【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】22 傳聞證據得否作為判決基礎之問題,與下列何種原則有關?(A)自由心證原則(B)法定證據原則(C)無罪推定原則(D)直接審理原則


1、傳聞證據 (適用對象: 證人、鑑定人)

2、原則: 被告於審判外言詞或書面陳述,除法另定,不得作為證據。


(1) 未到庭,法院無法直接審理。

(2) 於審判外言詞未經具結,可信度較低。

(3) 無法進行反對詰問。

【評論主題】14 公務員 A 之配偶 B 因貪污治罪條例等案件經起訴,並經地方法院分案由甲法官審理。稍後,公務員 A 因同貪污事由亦經起訴,並經地方法院分案由乙法官審理。考量「訴訟經濟」等理由,將乙法官之案件併由



--> 避免重覆調查事證、勞費及裁判歧異。(經濟)(C)指定管轄 (直接上級法院裁定)

--> 管轄有爭議、管轄境界不明、無管轄權(D)移轉管轄 (直接上級法院裁定)

--> 法律或事實不能、恐公安或難期公平

【評論主題】【題組】45 (A)after (B)as (C)while (D)until


She kept stray dogs attracting hosts of flies, scattered things around the house, left the front yard unattended, etc., while her ex-husband deeply resented all these.



(conj) 與…同時、雖然/ 儘管、然而/ 但是

(n) 一段時間

【評論主題】To             foreign cultures into language curriculum, teachers would introduce particular activi



【評論主題】These sentences in your writing are ____ . You just kept repeating and rephrasing the same message.(



【評論主題】【題組】20 (A) Once depleted, most shark populations are slow to recover.(B) No one knows if the ban wil



【評論主題】【題組】19 (A) Once depleted, most shark populations are slow to recover.(B) Over the past years there h



【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】6 Bill Clinton was _____ by the Democratic Party in 1990 and won the US presidential election in 199



【評論主題】4 When something goes wrong, people sometimes try to make an innocent person a ______ so that they c



【評論主題】5 To write a good cover letter for job application, one should avoid a ______ opening and try someth



【評論主題】依司法院釋字第 461 號解釋,下列何人有義務列席立法院接受備詢?(A)最高法院院長(B)考試院院長(C)參謀總長(D)監察委員


考試院答案: 一律給分


【評論主題】33 Nearly 1,000 tornadoes ripped across the U.S. heartland in 2011, killing more than 500 people and


inflict (V) to force someone to experience something very unpleasant 遭受

【評論主題】50 外國人為中華民國國民之配偶,申請歸化時,其外僑居留證之居留事由為依親者,得免附下列何項文件?(A)有相當財產或專業技能,足以自立或生活保障無虞之文件(B)喪失原屬國國籍之文件(C)具備我國


國籍法105/12/31 修正:

第4條第1項第第1款: 為中華民國國民之配偶,不須符合前條第一項第四款。(有相當財產或專業技能,足以自立或生活保障無虞)

答案應改為 A、D

【評論主題】20 出生於中華民國領域內之外國人,需在中華民國領域內每年合計有183 日以上合法居留之事實繼續至少幾年以上且符合國籍法相關條件規定後得申請歸化?(A)10 年  (B)5 年  (C)3 年


第4條第6款: 出生於中華民國領域內--> 居留限制3年183日

第5條第1項第1款: 出生於中華民國領域內,其父母亦同--> 無居留期間限制


1、第4條依親: 未婚未成年其(養)父或(養)母為我國民。

2、第5條特殊: 生中華,父母亦同、曾居留10年以上。

3、第6條殊勳: 內政部許可,應行政院核准有殊勳中華。

【評論主題】【題組】Which movement of some planets can NOT be explained in Plato’s system?(A)Backward (B)Forward 


But now and then, inexplicably, some planets seemed to drift backwards. 


【評論主題】2. A new supermarket is not going to be built by them. (改為主動語態) 編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤國三英文上第二次-107 年 - 2018彰化縣縣


(B)因證人偽證因而受不利益判決之被告 ---> 國家的法益受侵害

【評論主題】A condemned US inmate who turned from a gang leader to an anti-gang advocate ___42____ bars has been


behind bars= in p☆☆☆☆☆ ★★★★( ...

【評論主題】8 In this down economy, it's time to work on your quality networking, especially when your netw



【評論主題】【題組】Which movement of some planets can NOT be explained in Plato’s system?(A)Backward (B)Forward 


But now and then, inexplicably, some planets seemed to drift backwards. 


【評論主題】2. A new supermarket is not going to be built by them. (改為主動語態) 編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤國三英文上第二次-107 年 - 2018彰化縣縣


(B)因證人偽證因而受不利益判決之被告 ---> 國家的法益受侵害

【評論主題】【題組】23 Based on the passage, which statement is true?(A) T’ai chi prevents people from increasing st


especially in the case of back pain, which after headaches and tiredness, has become the third most common reason for people to visit their doctors. 


-- (D) Fatigue is one of the top three reasons why people see a doctor.

【評論主題】21 關於刑法第 277 條第 2 項犯傷害罪致人於死之罪名,下列敘述何者正確?(A)視同殺人罪,但得減輕其刑 (B)屬於加重結果犯(C)屬行為與結果具有牽連關係之牽連犯 (D)屬於具體危險犯



-- 一開始並沒有殺人故意,而只有傷害故意,沒想到發生死亡的結果。


【評論主題】【題組】42 (A) evenly (B) smoothly (C) exactly (D) purposely


evenly 平均地

【評論主題】第 46 題至第 50 題為題組  Cleanliness has long been next to godliness for the hygiene-conscious Japanese, bu


craze (n) 時尚、流行一時的東西

【評論主題】46.What is a weed? A plant whose virtue has not been discovered.(A) A weed will always be a weed, no


A weed is called a weed because we are blind to its virtues.


【評論主題】36. Ignoring educational experts' professional advice last year, the government ______ facing a nati



36. Ignoring educational experts' professional advice last year, the government facing a national embarrassment of educational reform failure. 


36. Ignoring educational experts' professional advice last year, the government ______ facing a national embarrassment of educational reform failure. 

【評論主題】32. The police cannot break the law in order to it.(A) convene (B)enforce(C) entrust(D) promote



【評論主題】12 Someone once joked that dogs think you're family, _____ cats think you're staff.(A)neve


Whereas (conj)


likewise (adv)


Someone once joked that dogs think you're family, _____ cats think you're staff有人曾經開玩笑說狗把人當作家人,但是貓是把人當成員工。

【評論主題】45 下列關於刑事訴訟羈押規定之敘述,何者錯誤?(A)羈押之原因消滅時,應即撤銷羈押,將被告釋放,無論檢察官或法院,均不得命被告具保、責付或限制住居(B)被告經法官訊問後,有刑事訴訟法第 101 條第


(A)羈押之原因消滅時,應即撤銷羈押,將被告釋放,無論檢察官或法院,均不得命被告具保、責付 或限制住居 

-- 無羈押原因-- 放人。

(B)被告經法官訊問後,有刑事訴訟法第 101 條第 1 項所定情形之一,而無羈押之必要者,不得逕命 具保、責付或限制住居 

-- 有羈押原因,但無羈押必要。具保、責付、限居。

(C)羈押期間已滿未經起訴者,視為撤銷羈押,檢察官應將被告釋放,但於釋放前,仍得聲請法院命 被告具保、責付或限制住居 

-- 檢察官為被告不利益上訴,得命被告具保、責付、限居。

(D)案件經上訴者,被告羈押期間如已逾原審判決之刑期者,應即撤銷羈押,將被告釋放。但檢察官 為被告之不利益而上訴者,得命具保、責付或限制住居-- 釋放前,檢察官得聲請法院命被告具保、責付、限居。

【評論主題】39 The detective was so careful and _____that he left no part of the crime scene unexamined.(A)metic

【評論內容】meticulous= circumspect, prudent, cautious, discreet 謹慎的、小心的

【評論主題】【題組】44 (A)where (B)which (C)that (D)what


that 前不可有「,」

【評論主題】【題組】39 According to the passage, what did Columbus do to the native inhabitants on those lands he fo


        On his first voyage, Columbus claimed all the lands that he found for the king and queen of Spain. 


【評論主題】【題組】42According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(A)Farmershave nothing to


Animal breeders also have had much success. The pig, chicken, and cow of today are much different animals from those available even 100 years ago. Chickens lay more eggs, dairy cows give more milk, and beef cattle grow faster. All of these improvements raise our standard of living.


【評論主題】【題組】43 According to the research, which of the following is likely to have the lowest IQ?(A) The fir


According to new research due to be published this week in the journal Intelligence, the oldest children in families are likely to have the highest IQs, and the youngest the lowest. 

【評論主題】We are taught not to judge a book by its cover. But studies of brain seem to suggest that this is ex


At one point of the game, Wittmann added new pictures of similar mountain views to each trial. Interestingly, instead of choosing the “old” images that would grant them the cash reward, the participants, 

【評論主題】【題組】48 Which of the following countries was NOT affected by the disease at first?(A) Denmark (B) Fra


Leaving a strange pocket of immunity in Bohemia and Russia unattacked until 1351, it had passed from most of Europe by the mid-1350s. 




-- 一行為侵害數法益 (想像競合)


-- 數行為侵害數法益(純正競合)

【評論主題】46.What is a weed? A plant whose virtue has not been discovered.(A) A weed will always be a weed, no


A weed is called a weed because we are blind to its virtues.


【評論主題】32. The police cannot break the law in order to it.(A) convene (B)enforce(C) entrust(D) promote



【評論主題】36. Ignoring educational experts' professional advice last year, the government ______ facing a nati



36. Ignoring educational experts' professional advice last year, the government facing a national embarrassment of educational reform failure. 


36. Ignoring educational experts' professional advice last year, the government ______ facing a national embarrassment of educational reform failure. 

【評論主題】12 Someone once joked that dogs think you're family, _____ cats think you're staff.(A)neve


Whereas (conj)


likewise (adv)


Someone once joked that dogs think you're family, _____ cats think you're staff有人曾經開玩笑說狗把人當作家人,但是貓是把人當成員工。

【評論主題】45 下列關於刑事訴訟羈押規定之敘述,何者錯誤?(A)羈押之原因消滅時,應即撤銷羈押,將被告釋放,無論檢察官或法院,均不得命被告具保、責付或限制住居(B)被告經法官訊問後,有刑事訴訟法第 101 條第


(A)羈押之原因消滅時,應即撤銷羈押,將被告釋放,無論檢察官或法院,均不得命被告具保、責付 或限制住居 

-- 無羈押原因-- 放人。

(B)被告經法官訊問後,有刑事訴訟法第 101 條第 1 項所定情形之一,而無羈押之必要者,不得逕命 具保、責付或限制住居 

-- 有羈押原因,但無羈押必要。具保、責付、限居。

(C)羈押期間已滿未經起訴者,視為撤銷羈押,檢察官應將被告釋放,但於釋放前,仍得聲請法院命 被告具保、責付或限制住居 

-- 檢察官為被告不利益上訴,得命被告具保、責付、限居。

(D)案件經上訴者,被告羈押期間如已逾原審判決之刑期者,應即撤銷羈押,將被告釋放。但檢察官 為被告之不利益而上訴者,得命具保、責付或限制住居-- 釋放前,檢察官得聲請法院命被告具保、責付、限居。

【評論主題】39 The detective was so careful and _____that he left no part of the crime scene unexamined.(A)metic

【評論內容】meticulous= circumspect, prudent, cautious, discreet 謹慎的、小心的

【評論主題】【題組】44 (A)where (B)which (C)that (D)what


that 前不可有「,」

【評論主題】【題組】39 According to the passage, what did Columbus do to the native inhabitants on those lands he fo


        On his first voyage, Columbus claimed all the lands that he found for the king and queen of Spain. 


【評論主題】【題組】42According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(A)Farmershave nothing to


Animal breeders also have had much success. The pig, chicken, and cow of today are much different animals from those available even 100 years ago. Chickens lay more eggs, dairy cows give more milk, and beef cattle grow faster. All of these improvements raise our standard of living.


