
45.Chloramphenicol導致gray baby syndrome,與下列何種代謝能力較低有關?






【評論內容】gray baby syndrome 是chloramphenicol(抗生素)典型的副作用,特徵是腹脹、嘔吐、體溫過低、紫紺和心血管異常特別是因為剛出生的新生兒,肝臟發展尚未完善,藥物造成血管收縮功能衰竭、取代白蛋白中的未結合膽紅素,導致核黃疸、皮膚灰化而得其名。Elevated levels of chloramphenicol circulating in the plasma result from two distinct pathophysiologic processes. A normally functioning liver will metabolize the chloramphenicol parent molecule (primarily by glucuronidation).The immature neonatal liver is unable to synthesize and recycle the UDP-glucuronyltransferase enzyme efficiently.Similarly, the neonatal kidneys are unable to excrete chloramphenicol and its metabolites efficiently(From StatPearls [Internet].)



【評論內容】43 Chloramphenicol 的主要代謝途徑是:



【評論內容】gray baby syndrome 是chloramphenicol(抗生素)典型的副作用,特徵是腹脹、嘔吐、體溫過低、紫紺和心血管異常特別是因為剛出生的新生兒,肝臟發展尚未完善,藥物造成血管收縮功能衰竭、取代白蛋白中的未結合膽紅素,導致核黃疸、皮膚灰化而得其名。Elevated levels of chloramphenicol circulating in the plasma result from two distinct pathophysiologic processes. A normally functioning liver will metabolize the chloramphenicol parent molecule (primarily by glucuronidation).The immature neonatal liver is unable to synthesize and recycle the UDP-glucuronyltransferase enzyme efficiently.Similarly, the neonatal kidneys are unable to excrete chloramphenicol and its metabolites efficiently(From StatPearls [Internet].)



【評論內容】43 Chloramphenicol 的主要代謝途徑是: