【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...


【評論內容】(A) 藥劑生資格及管理辦法§1 → 藥師法§40 (B) 藥事法施行細則§1 → 藥事法§105  (C) .....看完整詳解




一、 支出上限制(expenditurecap,浮動點值):


二、支出目標制(expenditure target,固定點值):




全民健康保險法 §51














【評論內容】「總額支付制度」是指付費者與醫事服務提供者,對特定範圍的醫療服務,如牙醫門診、中醫門診,西醫門診或住院服務等,預先以協商方式,訂定未來一段期間(通常為 1年)內.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】48.可申請納入全民健康保險給付之藥品,除應經中央衛生主管機關核准,通過查驗登記取得許可證 者外,許可證類別亦有所限制,下列類別何者不得申請?(A)限由醫師使用(B)由醫師、藥師、藥劑生指示使用(C)

【評論內容】全民健康保險藥物給付項目及支付標準 §11 可建議納入全民健康保險給付之藥品如下:      一、主管機關核准通過查驗登記並取得藥品許可證之藥品,且其許可證類別為下列之一者:          (一)限由醫師使用。          (二)須由醫師處方使用。          (三)由醫師或檢驗師使用。          (四)限由牙醫師使用。          (五)限由麻醉醫師使用。          (六)限由眼科醫師使用。          (七)限由醫師及牙醫師使用。      二、經主管機關核准專案進口而未領有藥品許可證之藥品且屬必要藥品或罕見疾病用藥者。      三、醫師指示用藥依.....看完整詳解


【評論內容】罕見疾病防治與藥物法 §7醫事人員發現罹患罕見疾病之病人或因而致死者,應向中央主管機關報告。  罕見疾病防治與藥物法.....看完整詳解


【評論內容】(A.B) 藥事法 §64 I


(C) 藥事法 §64 II 前半

中藥販賣業者及中藥製造業者售賣毒劇性之中藥,非有中醫師簽名、蓋章之處方箋,不得出售。(D) 藥事法 §64 II 後半

其購存或出售毒劇性中藥,準用第59條之規定。藥事法 §59



藥事法 §62




【相關】衛中會藥字第 89007192 號


【評論主題】21.下列何種醫療器材製造業者,應聘專任藥師駐廠監製?①生物材料設備業者 ②移植器官保存液業者 ③衛生棉條業者 ④臨床檢驗設備業者(A)①②(B)②③(C)③④(D)①④


藥事法 §29 I & II




【評論內容】(A.B) 藥事法 §64 I中藥販賣業者及中藥製造業者,非經中央衛生主管機關核准,不得售賣或使用管制藥品。(C) 藥事法 §64 II 前半中藥販賣業者及中藥製造業者售賣毒劇性之中藥,非有中醫師簽名、蓋章之處方箋,不得出售。(D) 藥事法 §64 II 後半其購存或出售毒劇性中藥,準用第.....看完整詳解


【評論內容】(A) 藥事法 §8 III + 藥事法 §93 (B) 藥事法 §66 I + 藥事法 §92 (C) 藥事法 §39 I + 藥事法 §92 (D) 藥事法 §97 .....看完整詳解


【評論內容】藥事法 §52 藥品販賣業者不得兼售(A)農.....看完整詳解


【評論內容】署授藥字第 0920002350 號 (92.11.04) 公告禁用廣防己、青木香、關木通、馬兜鈴、天仙藤等五種含馬兜鈴酸之中藥材,自公告日起,禁止製造、調劑、輸入、輸出、販賣或陳列,其製造或輸入之業者,並應依規定於三個月內收回市售品。   藥事法 §22 本法所稱.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】25.下列那些行為違反藥事法之規定?①中藥販賣業者,兼售西藥指示藥 ②醫院無醫師處方,自行採購藥品 ③藥商將藥品供應非藥局、非藥商及非醫療機構使用(A)僅①②(B)僅①③(C)僅②③(D)①②③