【評論主題】【題組】43 According to the research, which of the following is likely to have the lowest IQ?(A) The fir


According to new research due to be published this week in the journal Intelligence, the oldest children in families are likely to have the highest IQs, and the youngest the lowest. 

【評論主題】We are taught not to judge a book by its cover. But studies of brain seem to suggest that this is ex


At one point of the game, Wittmann added new pictures of similar mountain views to each trial. Interestingly, instead of choosing the “old” images that would grant them the cash reward, the participants, 

【評論主題】【題組】48 Which of the following countries was NOT affected by the disease at first?(A) Denmark (B) Fra


Leaving a strange pocket of immunity in Bohemia and Russia unattacked until 1351, it had passed from most of Europe by the mid-1350s. 




-- 一行為侵害數法益 (想像競合)


-- 數行為侵害數法益(純正競合)

【評論主題】甲為 A 私立大學之專任教師,因教學不力不能勝任工作而遭 A 大學予以不續聘,並經教育部核定後生效,甲不服該大學之不續聘措施,而欲提起法律救濟,【題組】24 下列何者錯誤?(A)甲得依教師法



聘用: 私法契約

不續聘: 非行政處分-- 申訴、再申訴、民事訴訟  or 直接提民事訴訟


聘用: 行政契約

不續聘: 行政處分-- 訴願、行政訴訟 or 教師法

【評論主題】39 關於易科罰金之敘述,下列何者錯誤?(A)得以新臺幣一千元、二千元或三千元折算一日(B)得否易科罰金,由執行檢察官決定(C)受六月以下有期徒刑或拘役之宣告,不符易科罰金之規定者,即不得易服社會勞動



-- 可以易服社會勞動



2、受6個月以下宣告,但不符易科罰金規定。(例: 法定刑超過5年)


【評論主題】36 緩刑宣告所附之條件,不得命犯罪行為人為下列何種事項?(A)向被害人道歉 (B)立悔過書(C)向公益團體捐助一定之金額 (D)完成心理輔導

【評論內容】緩起訴: 向公庫支付一定金額,得提撥一定補助公益團體或地方自治團體 (應得被告同意)

【評論主題】【題組】23 Based on the passage, which statement is true?(A) T’ai chi prevents people from increasing st


especially in the case of back pain, which after headaches and tiredness, has become the third most common reason for people to visit their doctors. 


-- (D) Fatigue is one of the top three reasons why people see a doctor.




【評論主題】【題組】39 (A) cut-throat (B) cutaway (C) cut-out (D) cutback


cutback 縮減

【評論主題】【題組】37 (A) reform (B) render (C) recoup (D) release



收回 (成本)

【評論主題】18. The suspect was released by the judge because ________ evidence could be found against him.(A)a


a little 有一些

little 幾乎沒有

【評論主題】【題組】48 What does “he had Disney over a barrel” mean in the first paragraph?(A) He had Disney under h

【評論內容】have sb over a barrel: 使(某人)別無選擇,使(某人)聽從擺布

【評論主題】【題組】47 Why did Walt Disney create the cartoon character Mickey Mouse?(A) He wanted to create an offi


Yet, few people know that it was created as a replacement for Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, an earlier cartoon character created by the Disney studio for Charles Mintz of Universal Studios. In the spring of 1928, with the seriesgoing strong, Disney asked Mintz for an increase in the budget. But Mintz instead demanded that Walt take a 20 percent budget cut, and as leverage, he reminded Disney that Universal owned the character, and revealed that he had already signed most of Disney’s current employees to his new con tract...

【評論主題】11 內政部移民署於 104 年組織改造後,有關國境內面談之執行,是由下列那個單位掌理?(A)入出國事務組 (B)國際及執法事務組 (C)各區事務大隊 (D)國境事務大隊


【評論主題】24 臺灣地區無戶籍國民,在臺灣地區投資新臺幣至少多少金額以上,經中央目的事業主管機關核准或備查者,得向內政部移民署申請在臺灣地區居留?(A)500 萬元 (B)1000 萬元 (C)1500 萬元



【評論主題】22 甲是一家非營利社團法人,擬向內政部移民署申請從事跨國(境)婚姻媒合之業務,內政部移民署受理甲之申請案件之後,不含延長審查期間至遲應於多久之內完成審查?(A)10 日 (B)20 日 (C)2 個





