【評論主題】36.Which of the following tests best represents the criterion-referenced test?(A)Scholastic Aptitude



【評論主題】29What are the main structures to transfer and communicate information by Total Physical Response?(A






【評論主題】22Consider the following phrases:The discussion of the issue (NP)Write a letter (VP)Under the tree (


head是決定這個片語的詞性關鍵,而題目中皆有顯示NP(名詞片語)、VP(動詞片語)及PP(介詞片語),代表第一個字是決定這個片語的詞性,因此選 head-initial

【評論主題】18Which of the following pairs are homonym?(A)radar/laser (B)above/below (C)bear/bare (D)sofa/couch


不好意思耶,我按到回報錯誤,這題是沒有錯的 homophone=homonym是我自己的筆記

【評論主題】26The utterance “I have to study for an exam” in response to the question “ Would you like to go to


Grice認為:「人們交談之所以能夠順利進行,是因為說話人與聽話人都要遵循共同的原則,互相合作才能達到溝通的目的」。合作原則(cooperative principle)包含四條準則:

(1)  質的準則(maxim of quality):給予對方真實的信息。 比方說,有人跟一個正妹搭訕,問:「小姐,可以跟你要msn帳號嗎?」正妹:「我不用msn。」(OS:有是有,但是不給你。)例子中女生的回答並未給予真實的信息,也就違反了質的原則。

(2)  量的準則(maxim of quantity):給予對方不多也不少的信息。 A:你吃飽了嗎?B:我吃飽了。我吃了兩個漢堡、一塊炸雞,還喝了一杯可樂。這個例子中,A只是問B『吃飽了沒』,但B除了回答了B的問題之外,還額外補充說明...

【評論主題】28What is a key feature of Audio-Lingual Method to language teaching which placed emphasis on repeat



(A) role playing 角色扮演

(B) drilling   機械式的練習

(C) dictation    聽寫

(D) conditioning 制約

Audio-Lingual Method 

This approach to language learning was similar to another, earlier method called the direct method. Like the direct method, the audio-lingual method advised that students should be taught a language directly, without using the students' native language to explain new words or grammar in the target language. However, unlike the direct me...

【評論主題】22 Young children initially appear to regard an entire word as if it were a single sound. However, a




(2 )雙重性(duality)。人類自然語言系統中存在兩套結構:聲音結構和意義結構。數量有限的語音單位(音位)可組合成大量的意義單位(詞),進而可組合成數量無限的句子。

(3)創造性(creativity)。 人類自然語言中包含一套有限的語法規則,語言使用者可利用有限的規則構成和解釋無限的話語。一個說母語的人,不可能說過和聽過屬于該種語言的全部話語,但他可構成和理解從未聽說的新話語,知道哪些話語是合格的,哪些是不合格的。


【評論主題】28 Reading assessment implies differentiating bottom-up from top-down tasks, as well as focus on for


Top-down processing of language happens when someone uses background information to predict the meaning of language they are going to listen to or read. Rather than relying first on the actual words or sounds (bottom up), they develop expectations about what they will hear or read, and confirm or reject these as they listen or read. Top-down processing is thought to be an effective way of processing language; it makes the most of what the person brings to the situation.

Example Asking learners to predict what a newspaper article might be about from the headline or first sentence will encourage...

【評論主題】36 A visual display that helps students arrange and remember new information by drawing, or writing


Dialogue Journal (對話日誌)

是一種定期透過書寫交談的日誌,交談的對象通常為學生與老師、同學間或是寫作夥伴等,不少英語學術研究均指出使用Dialogue Journal 對於英語學習使用的程度、流利度、學習動機和憂慮感都有顯著及正面的效果。


【評論主題】36 A visual display that helps students arrange and remember new information by drawing, or writing


What is process writing?The process approach treats all writing as a creative act which requires time and positive feedback to be done well. In process writing, the teacher moves away from being someone who sets students a writing topic and receives the finished product for correction without any intervention in the writing process itself. Why should teachers be interested in a process approach to writing?White and Arntd say that focusing on language errors 'improves neither grammatical accuracy nor writing fluency' and they suggest instead that paying attention to what the students say will ...

