) Uneasy. (B)


Doraemon, a well-known Japanese comic book character, was created by Fujiko F. Fujio in 1969. 哆啦A夢是日本著名漫畫人物,由藤子·F·不二雄於1969年創作,It was first made intoanimation in 1973. 1973年首次被改編成動畫。Ever since its creation, Doraemon has been valued in Japan and many other countries for its recreational and educational benefits.自誕生以來,哆啦A夢因其娛樂和教育意義而在日本和許多其他國家受到重視。Doraemon is a robot cat traveling back in time from the twenty-second century to the present in order to help a boy named Nobita, a fifth grader. 哆啦A夢是一隻機器貓,為了幫助五年級學...

【評論主題】【題組】43 (A) medicine (B) instruction (C) electricity (D) healthcare

【評論內容】Noah considered it a sign from God; Aristotle was obsessed with its geometry.諾亞認為這是上帝的徵兆。 亞里士多德痴迷於它的幾何學。__ What__ comes to your mind when you see the symbol of a rainbow? 當你看到彩虹的符號時,你會想到什麼__? In the past few years, the rainbow flag has been internationally known to be closely related to the pride of the LGBTQ+ community.過去幾年,彩虹旗在國際上被認為與 LGBTQ+ 群體的自豪感密切相關。 However, the rainbow has come to __hold__ many different meanings that some may not know about. 然而,彩虹具有許多不同的含義,有些人可能不知道。 For example, in the 1...

【評論主題】【題組】49 Which of the following is NOT discussed in this passage?(A) Why Doraemon has developed a blue

【評論內容】Doraemon, a well-known Japanese comic book character, was created by Fujiko F. Fujio in 1969. 哆啦A夢是日本著名漫畫人物,由藤子·F·不二雄於1969年創作,It was first made intoanimation in 1973. 1973年首次被改編成動畫。Ever since its creation, Doraemon has been valued in Japan and many other countries for its recreational and educational benefits.自誕生以來,哆啦A夢因其娛樂和教育意義而在日本和許多其他國家受到重視。Doraemon is a robot cat traveling back in time from the twenty-second century to the present in order to help a boy named Nobita, a fifth grader. 哆啦A夢是一隻機器貓,為了幫助五年級學...

【評論主題】【題組】42 (A) exclude (B) say (C) hold (D) write


Noah considered i☆ ☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】【題組】48 What does the word “inestimable” in this passage most likely mean?(A) Without a name. (B) Too

【評論內容】Doraemon, a well-known Japanese comic book character, was created by Fujiko F. Fujio in 1969. 哆啦A夢是日本著名漫畫人物,由藤子·F·不二雄於1969年創作,It was first made intoanimation in 1973. 1973年首次被改編成動畫。Ever since its creation, Doraemon has been valued in Japan and many other countries for its recreational and educational benefits.自誕生以來,哆啦A夢因其娛樂和教育意義而在日本和許多其他國家受到重視。Doraemon is a robot cat traveling back in time from the twenty-second century to the present in order to help a boy named Nobita, a fifth grader. 哆啦A夢是一隻機器貓,為了幫助五年級學...

【評論主題】【題組】45 (A) play (B) make (C) achieve (D) exercise

【評論內容】Noah considered it a ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】47 Which of the following statements is true according to this passage?(A) Doraemon travels back

【評論內容】Doraemon, a well-known Japanese comic book character, was created by Fujiko F. Fujio in 1969. 哆啦A夢是日本著名漫畫人物,由藤子·F·不二雄於1969年創作,It was first made intoanimation in 1973. 1973年首次被改編成動畫。Ever since its creation, Doraemon has been valued in Japan and many other countries for its recreational and educational benefits.自誕生以來,哆啦A夢因其娛樂和教育意義而在日本和許多其他國家受到重視。Doraemon is a robot cat traveling back in time from the twenty-second century to the present in order to help a boy named Nobita, a fifth grader. 哆啦A夢是一隻機器貓,為了幫助五年級學...

【評論主題】【題組】44 (A) truly (B) rarely (C) hardly (D) healthily

【評論內容】Noah considered it a sign from God; Aristotle was obsessed with its geometry.諾亞認為這是上帝的徵兆。 亞里士多德痴迷於它的幾何學。__ What__ comes to your mind when you see the symbol of a rainbow? 當你看到彩虹的符號時,你會想到什麼__? In the past few years, the rainbow flag has been internationally known to be closely related to the pride of the LGBTQ+ community.過去幾年,彩虹旗在國際上被認為與 LGBTQ+ 群體的自豪感密切相關。 However, the rainbow has come to __hold__ many different meanings that some may not know about. 然而,彩虹具有許多不同的含義,有些人可能不知道。 For example, in the 1...