【評論內容】① 藥事法 §51 → 西藥販賣業者,不得兼售中藥;中藥販賣業者,不得兼售西藥。但成藥不在此限。 ③ 藥事法 §49 →藥商不得買賣來源不.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】21.下列何種醫療器材製造業者,應聘專任藥師駐廠監製?①生物材料設備業者 ②移植器官保存液業者 ③衛生棉條業者 ④臨床檢驗設備業者(A)①②(B)②③(C)③④(D)①④

【評論內容】藥事法施行細則 §13 醫療器材製造業者依本法第32條規定應聘技術人員之醫療器材類別及其技術人員資格,依左列規定: 一、製造一般醫療設備、④ 臨床檢驗設備及① 生物材料設備者,應聘國內公立或立案之私立專科.....看完整詳解


【評論內容】藥事法 §47 I 藥物製造、輸入許可證有效期間為五年,期滿仍須繼續製造、輸入者,應事先申請中央衛生主管機關核准展延之。但每次展延,不得超過五年。屆期未申請或不准展延者,註銷.....看完整詳解


【評論內容】化粧品衛生管理條例 §6 III化粧品含有醫療或毒劇藥品者,應.....看完整詳解


【評論內容】依據「管制藥品分級及品項」規定,Ketamine屬於第三級管制藥品。管制藥品管理條例施行細則 §3醫師、牙醫師、獸醫師或獸醫佐使.....看完整詳解


【評論內容】(A) 藥物科技研究發展獎勵辦法§1 →  藥事法 §41 II (B) 藥品查驗登記審查準則 §1 → 藥事法 §39 IV (C).....看完整詳解


【評論內容】藥師法 §20-1 負責主持經營藥局之藥師,應具備二年以上實際調劑執業經驗,始得提供藥品調劑服務。 .....看完整詳解



(A.B)  藥事法§15

(D) 藥事法§51  西藥販賣業者,不得兼售中藥;中藥販賣業者,不得兼售西藥。但成藥不在此限


【評論內容】「中藥販賣業者」相關法條 in藥事法   藥事法§15 本法所稱藥品販賣業者,係指左列各款規定之業者:  一、經營西藥批發、零售、輸入及輸出之業者。  二、經營中藥批發、零售、調劑、輸入及輸出之業者。   藥事法§28 II & III 中藥販賣業者之藥品及其買賣,應由專任中醫師或修習中藥課程達適當標準之藥師或藥劑生駐店管理。  西藥、中藥販賣業者,分設營業處所,仍應依第一項及第二項之規定。    藥事法§51 西藥販賣業者,不得兼售中藥;中藥販賣業者,不得兼售西藥。但成藥不在此限。   藥事法§64 中藥販賣業者及中藥製造業者,非經中央衛生主管機關核准,不得售賣或使用管制藥品。  中藥販賣業者及中藥製造業者售賣毒劇性之中藥,非有中醫師簽名、蓋章之處方箋,不得出售;其購存或出售毒劇性中藥,準用第59條之規定。   藥事法§103 本法公布後,於六十三年五月三十一日前依規定換.....看完整詳解



藥事法 §47 I



【評論內容】藥師法 §15 I藥師業務如下:  一、藥品販賣或管理。 二、藥品調劑。  (C) 三、藥品鑑定。  (D) 四、藥品製造之監製.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】6某地方政府舉辦才藝比賽而贈送獎牌,下列各獎牌的題辭與比賽項目何者完全不相符合?(A)鐵畫銀鉤:書法比賽 (B)錦心繡口:作文比賽(C)懸河唾玉:演講比賽 (D)激濁揚清:游泳比賽

【評論內容】(A) 形容筆畫如鐵般的剛勁,如銀般的柔媚。亦稱為「鐵筆銀鉤」、「銀鉤鐵畫」。(B) 用以稱讚人文思巧妙,文辭優美。錦、繡,織錦刺繡,比喻美好。亦作「錦繡心腸」、「錦心繡腹」、「繡口錦心」。(C) 用於祝賀人演講或辯論比賽獲勝的賀辭。懸河、唾玉,均比喻善用辭令,說話滔滔不絕。(D) 沖去汙泥,使清水浮上來。後用以比喻除惡揚善。亦作「激濁揚清」、「揚清抑濁」。