【評論主題】23 A study undertaken by Roger Brown discovered that most children acquire morphemes in approximatel



【評論主題】23 A study undertaken by Roger Brown discovered that most children acquire morphemes in approximatel



【評論主題】28 Reading assessment implies differentiating bottom-up from top-down tasks, as well as focus on for


Top-down processing of language happens when someone uses background information to predict the meaning of language they are going to listen to or read. Rather than relying first on the actual words or sounds (bottom up), they develop expectations about what they will hear or read, and confirm or reject these as they listen or read. Top-down processing is thought to be an effective way of processing language; it makes the most of what the person brings to the situation.

Example Asking learners to predict what a newspaper article might be about from the headline or first sentence will encourage...

【評論主題】36 A visual display that helps students arrange and remember new information by drawing, or writing


Dialogue Journal (對話日誌)

是一種定期透過書寫交談的日誌,交談的對象通常為學生與老師、同學間或是寫作夥伴等,不少英語學術研究均指出使用Dialogue Journal 對於英語學習使用的程度、流利度、學習動機和憂慮感都有顯著及正面的效果。


【評論主題】36 A visual display that helps students arrange and remember new information by drawing, or writing


What is process writing?The process approach treats all writing as a creative act which requires time and positive feedback to be done well. In process writing, the teacher moves away from being someone who sets students a writing topic and receives the finished product for correction without any intervention in the writing process itself. Why should teachers be interested in a process approach to writing?White and Arntd say that focusing on language errors 'improves neither grammatical accuracy nor writing fluency' and they suggest instead that paying attention to what the students say will ...

【評論主題】36.Which of the following tests best represents the criterion-referenced test?(A)Scholastic Aptitude



【評論主題】29What are the main structures to transfer and communicate information by Total Physical Response?(A






【評論主題】22Consider the following phrases:The discussion of the issue (NP)Write a letter (VP)Under the tree (


head是決定這個片語的詞性關鍵,而題目中皆有顯示NP(名詞片語)、VP(動詞片語)及PP(介詞片語),代表第一個字是決定這個片語的詞性,因此選 head-initial

【評論主題】18Which of the following pairs are homonym?(A)radar/laser (B)above/below (C)bear/bare (D)sofa/couch


不好意思耶,我按到回報錯誤,這題是沒有錯的 homophone=homonym是我自己的筆記

【評論主題】17The word “smog” is an example of _____ in word formation.(A)acronym (B)blending (C)backformation (






【評論主題】32Error analysis is an alternative to contrastive analysis. It is an approach influenced by:(A) LAD


錯誤分析(error analysis)最主要的理論基礎是: 中介語理論



由於本研究主要是探討中英兩種語言,所以這裡只呈現中英比較的部分。如果母語和第二語言結構差異愈大,學習的困難愈多。談到中英文比較,雖然中英文的字序都有基礎的主詞-動詞-受詞(S + V + O)結構,但是中文與英文在很多構詞上是不同的(Li & Thompson, 1987; Chang,n2004)。Cameron與Lee(1999)整理比較中英文後發現:1.中文的構詞很多都是沒有字尾變化的;2.中文的名詞沒有複數也不會因性別或格而有改變;3.中文的動詞不會因人稱或單複數而有變化;4.中文的助動詞使用並不...

【評論主題】31According to the affective filter hypothesis, the filter turns on when(A) anxiety is low, self-con

【評論內容】美國的語言學家 Stephen Krashen。他在1980年代,連續出版了一系列著作,試著建構出學習語言的模型。這套理論稱為 Monitor Theory,其中共包含了五個重要的假說,分別是:「學習/習得假說 (Acquisition / Learning Hypothesis)」、「自然習得順序假說 (Natural Order Hypothesis)」、「語言輸入假說 (Input Hypothesis)」、「語言監控假說 (Monitor Hypothesis)」、「情意濾網假說 (Affective Filter Hypothesis)」。  在這裡要先說明一下,在 Krashen 的定義裡頭,「學習」和「習得」是不一樣的。「學習」是刻意的,像我們在學外語一樣,照著外在的規則去學;但「習得」是暗示性的,像是我們學習母語一樣,透過很多暗示,在無意識之中習得語言...