【評論主題】依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 Noah considered it a sign from God; Aristotle was obsessed with its geometry.__ 4


Noah considered i☆ ☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆...

【評論主題】【題組】48 (A) parliament (B) propriety (C) infrastructure (D) instrument


We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】【題組】47 (A) indiscriminate (B) insightful (C) indispensable (D) independent


We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】【題組】49 (A) where (B) that (C) including (D) against


We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】【題組】50 (A) informed (B) transformed (C) transmitted (D) confirmed

【評論內容】We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】7 地方制度法賦予下列那些地方自治團體有一定程度行政罰之裁罰權?(A)臺北市、臺中市、板橋區(B)臺灣省、嘉義市、鳳山區(C)新北市、澎湖縣、屏東市(D)高雄市、連江縣、基隆市




參自維基百科 行政區劃https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B8%A3%E8%BD%84%E5%B8%82

第 26 條自治條例應分別冠以各該地方自治團體之名稱,在直轄市稱直轄市法規,在縣 (市) 稱縣 (市) 規章,在鄉 (鎮、市) 稱鄉 (鎮、市) 規約。直轄市法規、縣 (市) 規章就違反地方自治事項之行政業務者,得規定處以罰鍰或其他種類之行政罰。但法律另有規定者,不在此限。其為罰鍰之處罰,逾期不繳納者,得依相關法律移送強制執行。前項罰鍰之處罰,最高以新臺幣十萬元為限;並得規定連續處罰之。其他行政罰之種類限於勒令停工、停止營業、吊扣執照或其他一定期限內限制或禁止為一定行為之不利處分...

【評論主題】7 地方自治團體之性質為:(A)社團法人 (B)財團法人 (C)營造物法人 (D)私法人

【評論內容】8 關於地方自治團體之法律地位,下列敘述...

【評論主題】5 下列何者非屬地方自治團體之構成要素? (A)司法權 (B)自治權 (C)居民 (D)行政區域

【評論內容】3 依據學理,地方自治團體的構成要素,下...

【評論主題】【題組】50 What might be the most suitable title for this passage?(A) The Scientific Methods of Extrater


【評論主題】【題組】44 (A) enlightened (B) stimulated (C) abolished (D) distracted

【評論內容】我們過著快節奏的生活。 如今一切都發生得...

【評論主題】【題組】49 What could be the central message of the passage?(A) Still more attempts need to be made to r


【評論主題】【題組】48 According to the passage, what does the word “paradox” in the Fermi Paradox imply?(A) An obse


【評論主題】請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: Scientists say it could take at least 1,500 years before humans make contact


【評論主題】【題組】42 (A) produces (B) reduces (C) excludes (D) includes

【評論內容】我們過著快節奏的生活。 如今一切都發生得...

【評論主題】【題組】50 Mary failed her test and was really upset. According to the passage, which of the following m


【評論主題】【題組】49 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?(A) Stepping outside for walks c


【評論主題】【題組】48 Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “cranky”?(A) Annoyed or upset. (B) U


【評論主題】【題組】47 According to the passage, if you want to step out to nature but cannot go out right away, wha


【評論主題】請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:  When you’re feeling low, it’s easy to convince yourself to stay there. After a


【評論主題】35 直轄市議會議長之罷免案,應向何機關提出?(A)直轄市議會 (B)直轄市政府 (C)行政院 (D)中央選舉委員會

【評論內容】第 46 條 直轄市議會、縣(市)議★★★...

【評論主題】【題組】47 What does “comdemned” mean in the first paragraph?(A) encouraged (B) condoned (C) criticized

【評論內容】The Australian government has operated a policy since 2013, obstructing refugees from arriving in their country and seeking humanitarian aids.澳大利亞政府自 2013 年起實施一項政策,阻止難民抵達本國並尋求人道主義援助。Those asylum-seekers and illegal migrants have been completely rejected and detained on distant Pacific islands like Manus and Nauru.這些尋求庇護者和非法移民在遙遠的太平洋島嶼如馬努斯和瑙魯被完全拒絕和拘留。This policy was formulated by Kevin Rudd, the prime minister of Australia by then.該政策由當時的澳大利亞總理陸克文制定。The main objective of this plan is t...