【評論主題】Heavy rain persisted and further _______ the road conditions of the disaster areas hard hit by the d

【評論內容】extinguish    vt. 使(熱情、希望等)破滅; (火)熄滅fusillade    vt.齊射;  n. (批評)齊發, 連續齊射 [͵fjuz!ˋed]pasteurize    vt.對...進行加熱殺菌 [ˋpæstə͵raɪz]devastating    adj. 破壞性極大的, 毀滅性的[ˋdɛvəs͵tetɪŋ]

【評論主題】Many people          their true feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settl

【評論內容】enunciate  [ɪˋnʌnsɪ͵et]mediocre  [ˋmidɪ͵okɚ]perpetuate  [pɚˋpɛtʃʊ͵et]

【評論主題】【題組】 Using echo-planar magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging procedure (EP-MRSI) to treat mental

【評論內容】psychiatric [͵saɪkɪˋætrɪk]   adj. 精神病學的

【評論主題】As cheers from the sold-out audience of 9,200 reverberated around the baseball stadium, the star pit

【評論內容】reverberate [rɪˋvɝbə͵ret]    v. (使)回響; (使)反射; (使)彈回

【評論主題】When everyone begins to agree and there are no contradictory voices, even the most ill-conceived ide

【評論內容】contradictory  adj. 矛盾的, 對立的[(+to)]ill-conceived   居心不良take into account   斟酌; 考慮

【評論主題】The wait-and-see approach to networking in your professional circle is like playing the lottery—hang


hang on1. 緊緊抓住, 握住不放

2. 堅持, 不放棄

3. 等待片刻; (打電話)不掛斷

4. (疾病等)經久不愈, 持續

5. 倚, 靠; 成為...的負擔

6. 有賴於, 取決於

7. 傾聽, 注意地聽; 仔細考慮

【評論主題】As a food label is often nothing more than an advert to tempt you to buy the product, you should pay

【評論內容】intentionally   adv. 故意地blur   v. 使模糊不清, 使朦朧          n. 模糊不清

【評論主題】A recent poll shows that         81 percent of college students are eligible for some form of financ

【評論內容】eligible [ˋɛlɪdʒəb!]  adj. 有資格當選的; 法律上合格的[(+for)][+to-v]                             n. 合格者

【評論主題】When elephant families came across the         of a dead elephant, they stopped, inspected the body,


offspring n. 子女; 子孫; 後代; (動物的)幼獸; (植物的)幼苗

inspected  v. 審查fondle  v. 愛撫 撫弄

【評論主題】Carbon dioxide from the human burning of fossil fuel is building up in the atmosphere at a _____  pa

【評論內容】shuffling   adj.曳步的, 支吾的

【評論主題】【題組】36 (A) humble (B) grassy (C) blunt (D) authentic

【評論內容】great and h.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】【題組】34 (A) force (B) create (C) have (D) permit

【評論內容】(A) 迫使sb.做sth.force sb. to Vforce s.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】5 To write a good cover letter for job application, one should avoid a ______ opening and try someth


original [əˋrɪdʒən!](adj.) 原始的;有獨創性的 (n.) 原版、有獨創性的人

(A) cognitive [ˋkɑgnətɪv]  (adj.) 認知的、認識的

(B) forlorn [fɚˋlɔrn] (adj.) 孤獨的、幾乎無望的

(C) mundane [ˋmʌnden] (adj.) 世俗的

(D) pertinent [ˋpɝtnənt] (adj.) 恰當的、中肯的


【評論內容】treatise  [ˋtritɪs]  n. 論文; 專著[C][(+on/upon)]


【評論內容】minute [maɪˋnjut]  adj. 微小的; 瑣細的spinel.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】37 The world’s cities are_____ at the seams: by 2050, an estimated 6.4 billion people—compared to ab