【評論主題】36Bachman and Palmer (1996) define ______________as “the degree of correspondence of the characteris

【評論內容】Principles of Language Assessment - Practicality, Reliability, Validity, Authenticity, and WashbackRizki RMdon 01.00No CommentA. PracticalityAn effective test is practical. This means that itIs not excessively expensive,Stays within appropriate time constraints,Is relatively easy to administer, andHas a scoring/evaluation procedure that is specific and time-efficient.A test that is prohibitively expensive is impractical. A test of language proficiency that takes a student five hours to complete is impractical-it consumes more time (and money) than necessary to accomplish its objective. A test...

【評論主題】22Which of the following is NOT the three principal features of interlanguage raised by Selinker (19


中介語(Interlanguage)是指從母語(L1)始至習得第二語言(L2)止,其間經歷的一系列的語言過渡「階段」裏,所產生之「語言」。換言之,中介語認為學習者犯的錯不但有可預測性,更能依能力高低劃出犯錯的不同階段,這些「錯誤」的語言似乎也有自己獨立的體系。研究這套邏輯,累積犯錯的模式,便能幫助第二語言習得的教師預測學生可能會犯的錯誤,並加以強調、防範。另外,即使是高程度的學習者、居住在第二語言國家的非母語使用者(Non-native speaker,NNS),甚至是非母語之外語教師(NNSEFL teacher)都會面對中介語的問題。



【評論主題】26The utterance “I have to study for an exam” in response to the question “ Would you like to go to


Grice認為:「人們交談之所以能夠順利進行,是因為說話人與聽話人都要遵循共同的原則,互相合作才能達到溝通的目的」。合作原則(cooperative principle)包含四條準則:

(1)  質的準則(maxim of quality):給予對方真實的信息。 比方說,有人跟一個正妹搭訕,問:「小姐,可以跟你要msn帳號嗎?」正妹:「我不用msn。」(OS:有是有,但是不給你。)例子中女生的回答並未給予真實的信息,也就違反了質的原則。

(2)  量的準則(maxim of quantity):給予對方不多也不少的信息。 A:你吃飽了嗎?B:我吃飽了。我吃了兩個漢堡、一塊炸雞,還喝了一杯可樂。這個例子中,A只是問B『吃飽了沒』,但B除了回答了B的問題之外,還額外補充說明...

【評論主題】28What is a key feature of Audio-Lingual Method to language teaching which placed emphasis on repeat



(A) role playing 角色扮演

(B) drilling   機械式的練習

(C) dictation    聽寫

(D) conditioning 制約

Audio-Lingual Method 

This approach to language learning was similar to another, earlier method called the direct method. Like the direct method, the audio-lingual method advised that students should be taught a language directly, without using the students' native language to explain new words or grammar in the target language. However, unlike the direct me...

【評論主題】27The word winter corresponds to the season between autumn and spring. This approach to semantics ca


Conntation: 是一個字或是一件事情所衍伸出來, 或是與其相關的想法或是意思, 例如"泛藍"是國民黨的connotation. Denotation: 通常是指一個符號所代表的意思, 相較於特徵或是與其相關的意思, 是特指一個字特定的或直接的意思. Definition: 指一個字或是一個詞或是專有名詞的解釋, 也有程度範圍的意思

【評論主題】25 Nick admitted that the team had lost.  Nick said that the team had lost. The choice of “admitte


「預設」(presupposition)指講話者在對話之前即已經擁有的立場、觀念、想法。由語詞本身即可透露預設的涵義,稱為「語義預設」(semantic presupposition),例如:another(再、另)、again(再、又)、also(也)、too(也)、once(曾經)、more(多些)。另外,除了語詞的預設外,若因社會文化或語言的前後文而衍生的預設則稱為「語用預設」(pragmatic presupposition)。

(A) preposition 介詞, 前置詞

(B) presupposition 預想; 前提; 假定

(C) description 描寫; 形容; 敘述; 說明書

(D) prescription 處方, 指示, 命...