訴願提起: 處分翌日起2個月內 or 法定期間(未規定為2個月) 應作為而不作為。

訴願決定作成期限: 原則3個月、可延長2個月。(行政訴訟法第4條)

【評論主題】24 臺灣地區無戶籍國民,在臺灣地區投資新臺幣至少多少金額以上,經中央目的事業主管機關核准或備查者,得向內政部移民署申請在臺灣地區居留?(A)500 萬元 (B)1000 萬元 (C)1500 萬元


無戶申請居留: 1千萬。

外人申請永居(投資移民): 1千5百萬、5人就業機會3年、政府公債3千萬3年。

陸人申請停留: 3千萬。

港澳申請居留: 6百萬。

移民機構資本額、保證金: 一般 (500萬、150萬)、投資 (800萬、250萬)

陸團旅行社保證金: 100萬

【評論主題】22 甲是一家非營利社團法人,擬向內政部移民署申請從事跨國(境)婚姻媒合之業務,內政部移民署受理甲之申請案件之後,不含延長審查期間至遲應於多久之內完成審查?(A)10 日 (B)20 日 (C)2 個



移民署: 2個月內審查 (可延1次、1個月) -- 移民署: 發許可證、效期3年-- 財法人、非營社團人: 滿前90內重申請


本國公司: 60日內向經濟部辦公司登記-- 15日內向移民署申請核發註冊登記 (正當理由可延1次、30日)

外國公司: 依公司法辦理認許

【評論主題】11 大陸地區人民如擬繼承臺灣地區人民之遺產者,應於繼承開始起,至遲幾年以內,檢具相關之文件,向繼承開始時被繼承人住所地之法院為繼承之表示?(A)2 (B)3 (C)4 (D)5代號:6406頁次:4


死亡之日5年內: 軍公教及公營人員,在任職期間死亡 or 支領月退休期間死亡,台無遺族或法定受益人。

繼承開始起4年內: 本條例施行前已由主管機關處理,現役軍人或退除役軍官在台無繼承人。

繼承開始起3年內: 陸人繼承台人遺產

【評論主題】3 外國人如擬申請延期停留時,應於停留期限屆滿前,至遲幾日以內,檢具相關文件及照片,向內政部移民署申請延期?(A)15 日 (B)20 日 (C)25 日 (D)30 日




停留: 15天前,可延1次3個月。

居留: 30天前、不得逾3年。


觀光: 待15日、可延7日。

依親居留: 3個月前、每次延不得逾2年6個月。

長期居留: 3個月前、每次延不得逾2年6個月。


居留: 30日前、每次不得逾2年。

【評論主題】30 Junior officers often ____senior officers, so senior officers should set good examples for them.(


look up to sb 敬重

keep up (with sb/ sth) 跟上、與…併鴐濟驅

【評論主題】21 下列何者非刑法上作為犯的故意?(A)不確定故意 (B)確定故意 (C)事後故意 (D)擇一故意


事後故意: 行為時,主觀上沒有故意,事後才發現被害人是自已討厭的人,覺得自己做的好。


【評論主題】21 關於刑法第 277 條第 2 項犯傷害罪致人於死之罪名,下列敘述何者正確?(A)視同殺人罪,但得減輕其刑 (B)屬於加重結果犯(C)屬行為與結果具有牽連關係之牽連犯 (D)屬於具體危險犯



-- 一開始並沒有殺人故意,而只有傷害故意,沒想到發生死亡的結果。




抽象危險犯: 不以事實具高發生危害法益為必要,即成立犯罪。-- 作了就成立 (行為犯)


具體危險犯: 產生具體危險始能成立本罪 (法條構成要件: 致生公共危險)。

【評論主題】【題組】25 According to the passage, which of the following is Christine Ha’s status quo?(A)She is now a


Ha, who is pursuing a master of fine arts degree at the University of Houston, always has a book checked out from NLS.她正在哈斯頓大學修美術學位,經常在NLS 借書。

【評論主題】【題組】42 (A) evenly (B) smoothly (C) exactly (D) purposely


evenly 平均地