【評論內容】flock  v. 聚集; 成群地去(或來)[Q]Birds of a feather flock together. 物以類聚, 人以群分。

【評論主題】【題組】48 What does the sentence “The United States is awash in debt” mean?(A)The United States’ nation

【評論內容】awash    adj.1. 被浪潮沖打的; 被海水沖刷的2. 被水覆蓋的

【評論主題】4 依據司法院釋字第490號解釋,信仰宗教自由保障範圍,不包括下列何者?(A)不信仰宗教之自由(B)宗教行為之自由(C)宗教結社之自由(D)宗教營利的自由



宗教信仰之自由,係指人民有1. 信仰與不信仰任何宗教之自由,以及2. 參與或不參與宗教活動之自由;國家不得對特定之宗教加以獎勵或禁制,或對人民特定信仰畀予優待或不利益。



1.       內在信仰之自由:涉及思想、言論、信念及精神之層次→絕對保障

2.       宗教行為之自由:可能涉及他人之自由與權利,甚至可能影響公共秩序、善良風俗、社會道德與社會責任→相對保障。

3.       宗教結社之自由:可能涉及他人之自由與權利,甚至可能影響公共秩序、善良風俗、社會道德與社會責任→相對保障。



【評論主題】3 有關我國憲法規定之總統職權,下列敘述何者錯誤?(A)對行政院院長有任免權,無須立法院同意(B)統率全國陸海空軍之權(C)締結條約及宣戰媾和之權(D)應列席立法院陳述意見權

【評論內容】憲修§4  立法院於每年集會時,得聽取總統國情報告。憲修§3行政院有向立法院提出施政方針及施政報告之責。立法委員在開會時,有向行政院院長及行政院各部會首.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】6 憲法第 12 條規定人民有秘密通訊之自由,惟仍得以法律限制之。下列敘述,何者錯誤?(A)依刑事訴訟法規定,對受羈押之被告所為通訊可予檢閱(B)依破產法規定,破產者之郵電,法院得囑託郵電機關送交破產


秘密通訊自由之限制 ( http://goo.gl/1Ha5e ) 



(一) 郵電人員得拆驗或拒受信件

     1. 有事實足認內裝之物為郵政禁寄物品、不適用優惠資費或違反郵政法規。         (郵政§10)

     2. 對於電信之內容顯有危害國家安全或妨害治安者,得拒絕或停止其傳遞。         (電信§22)

(二) 司法人員得扣押或檢閱郵件電報

     1.  被告得自備飲食及日用必需物品,並與外人接見、通信、受授書籍及其他          物件。但押所得監視或檢閱之。 (刑訴§105II)

     2.  法院認被告為前項之接見、通信及受授物件有足致其脫逃或湮滅...

【評論主題】27 雇主應防治性騷擾行為之發生,其僱用受僱者多少人以上者,應訂定性騷擾防治措施、申訴及懲戒辦法,並在工作場所公開揭示?(A)十人(B)十五人(C)二十人(D)三十人













【評論主題】18 為提供罕見疾病藥物之特許保障,依「罕見疾病防治及藥物法」規定,依該法取得藥物許可證者,有效期間多久內,中央主管機關對於同類藥物之查驗登記申請應不予受理?(A)五年 (B)七年 (C)十年 (D)


罕見疾病防治及藥物法 §17 I & II (特許保障)



藥事法 §40之2 II(藥品許可證之核發)


藥事法 §47(藥物製造輸入許可證之有效期間與展延)  藥物製造、輸入許可證有效期間為五年,期滿仍須繼續製造、輸入者,應事先申請中央衛生主管機關核准展延之。但每次展延,不得超過五年。屆期未申請或不准展延者,註銷其許可證。

【評論主題】39 「大家都說我很『可愛』,其實我是『可憐沒人愛』」這句話故意將「可愛」一詞拆開,再增添文字,另作新解,來引人注意。下列選項,採用這種修辭方式的是:(A)文化中心廣場供遊客小憩的休閒座椅上,經常可以