【評論主題】【題組】45 (A) commercial (B) preliminary (C) reflective (D) spontaneous

【評論內容】Hearst Castle is a National Historic Landmark and California Historical Landmark mansion located onthe Central Coast of California in the U.S.A.赫斯特城堡是位於美國加利福尼亞州中央海岸的國家歷史地標和加利福尼亞歷史地標豪宅。It was designed by architect Julia Morgan, built between 1919 and 1947, as a residence for newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, who died in 1951.它由建築師朱莉婭摩根設計,建於 1919 年至 1947 年之間,是報業大亨威廉·倫道夫·赫斯特的住所,他於 1951 年去世。In 1954, it became a California State Park.1954年,它成為加利福尼亞州立公園。The site was ope...

【評論主題】【題組】44 (A) briefly (B) nearly (C) partly (D) rarely

【評論內容】Hearst Castle is a National Historic Landmark and California Historical Landmark mansion located onthe Central Coast of California in the U.S.A.赫斯特城堡是位於美國加利福尼亞州中央海岸的國家歷史地標和加利福尼亞歷史地標豪宅。It was designed by architect Julia Morgan, built between 1919 and 1947, as a residence for newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, who died in 1951.它由建築師朱莉婭摩根設計,建於 1919 年至 1947 年之間,是報業大亨威廉·倫道夫·赫斯特的住所,他於 1951 年去世。In 1954, it became a California State Park.1954年,它成為加利福尼亞州立公園。The site was op...

【評論主題】【題組】43 (A) categories (B) dwellings (C) segments (D) terminals

【評論內容】Hearst Castle is a National Historic Landmark and California Historical Landmark mansion located onthe Central Coast of California in the U.S.A.赫斯特城堡是位於美國加利福尼亞州中央海岸的國家歷史地標和加利福尼亞歷史地標豪宅。It was designed by architect Julia Morgan, built between 1919 and 1947, as a residence for newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, who died in 1951.它由建築師朱莉婭摩根設計,建於 1919 年至 1947 年之間,是報業大亨威廉·倫道夫·赫斯特的住所,他於 1951 年去世。In 1954, it became a California State Park.1954年,它成為加利福尼亞州立公園。The site was op...

【評論主題】23 建築法規定建築物所有權人、使用人應維護建築物合法使用與其構造及設備安全;違反前述義務或擅自未經核准變更使用擅自使用建築物者,由直轄市或縣(市)政府處建築物所有權人、使用人新臺幣 6萬元以上30萬


【評論主題】請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrel


We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】【題組】49 (A) where (B) that (C) including (D) against


We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】7 地方制度法賦予下列那些地方自治團體有一定程度行政罰之裁罰權?(A)臺北市、臺中市、板橋區(B)臺灣省、嘉義市、鳳山區(C)新北市、澎湖縣、屏東市(D)高雄市、連江縣、基隆市




參自維基百科 行政區劃https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B8%A3%E8%BD%84%E5%B8%82

第 26 條自治條例應分別冠以各該地方自治團體之名稱,在直轄市稱直轄市法規,在縣 (市) 稱縣 (市) 規章,在鄉 (鎮、市) 稱鄉 (鎮、市) 規約。直轄市法規、縣 (市) 規章就違反地方自治事項之行政業務者,得規定處以罰鍰或其他種類之行政罰。但法律另有規定者,不在此限。其為罰鍰之處罰,逾期不繳納者,得依相關法律移送強制執行。前項罰鍰之處罰,最高以新臺幣十萬元為限;並得規定連續處罰之。其他行政罰之種類限於勒令停工、停止營業、吊扣執照或其他一定期限內限制或禁止為一定行為之不利處分...

