
23. If your teacher has told you it is out of the question for you to turn in your term paper late, you
(A)must turn in your paper on time.
(B)have extra time to work on your paper.
(C)don’t have any more questions to ask your teacher.
(D)don’t have to turn in your paper.


統計:A(454),B(67),C(11),D(25),E(0) #
個人:尚未作答書單:out of question vs out of the question




【評論內容】* out of question =無庸置疑的* out of the question= impossible 不可能的

【用戶】Lisa Ting


【評論內容】口訣out of question  (3個字) =沒問題  -----yesout of the question= im.po.ssi.ble (4個音節) = 決不可能 ------no

【用戶】Lisa Ting


【評論內容】口訣out of question    (3個字)   =沒問題   -----yesout of the question  (4個字) = im.po.ssi.ble (4個音節)  = 決不可能 ------no 線上測驗: http://yamol.tw/reponse.php?id=2046196&exp=88#ixzz1V9VWUyUY

【用戶】Paul Shih


【評論內容】"out of question" means "undoubtedly" 也是四個音節*_^"out of the question" means "impossible"