【評論主題】41 「碧玉妝成一樹高,萬條垂下綠絲縧。不知細葉誰裁出,二月春風似剪刀。」此詩歌詠的對象是:(A)松(B)柳(C)梅(D)菊

【評論內容】賀知章 詠柳 高高的柳樹,如同美人梳妝後,婷婷裊裊的風姿。千條萬縷的垂絲,如同她的裙帶,迎風款擺,不知這青翠細嫩的.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】5 下列對於詩中所含「數字」的解釋,何者並不正確?(A)「見者十人八九迷,假色迷人猶若是」,「八九」指絕大多數(B)「二八蛾眉梳墮馬,美酒清歌曲房下」,「二八」指十六歲少女(C)「飛龍九五已升天,次第

【評論內容】易經 乾卦:「九五:飛龍在天。利見大人。」 乾為天(乾下、乾上,純陽至尊之象) 九五指乾卦的第五根陽爻。這裡的「九」本不是具體的數位,而是判別數位陰陽屬性的符號。陽數中九為最高,五居正中,因而以「九」和「五」象徵帝王的權威,稱之為「九五之尊」。 從下向上數,第五爻稱為九五,九代表此爻為陽爻,五為第五爻的意思。九五.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】20 依司法院釋字第443號解釋建構之「層級化法律保留體系」,下列有關法律「規範密度」之敘述,何者錯誤?(A)限制人身自由之處罰,係屬憲法保留之事項(B)如係對人民有利之重大給付行政措施,無須法律或法

【評論內容】層級化的保留體系   http://goo.gl/p9fHb   一、 憲法保留:制憲機關或修憲機關對於國家某些事項直接以憲法條文予以規範,禁止立法者就該等已有明文規定之事項為相異之規定者,稱「憲法保留」。例如憲法第8條中的「24小時」。  二、 國會保留:濃縮至禁止委託之法律保留,即某些事項只能由形式意義的法律規定,立法者不得拋棄其責任,而委由行政機關以法規命令規範之者,稱「國會保留」(亦稱為「絕對法律保留」)。例如剝奪生命、限制人身自由者,依罪刑法定主義,屬絕對法律保留事項。 三、 一般(相對)法律保留:其他非屬上述的自由權利之限制(干預行政,含特別公課),及重大公益之給付行政,則可授權行政機關以命令定之,屬於相對法律保留,但須符合授權明確性原則。至於.....看完整詳解

【評論主題】11 依中央法規標準法第18條規定,各機關受理人民聲請許可案件所應適用之法規,如處理程序終結前,據以准許之法規有變更者,原則上應適用下列何一原則?(A)從舊從優原則(B)從新從優原則(C)從舊原則(D

【評論內容】中標法§18→從新從優各機關受理人民聲請許可案件適用法規時,除依其性質應適用行為時之法規外,如在處理程序終結前,據以准許之法規有變更者,適用新法規。但舊法規有利於當事人而新法規未廢除或禁止所聲請之事項者,適用舊法規。刑法§2→從舊從輕 行為後法律有.....看完整詳解


【評論內容】山亭秋色滿,巖牖涼風度。疏蘭尚染煙,殘菊猶承露 李世民〈山閣晚秋〉



知識+  http://goo.gl/qoF33

【評論主題】下列各句意,詮釋最適切的選項是:(A)「昔尼父之在陳兮,有歸歟之嘆意」,意近「天地逆旅,人生幾何」 (B)「松柏後彫於歲寒,雞鳴不已於風雨」,意近「胡馬依北風,越鳥巢南枝」 (C)「蓋恩德入人之深,而


顧亭林的《日知錄》�【相關網址】& http://goo.gl/VGeuJ「松柏後凋於歲寒,雞鳴不已於風雨」松柏不畏風雪,年冬歲寒時益顯精神;當風雨交加、天色晦暗時,雄雞依然鳴啼不已。





傳說文公為哀悼介子推,下令全國介子推被焚的三月五日為火禁日,禁止煙火,僅食寒食,並從此形成了中國古代一個著名的節日「寒食節」。雖然寒食節的真正起源並非來自於此,但將紀念介子推作為寒食節起源的說法卻更為流行,甚至後來寒食節逐漸被清明節取代,許多人又把紀念介子推作說成清明節的起源。資料來源 http://goo.gl/AfhOV

