
13.8歲男童,120cm,23kg,有氣喘病史,長期使用fenoterol metered aerosol 100 mcg IH PRN。今因氣喘急性發作,血氧飽和度降至94%,入急診治療,下列何者為急性處置首選?
(A)aminophylline injection,loading dose 5.7 mg/kg IF 30 min,then 1 mg/kg/hr cIF,再依theophylline blood concentration調整劑量
(B)salbutamol sulfate nebules 2.5 mg IH Q20min,for 3 doses
(C)epinephrine 2 mg SC Q20min,for 3 doses
(D)salmeterol xinafoate / fluticasone propionate evohaler 250/25 mcg 2 puffs IH PRN,Q2H,max 12 doses/day






【評論內容】好難.............評估嚴重程度ASSESSMENT OF SEVERITY    (留意一下血氧值就好)Mildmild exacerbation is characterized by normal alertness, slight tachypnea, expiratory wheezing only, a mildly prolonged expiratory phase (inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio of 1:1 rather than the normal 2:1), minimal accessory muscle use, and an oxygen saturation of >95 percentModerateA moderate exacerbation is characterized by normal alertness, tachypnea, wheezing throughout expiration with or without inspiratory wheezing, an inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio of approximately 1:2, significant use of accessory muscles, and an oxygen saturation that is typically 92 to 95 percentSeveresevere exacerbation is characterized by inability to repeat a short phrase, extreme tachypnea, inspiratory and expiratory wheezing, an inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio exceeding 1:2, very poor aeration, significant use of accessory muscles, and an oxygen saturation that is typically <92 percent.Management of bronchospasm  (Nebulizer versus inhaler)Continuous delivery of the first three doses of albuterol via SVN in the first hour after ED arrival helps to ensure compliance with national treatment guidelines 連續一小時內給予3劑Additional advantages of SVN delivery compared with MDI-VHC/S include the ability to simultaneously deliver humidified oxygen and ipratropium bromide and to passively administer drug therapy to a child in respiratory distress  選擇Nebulizer較好所以many ED clinicians choose to treat moderately to severely ill patients with albuterol delivered via SVNIpratropium bromideMagnesium sulfateParenteral beta-agonists 保留作為severe asthma exacerbation 對initial therapy沒反應的小孩Subcutaneous or intramuscular epinephrine or terbutaline補充治療流程圖  (只擷取前半部)PIS是用來評估患者氣喘惡化嚴重程度的指標,題目沒有給到很詳細,所以沒辦法真正算出到底幾分,就依血氧值就好,注意Mild & moderate的治療



【評論內容】好難.............評估嚴重程度ASSESSMENT OF SEVERITY    (留意一下血氧值就好)Mildmild exacerbation is characterized by normal alertness, slight tachypnea, expiratory wheezing only, a mildly prolonged expiratory phase (inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio of 1:1 rather than the normal 2:1), minimal accessory muscle use, and an oxygen saturation of >95 percentModerateA moderate exacerbation is characterized by normal alertness, tachypnea, wheezing throughout expiration with or without inspiratory wheezing, an inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio of approximately 1:2, significant use of accessory muscles, and an oxygen saturation that is typically 92 to 95 percentSeveresevere exacerbation is characterized by inability to repeat a short phrase, extreme tachypnea, inspiratory and expiratory wheezing, an inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio exceeding 1:2, very poor aeration, significant use of accessory muscles, and an oxygen saturation that is typically <92 percent.Management of bronchospasm  (Nebulizer versus inhaler)Continuous delivery of the first three doses of albuterol via SVN in the first hour after ED arrival helps to ensure compliance with national treatment guidelines 連續一小時內給予3劑Additional advantages of SVN delivery compared with MDI-VHC/S include the ability to simultaneously deliver humidified oxygen and ipratropium bromide and to passively administer drug therapy to a child in respiratory distress  選擇Nebulizer較好所以many ED clinicians choose to treat moderately to severely ill patients with albuterol delivered via SVNIpratropium bromideMagnesium sulfateParenteral beta-agonists 保留作為severe asthma exacerbation 對initial therapy沒反應的小孩Subcutaneous or intramuscular epinephrine or terbutaline補充治療流程圖  (只擷取前半部)PIS是用來評估患者氣喘惡化嚴重程度的指標,題目沒有給到很詳細,所以沒辦法真正算出到底幾分,就依血氧值就好,注意Mild & moderate的治療