【評論主題】23 建築法規定建築物所有權人、使用人應維護建築物合法使用與其構造及設備安全;違反前述義務或擅自未經核准變更使用擅自使用建築物者,由直轄市或縣(市)政府處建築物所有權人、使用人新臺幣 6萬元以上30萬


【評論主題】請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:    Shakespeare and Company is an English-language bookshop in Paris. It was ope


 Shakespeare and Company is an English-language bookshop in Paris. It was opened in 1951 and has been a meeting place for Anglophone writers and readers    since      .莎士比亞書店是巴黎的一家英文書店。它於 1951 年開放,從那時起一直是英語作家和讀者的聚會場所。



第 7 條




【評論主題】5 鄉(鎮、市)選出之平地原住民代表名額,幾人以上者應有婦女當選名額?(A)2人(B)3人(C)4人(D)5人




地方制度法 § 3 

地方劃分為省、直轄市。省劃分為縣、市 (以下稱縣 (市) ) ;縣劃分為鄉、鎮、縣轄市 (以下稱鄉 (鎮、市) ) 。直轄市及市均劃分為區。鄉以內之編組為村;鎮、縣轄市及區以內之編組為里。村、里 (以下稱村 (里) ) 以內之編組為鄰。


省設省政府、省諮議會。直轄市設直轄市議會、直轄市政府;縣 (市) 設縣 (市) 議會、縣 (市)政府;鄉 (鎮、市) 設鄉 (鎮、市) 民代表會、鄉 (鎮、市) 公所,分別為直轄市、縣 (市) 、鄉 (鎮、市) 之立法機關及行政機關。直轄市、市之區設區公所。村 (里) 設村 (里) 辦公處。

【評論主題】【題組】49 (A) where (B) that (C) including (D) against


We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrel


We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】【題組】48 (A) parliament (B) propriety (C) infrastructure (D) instrument


We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】【題組】47 (A) indiscriminate (B) insightful (C) indispensable (D) independent


We have all seen really horrific images and accounts from the extensive and unrelenting attacks  on   civilians and civilian sites being conducted by Russian forces in Ukraine. 我們都看到了俄羅斯軍隊在烏克蘭對平民和民用場所進行的大規模、無情的襲擊所帶來的真正可怕的畫面和描述。There have been numerous credible reports of hospitals, schools, theaters, etc., being intentionally attacked, as well as  indiscriminate  attacks. 有許多可靠的報告稱,醫院、學校、劇院等遭到蓄意攻擊和不分青紅皂白的攻擊。 Russia's forces have destroyed apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, other elements of the cri...

【評論主題】7 地方制度法賦予下列那些地方自治團體有一定程度行政罰之裁罰權?(A)臺北市、臺中市、板橋區(B)臺灣省、嘉義市、鳳山區(C)新北市、澎湖縣、屏東市(D)高雄市、連江縣、基隆市




參自維基百科 行政區劃https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B8%A3%E8%BD%84%E5%B8%82

第 26 條自治條例應分別冠以各該地方自治團體之名稱,在直轄市稱直轄市法規,在縣 (市) 稱縣 (市) 規章,在鄉 (鎮、市) 稱鄉 (鎮、市) 規約。直轄市法規、縣 (市) 規章就違反地方自治事項之行政業務者,得規定處以罰鍰或其他種類之行政罰。但法律另有規定者,不在此限。其為罰鍰之處罰,逾期不繳納者,得依相關法律移送強制執行。前項罰鍰之處罰,最高以新臺幣十萬元為限;並得規定連續處罰之。其他行政罰之種類限於勒令停工、停止營業、吊扣執照或其他一定期限內限制或禁止為一定行為之不利處分...

【評論主題】【題組】44 (A) enlightened (B) stimulated (C) abolished (D) distracted

【評論內容】我們過著快節奏的生活。 如今一切都發生得...

【評論主題】【題組】47 What does “comdemned” mean in the first paragraph?(A) encouraged (B) condoned (C) criticized

【評論內容】The Australian government has operated a policy since 2013, obstructing refugees from arriving in their country and seeking humanitarian aids.澳大利亞政府自 2013 年起實施一項政策,阻止難民抵達本國並尋求人道主義援助。Those asylum-seekers and illegal migrants have been completely rejected and detained on distant Pacific islands like Manus and Nauru.這些尋求庇護者和非法移民在遙遠的太平洋島嶼如馬努斯和瑙魯被完全拒絕和拘留。This policy was formulated by Kevin Rudd, the prime minister of Australia by then.該政策由當時的澳大利亞總理陸克文制定。The main objective of this plan is t...