【評論主題】20 Which of the following school of thought in second language acquisition focuses on individual eng



a theory that learning is an active process and that people gain knowledge and understanding through thecombination of experiences and ideas:

The student actively builds knowledge and skill in a learning process called constructivism.

【評論主題】32Error analysis is an alternative to contrastive analysis. It is an approach influenced by:(A) LAD


錯誤分析(error analysis)最主要的理論基礎是: 中介語理論



由於本研究主要是探討中英兩種語言,所以這裡只呈現中英比較的部分。如果母語和第二語言結構差異愈大,學習的困難愈多。談到中英文比較,雖然中英文的字序都有基礎的主詞-動詞-受詞(S + V + O)結構,但是中文與英文在很多構詞上是不同的(Li & Thompson, 1987; Chang,n2004)。Cameron與Lee(1999)整理比較中英文後發現:1.中文的構詞很多都是沒有字尾變化的;2.中文的名詞沒有複數也不會因性別或格而有改變;3.中文的動詞不會因人稱或單複數而有變化;4.中文的助動詞使用並不...

【評論主題】31According to the affective filter hypothesis, the filter turns on when(A) anxiety is low, self-con

【評論內容】美國的語言學家 Stephen Krashen。他在1980年代,連續出版了一系列著作,試著建構出學習語言的模型。這套理論稱為 Monitor Theory,其中共包含了五個重要的假說,分別是:「學習/習得假說 (Acquisition / Learning Hypothesis)」、「自然習得順序假說 (Natural Order Hypothesis)」、「語言輸入假說 (Input Hypothesis)」、「語言監控假說 (Monitor Hypothesis)」、「情意濾網假說 (Affective Filter Hypothesis)」。  在這裡要先說明一下,在 Krashen 的定義裡頭,「學習」和「習得」是不一樣的。「學習」是刻意的,像我們在學外語一樣,照著外在的規則去學;但「習得」是暗示性的,像是我們學習母語一樣,透過很多暗示,在無意識之中習得語言...

【評論主題】22 Young children initially appear to regard an entire word as if it were a single sound. However, a




(2 )雙重性(duality)。人類自然語言系統中存在兩套結構:聲音結構和意義結構。數量有限的語音單位(音位)可組合成大量的意義單位(詞),進而可組合成數量無限的句子。

(3)創造性(creativity)。 人類自然語言中包含一套有限的語法規則,語言使用者可利用有限的規則構成和解釋無限的話語。一個說母語的人,不可能說過和聽過屬于該種語言的全部話語,但他可構成和理解從未聽說的新話語,知道哪些話語是合格的,哪些是不合格的。


【評論主題】31.The words that are used to signal different kinds of relations between sentences and to enhance c


實字(Content Words)與虛字(Function Words)


實詞(Content Words)

虛詞(Function Words)

實詞本身有著重要的意義,例如﹕mother(母親)、forget(忘記)、today(今天),等,而虛詞通常在整個句子中意義並不重要,甚至根本沒有意義可言,而只是扮演著文法的角色,以使整句合文法,例如﹕the, of, will等。


實詞通常須重讀(Stressed),包括﹕  1.名詞(Nouns)如﹕sun(太陽), book(書本)。2.動詞(Verbs)如﹕go(去),sing(唱歌)(但be動詞和助動詞除...

