






【評論內容】PEP vs PrEP-PEP(post-exposure prophylaxis)暴露愛滋病毒後預防性投藥:又分職場(Occupational exposure), 非職場(Nonoccupational)-PrEP(pre-exposure prophylaxis)暴露愛滋病毒前預防性投藥====PEP:-職場: Truvada* #1 qd for 28d +其他antiretroviral agents; 暴露後72hr內給藥-非職場: Truvada* #1 qd for 28d +raltegravir; 暴露後72hr內給藥最久可放寬至暴露後1wkTruvada*(TDF[Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate]300mg/ Emtricitabine 200mg):也是目前台灣國內唯一核准PrEP的藥物====PrEP:-每日使用(Daily dosing): Truvada* #1 qd-依需求使用(On-demand; (2-1-1)dosing schedule): 有分單次性行為、連續性行為、最後一次投藥到當次性行為間隔小於一週(後兩者服法較複雜,不細列)   -單次性行為:性行為前2-24hr服用 Truvada* #2,性行為後24hr、48hr分別服用#1ref:1.UpToDate -Truvada2.蕭如君、李建瑩(2021)。暴露愛滋病毒前預防性投藥簡介。藥學雜誌 ,vol.37 No.2https://jtp.taiwan-pharma.org.tw/147/020.html3.台灣愛滋病協會(2018)。臺灣暴露前口服預防性投藥使用指引第二版https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Uploads/archives/3f9100d3-859b-4ced-8701-c7f9d8acfeec.pdf4.洪增陽(2019)。抗愛滋病毒藥物簡介暨藥師的協助角色洪增陽藥師-抗愛滋病毒藥物簡介暨藥師的協助角色




【用戶】Filgrastim zz


【評論內容】重點提示暴露後儘早開始暴露後預防,不宜超過 48-72 小時。建議職業暴露後預防使用 28 天,若能證實無感染風險,可以立刻停止。暴露後預防的用藥文中針對PEP用藥有以下四種建議:1. Bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (商品名:Biktarvy®)2. TDF/FTC(商品名:Truvada®)+DTG3. TDF/FTC+RAL4. Darunavir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (商品名:Symtuza®)Ref:台灣愛滋病學會。愛滋病檢驗及治療指引第六版-第九章、職業暴露愛滋病毒(人類免疫缺乏病毒)後之處理原則-考古補充5.疑似職場暴露愛滋病毒時,若經醫師評估需要使用暴露後預防性投藥,開始投藥時間最晚不要超過多少小時?



【評論內容】For patients using oral PrEP:Continue oral PrEP medication: Because PrEP is highly effective, it is unlikely that a patient who takes PrEP medication as prescribed will get HIV. If the patient does have HIV, continuing PrEP may help to suppress the virus but may also increase the probability that the patient will develop drug-resistant HIV. If this occurs, there are well-tolerated and highly effective treatment regimens available.Prescribe a third drug as PEP for 28 days: This option provides a fully suppressive treatment regimen without the need to diagnose the patient with HIV, which can be difficult to undo if further testing shows the patient does not have HIV. If the patient is found to have HIV, this regimen can be considered early antiretroviral initiation and be continued. This option is especially applicable for patients who may not have taken their daily oral PrEP medication as prescribed.Stop oral PrEP medication for 1–2 weeks: If the patient has HIV, briefly stopping PrEP allows time for HIV replication to occur and increases the likelihood that an HIV test will detect the virus, if it is present. Note that stopping oral PrEP will leave the patient with less protection from HIV because oral PrEP levels wane over 7–10 days after the medication is stopped.Learn About PrEP | Preventing New HIV Infections | Clinicians | HIV | CDC