
(B)當醫療人員評估是psychogenic pain,可使用安慰劑進行確認
(C)非癌症慢性疼痛首選藥品為opioid analgesics






【評論內容】(A) 急性疼痛不需規律給藥,需要時使用即可,如果規律給藥,病人可能會因為藥物而中毒



【評論內容】各選項解析 from 10th pharmacotherapy 疼痛章節(A)急性疼痛仍需要規律給藥,若沒有規律給藥,可能使病人焦慮/血液動力學不穩定,甚至增加發生慢性疼痛症狀的風險untreated and undertreated acute pain has also been associated with numerous metabolic, hemodynamic and hemostatic changes and has been shown to increase one’s risk for the development of chronic pain syndromes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(B)psychogenic pain,不可使用安慰劑進行確認Placebo therapy should not be used as an attempt to diagnose psychogenic pain----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(C)雖然opioids常用於非癌症慢性疼痛,但其長期使用的安全性與療效性仍未知,首選藥品仍要依照病人狀況去抉擇 Although opioids continue to be commonly utilized in the management of chronic noncancer pain and can be effective for individual patients, limited data is available supporting the long-term safety and efficacy of these agents. Thus, there is significant debate regarding the benefit of chronic opioid therapy for chronic painChronic opioid therapy in this setting requires careful patient selection to evaluate whether the benefit of therapy outweighs the potential risks in the individual patient------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(D)非癌症疼痛的治療目標為維持病人的功能,減少止痛藥品使用、降低痛覺、增進病患生活品質In comparison, the goals in chronic noncancer pain are to improve or maintain the patient’s level of functioning, decrease pain perception, reduce the use of medications when possible, and improve the patient’s quality of life   (A) As needed regimens should be used for breakthrough pain or when acute pain displays widevariability and/or has subsided greatly.  



【評論內容】(B)選項,Psychogenic Pain稱作心因性疼痛,是一種由於心理因素所導致的疼痛,但它貨真價實的會痛。例如由壓力、恐懼、憂鬱或是焦慮所導致的頭痛、胃痛、肌肉痠痛。它們是貨真價實的會痛,只是是由於心理因素造的而非身體因素,所以依然需要藥物治療,用安慰劑無法區分。一般需要非麻醉止痛藥(例如非類固醇抗發炎藥)、心理治療、抗憂鬱藥。



【評論內容】(A) 急性疼痛不需規律給藥,需要時使用即可,如果規律給藥,病人可能會因為藥物而中毒



【評論內容】各選項解析 from 10th pharmacotherapy 疼痛章節(A)急性疼痛仍需要規律給藥,若沒有規律給藥,可能使病人焦慮/血液動力學不穩定,甚至增加發生慢性疼痛症狀的風險untreated and undertreated acute pain has also been associated with numerous metabolic, hemodynamic and hemostatic changes and has been shown to increase one’s risk for the development of chronic pain syndromes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(B)psychogenic pain,不可使用安慰劑進行確認Placebo therapy should not be used as an attempt to diagnose psychogenic pain----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(C)雖然opioids常用於非癌症慢性疼痛,但其長期使用的安全性與療效性仍未知,首選藥品仍要依照病人狀況去抉擇 Although opioids continue to be commonly utilized in the management of chronic noncancer pain and can be effective for individual patients, limited data is available supporting the long-term safety and efficacy of these agents. Thus, there is significant debate regarding the benefit of chronic opioid therapy for chronic painChronic opioid therapy in this setting requires careful patient selection to evaluate whether the benefit of therapy outweighs the potential risks in the individual patient------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(D)非癌症疼痛的治療目標為維持病人的功能,減少止痛藥品使用、降低痛覺、增進病患生活品質In comparison, the goals in chronic noncancer pain are to improve or maintain the patient’s level of functioning, decrease pain perception, reduce the use of medications when possible, and improve the patient’s quality of life   (A) As needed regimens should be used for breakthrough pain or when acute pain displays widevariability and/or has subsided greatly.  



【評論內容】(B)選項,Psychogenic Pain稱作心因性疼痛,是一種由於心理因素所導致的疼痛,但它貨真價實的會痛。例如由壓力、恐懼、憂鬱或是焦慮所導致的頭痛、胃痛、肌肉痠痛。它們是貨真價實的會痛,只是是由於心理因素造的而非身體因素,所以依然需要藥物治療,用安慰劑無法區分。一般需要非麻醉止痛藥(例如非類固醇抗發炎藥)、心理治療、抗憂鬱藥。