【評論主題】30.____________ is a method for teaching children to read. Words are always taught in association wi


全語言教育(Whole language approach)

1. 一個從1990年代開始興起的語言教學方法。

2. 全語言教育的教育目的在改進語文教學。

3. 視為是對字母拼讀法(phonics)教學的反思。

4. 將語言視為是一個整體的溝通系統,讓學習者夠過親身的經驗來學習。

5. 為修正溝通式教學(Communicative approach),把語言的學習分為「聽」、「說」、「讀」、「寫」四項技能。

Look and Say Teaching Method

The look and say teaching method, also known as the whole word method, was invented in the 1830s and soon became a popular method for teaching reading.

By the 1930s and 1940s there was a very strong focus on teaching children to read by this method. ...

【評論主題】37.Top-down processing is based on the knowledge of____________.(A)grammar (B)situational routines (



【評論主題】36.Which of the following instructional approaches/methods mainly employs a structural syllabus?(A)T


一、情境教學法(SituationalnLanguage Teaching)


情境教學法保留了直接教學法的許多特色,課堂上仍然使用所要學的語言教學,上課也是著重在聽說能力的培養,所不同的是加入了語言意義與情境的連結。另外情境教學法發展出一套由易而難,循序漸進的結構式課程(Structural syllabus)。


【評論主題】23 Four traits constituting language aptitude are phonemic coding ability, grammatical sensitivity,


"According to Carroll (1962, 1981), there are four traits that constitute language aptitude: 

Phonemic coding ability: the capacity to discriminate and code foreign sounds such that they can be recalledGrammatical sensitivity: the ability to analyze language and figure out rulesInductive language-learning ability: the capacity to pick up language through exposureMemory: the amount of rote learning activity needed to internalize something (a new sound, a lexical item, a grammatical rule, the pronunciation or spelling of a word, etc

Factors affecting our aptitude to learn foreign languages


【評論主題】29.“Hands-on activities” and “pantomime” can be grouped under ____________ Intelligence in Gardner’s


Gardner proposed eight abilities that he held to meet these criteria:

(一)語文智慧(linguistic intelligence):主要擅長於運用語言或書寫文字,如文字思考,語言表達的作家、記者、新聞播報員等。 

(二)邏輯數學智慧(logic-mathematical intelligence):主要是數學思考和科學思考能力,能有效運用數字或推理,做抽象思考。如計算、量化、考慮命題和假設和複雜的數學運算的科學家、數學家、工程師、電腦設計師等。

(三)空間智慧(spatial intelligence):及對視覺世界的敏銳感受和理解能力,能準確的辨識各種視覺,也係以三度空間方式來思考的能力,對色彩、線條、空間具敏感性,並能把所知覺的適當地表現出來。如航海員、飛行員...

【評論主題】18 Children initially deploy the speech of others in order to communicate with others in their socio


inner speech內在語言

egocentric speech 自我中心語言

維高斯基(Vygotsky) 語言功能發展階段

階段                                年齡                     功能

社會語言(外向語言):    出生至3歲           控制他人的行為或與他人互動的指示(如:我要喝水,你去拿鏟子)自我中心語言:               3~7歲    向外與內在的橋梁,用以控制自己的行為。內在語言:                    7歲以後 自己對自己的無聲說話,成為兒童思考的基礎



【評論主題】20Speakers of any dialect of English who reside for a long periods of time in a region where a diffe


(A)speech accommodation 語言調適(B)cooperative principles 合作原則(C)language shifting 語言更替(D)code switching語言碼置換

In linguistics, accommodation is the process by which participants in a conversation adjust their accent, diction, or other aspects of language according to the speech style of the other participant. Also called linguistic accommodation, speech accommodation, and communication accommodation.

语言更替 (Language shift)是指个人或社区原来习惯使用的语言被另一种语言所替代。这种替代 常发生在属于少数民族的移民身上,其过程一般在三代人内完成

How many times do you wa...

