【評論主題】9.Standing on the seashore, we saw a of seagulls flying over the ocean before they glided down and s


Herd 也有獸群的意思....

【評論主題】9.Standing on the seashore, we saw a of seagulls flying over the ocean before they glided down and s


Herd 也有獸群的意思....


【評論內容】就跟國考一樣 時間錯過.....看完整詳...

【評論主題】【題組】50 Which of the following statements is true?(A)In traditional African villages, husbands are pr


第8行 a man開始那裡 就是此題答案 

【評論主題】【題組】49 Why do African girls spend less time in the fattening houses today? (A)They do not want to g


11行後段 Today 開始那裡 粗心選A


【評論內容】就跟國考一樣 時間錯過.....看完整詳...

【評論主題】【題組】50 Which of the following statements is true?(A)In traditional African villages, husbands are pr


第8行 a man開始那裡 就是此題答案 

【評論主題】【題組】49 Why do African girls spend less time in the fattening houses today? (A)They do not want to g


11行後段 Today 開始那裡 粗心選A

【評論主題】【題組】⑵ TQAA


我會了 關於可以證明自身能力 品行 操守的 屬於特種文書

【評論主題】【題組】⑵ TQAA



【評論主題】【題組】⑵ TQAA



【評論主題】45 下列犯罪規定之行為主體,何者並不限於公務員?(A)刑法第 120 條委棄守地罪 (B)刑法第 130 條廢弛職務釀成災害罪(C)刑法第 131 條第 1 項圖利罪 (D)刑法第 135 條第 1


(D)刑法第 135 條第 1 項妨害公務罪 

公務員是行為客體 非主體 這樣解題對嗎? 請各位大大回答

【評論主題】46 全民健康保險法第 48 條規定保險對象自行負擔費用之除外條件,下列何者不在其內?(A) 重大傷病 (B) 分娩 (C) 結紮手術 (D) 山地離島地區之就醫


這題我也沒讀過 就想現在少子化 政府當然鼓勵生育 不太可能結紮 健保給付

【評論主題】8 For the sake of health, many people have dramatically reduced the amount of red meat they .(A)cons


consume 在這裡翻譯攝取比較好 

【評論主題】【題組】 ㈡靜電式集塵器。(10分)


為甚麼不是A 防護贓物、脫免逮捕 所以擊倒乙 怎麼論以328? 因為乙無力反抗嗎 求解 謝謝