【評論主題】23 建築法規定建築物所有權人、使用人應維護建築物合法使用與其構造及設備安全;違反前述義務或擅自未經核准變更使用擅自使用建築物者,由直轄市或縣(市)政府處建築物所有權人、使用人新臺幣 6萬元以上30萬


【評論主題】請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:    Shakespeare and Company is an English-language bookshop in Paris. It was ope


 Shakespeare and Company is an English-language bookshop in Paris. It was opened in 1951 and has been a meeting place for Anglophone writers and readers    since      .莎士比亞書店是巴黎的一家英文書店。它於 1951 年開放,從那時起一直是英語作家和讀者的聚會場所。



第 7 條




【評論主題】5 鄉(鎮、市)選出之平地原住民代表名額,幾人以上者應有婦女當選名額?(A)2人(B)3人(C)4人(D)5人


【評論主題】【題組】49 Which of the following is NOT discussed in this passage?(A) Why Doraemon has developed a blue

【評論內容】Doraemon, a well-known Japanese comic book character, was created by Fujiko F. Fujio in 1969. 哆啦A夢是日本著名漫畫人物,由藤子·F·不二雄於1969年創作,It was first made intoanimation in 1973. 1973年首次被改編成動畫。Ever since its creation, Doraemon has been valued in Japan and many other countries for its recreational and educational benefits.自誕生以來,哆啦A夢因其娛樂和教育意義而在日本和許多其他國家受到重視。Doraemon is a robot cat traveling back in time from the twenty-second century to the present in order to help a boy named Nobita, a fifth grader. 哆啦A夢是一隻機器貓,為了幫助五年級學...

【評論主題】【題組】50 Which of the following words best describes the overall tone of this passage?(A) Uneasy. (B)


Doraemon, a well-known Japanese comic book character, was created by Fujiko F. Fujio in 1969. 哆啦A夢是日本著名漫畫人物,由藤子·F·不二雄於1969年創作,It was first made intoanimation in 1973. 1973年首次被改編成動畫。Ever since its creation, Doraemon has been valued in Japan and many other countries for its recreational and educational benefits.自誕生以來,哆啦A夢因其娛樂和教育意義而在日本和許多其他國家受到重視。Doraemon is a robot cat traveling back in time from the twenty-second century to the present in order to help a boy named Nobita, a fifth grader. 哆啦A夢是一隻機器貓,為了幫助五年級學...

【評論主題】【題組】48 What does the word “inestimable” in this passage most likely mean?(A) Without a name. (B) Too

【評論內容】Doraemon, a well-known Japanese comic book character, was created by Fujiko F. Fujio in 1969. 哆啦A夢是日本著名漫畫人物,由藤子·F·不二雄於1969年創作,It was first made intoanimation in 1973. 1973年首次被改編成動畫。Ever since its creation, Doraemon has been valued in Japan and many other countries for its recreational and educational benefits.自誕生以來,哆啦A夢因其娛樂和教育意義而在日本和許多其他國家受到重視。Doraemon is a robot cat traveling back in time from the twenty-second century to the present in order to help a boy named Nobita, a fifth grader. 哆啦A夢是一隻機器貓,為了幫助五年級學...

【評論主題】【題組】47 Which of the following statements is true according to this passage?(A) Doraemon travels back

【評論內容】Doraemon, a well-known Japanese comic book character, was created by Fujiko F. Fujio in 1969. 哆啦A夢是日本著名漫畫人物,由藤子·F·不二雄於1969年創作,It was first made intoanimation in 1973. 1973年首次被改編成動畫。Ever since its creation, Doraemon has been valued in Japan and many other countries for its recreational and educational benefits.自誕生以來,哆啦A夢因其娛樂和教育意義而在日本和許多其他國家受到重視。Doraemon is a robot cat traveling back in time from the twenty-second century to the present in order to help a boy named Nobita, a fifth grader. 哆啦A夢是一隻機器貓,為了幫助五年級學...

【評論主題】【題組】45 (A) play (B) make (C) achieve (D) exercise

【評論內容】Noah considered it a ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ...

【評論主題】【題組】44 (A) truly (B) rarely (C) hardly (D) healthily

【評論內容】Noah considered it a sign from God; Aristotle was obsessed with its geometry.諾亞認為這是上帝的徵兆。 亞里士多德痴迷於它的幾何學。__ What__ comes to your mind when you see the symbol of a rainbow? 當你看到彩虹的符號時,你會想到什麼__? In the past few years, the rainbow flag has been internationally known to be closely related to the pride of the LGBTQ+ community.過去幾年,彩虹旗在國際上被認為與 LGBTQ+ 群體的自豪感密切相關。 However, the rainbow has come to __hold__ many different meanings that some may not know about. 然而,彩虹具有許多不同的含義,有些人可能不知道。 For example, in the 1...