【評論主題】「蘭若生春夏,芊蔚何青青。幽獨空林色,朱蕤冒紫莖。遲遲白日晚,嫋嫋秋風生。歲華盡搖落,芳意竟何成?」下列選項,何者為此詩所寄寓的情懷?(A)響往隱逸的幽情 (B)思念親人的悲哀 (C)懷才不遇的感嘆

【評論內容】陳子昂 感遇(其二) 《感遇》,是陳子昂所寫的以感慨身世及時政為主旨的組詩,共三十八首,本篇為其中的第二首。詩中以蘭若自比,寄託了個人的身世之感。秀麗芬芳的香蘭和杜若,生長在春天與夏天這個萬物生長的季節,它們蓊蓊鬱鬱地,生長得非常茂盛。在空無人蹟的山林之中,有這麼幽雅清秀、空絕群芳的色彩,朱紅色的花冠下垂,覆蓋著紫色的莖。前四句力讚美蘭若壓倒群芳的風姿, 實際上是以其“幽獨空林色”比喻自己出眾的才華。天上這個光輝明亮的太陽,一天從早到晚,就慢慢地夕陽西下了,春夏一過,絲絲縷縷的秋風就吹起來了。一年一度,草木榮枯,到了秋天所有的花朵都要枯萎凋零了,儘管你是芳香四溢朱蕤紫莖的蘭花,你也與其它花一樣,...

【評論主題】五、翻譯填空 : 10% (一格1分)1. 我通常一天至少使用電腦五小時。 I (1)               use my computer (2)               (3)     

【評論內容】漚 1.   (1) 水鳥。列子˙黃帝:「海上之人有好漚鳥者,每旦之海上,從漚鳥游。」 (2) 水泡。唐˙白居易˙想東遊五十韻:「幻世春來夢,浮生水上漚。」2. ㄡˋ(1) 在水中長時間的浸泡。 詩經˙陳風˙東門之池:「東門之池,可以漚麻。」(2) 長時間溼溽著。如:「汗漚得很難受。」

【評論主題】4. Emily is n           d . She can’t see things very clearly(清楚地).編輯私有筆記及自訂標籤國一英文下第二次-105 年 - 2016新


酤(ㄍㄨ) 酒




【評論主題】The___of animal and plant life, and of the general beauty of Nature, is one of the foremost duties o

【評論內容】foremost (adj) (通常與the連用)第一流的, 最重要的(adv) 在最前; 首先; 最重要地

【評論主題】The Internet has had such a tremendous___on our lives that it has changed the way we work and the wa

【評論內容】tremendous   [trɪˋmɛndəs] (adj) 巨大的, 極大的



民§729 稱終身定期金契約者,謂當事人約定,一方於自己或他方或第三人生存期內,定期以金錢給付他方或第三人之契約。

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...

【評論主題】42 Fashion is a means of self-expression.(A)What one wears can make him/her articulate.(B)What one w

【評論內容】Fashion is a means of self-expression.

【評論主題】If you have the option of sentencing someone to the electric chair or inducing total amnesia, which

【評論內容】humane  [hjuˋmen]  adj1. 有人情味的; 人道的; 仁慈的2. (指學科)高尚的, 人文的

【評論主題】35 Global economic growth has gained speed in the last few months, and inflation remains under contr

【評論內容】請大大修改,題目應為Global economic growth has gained speed in the last few months, and inflation remains under control           high world oil prices.

【評論主題】Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of

【評論內容】題目應為Recently the medical researcher Wendy Levinson recorded hundreds of conversations between a group of physicians and their patients. Roughly half of the doctors had never been sued. The other half had been sued at least twice. Levinson found that just on the basis of those conversations, she could find clear differences between the two groups. The surgeons who had never been sued spent more than three minutes longer with each patient than those who had been sued did (18.3 minutes versus 15 minutes). They were more likely to make orienting comments, such as“First I'll examin...