【評論主題】36 A visual display that helps students arrange and remember new information by drawing, or writing


Dialogue Journal (對話日誌)

是一種定期透過書寫交談的日誌,交談的對象通常為學生與老師、同學間或是寫作夥伴等,不少英語學術研究均指出使用Dialogue Journal 對於英語學習使用的程度、流利度、學習動機和憂慮感都有顯著及正面的效果。


【評論主題】36 A visual display that helps students arrange and remember new information by drawing, or writing


What is process writing?The process approach treats all writing as a creative act which requires time and positive feedback to be done well. In process writing, the teacher moves away from being someone who sets students a writing topic and receives the finished product for correction without any intervention in the writing process itself. Why should teachers be interested in a process approach to writing?White and Arntd say that focusing on language errors 'improves neither grammatical accuracy nor writing fluency' and they suggest instead that paying attention to what the students say will ...

【評論主題】36 A visual display that helps students arrange and remember new information by drawing, or writing


Dictogloss/ˈdɪktəˌɡlɒs/ is a classroom dictation activity where learners are required to reconstruct a short text by listening and noting down key words, which are then used as a base for reconstruction.

Example Learners discuss the sea. The teacher then explains the task, and reads a short text on the sea to the class, who just listen. The teacher reads the text again, and the learners take notes. In groups, the learners then reconstruct the text.

In the classroom Dictogloss is often regarded as a multiple skills and systems activity. Learners practise listening, writing and speaking (...

【評論主題】22 De Saussure argued that the "sign" was composed of both a signified, an abstract concep


科索緒爾符號學的特點是 單一符號(sign)分成意符(Signifier)和意指(Signified)兩部分。意符是符號的語音形象;意指是符號的意義概念部份。由兩部份組成的一個整體,稱為符號。意符和意指兩者之間的關系是武斷性(arbitrariness),沒有必然關連。例如英文中的 "tree" 的發聲及串字組合,因約定俗成的習慣被指涉為 "一種以木質枝桿為主體的葉本植物" 的概念。

【評論主題】23 A study undertaken by Roger Brown discovered that most children acquire morphemes in approximatel



【評論主題】38 “Teacher talk” or “Caretaker speech” refers to(A) the way of talk considering the purpose of list


Caretaker speech

A speech style often used by adults and older children when talking to infants or young children, characterized by shortened sentences, simplified grammar, restricted vocabulary, slow speech with many repetitions, diminutive and reduplicative words, such as doggy and choo-choo, raised pitch and exaggerated pitch variation, and many utterances ending in questions with a rising tone (some more?, go walkies?). Also called child-directed speech, motherese (misleadingly, because it is not restricted to mothers) and baby talk (ambiguously, because it is used by adults)...

【評論主題】33 A construct that is field between what a learner can do by himself and what can be achieved with



近側發展區間(英语:zone of proximal development,簡稱ZPD,亦譯為可能發展區、最近發展區

A construct that is field between what a learner can do by himself and what can be achieved with the support of a knowledgeable peer or an instructor is termed ____________. (B) Zone of Proximal Development 

【評論主題】34 One that yields an estimate of the position of the tested individual in a predefined population a


【評論主題】27 Chomsky and other nativists contend that each person is born with a Language Acquisition Device.

【評論內容】天賦論者主張人類天生具有學習語言的能力,並嘗試探討此天生能力的本質。語言學家喬姆斯基(N. Chomsky)乃天賦論者之一,他提出語言習得裝置的理論,來說明其語言天賦的觀點。他認為人類的認知結構中,存有一種與生俱來的語言習得裝置,使人們不需經過刻意教導,就能輕易獲得語言。語言習得裝置的功能,就像眼能視、耳能聽的功能一樣,在兒童發育到某一程度,開始幫兒童分析周遭語言,快速學習語言規則。語言習得裝置是具有彈性的,它能適用於各種語言結構,是人類所共有的。它包括一切基本的語言訊息和一組分析程序,而且隨著兒童和周遭的語言環境互動,而歸納、修正出該環境中的語言規則來。 天賦論者主張人類天生具有學習語言的能力,並嘗試...

【評論主題】28 Reading assessment implies differentiating bottom-up from top-down tasks, as well as focus on for


Top-down processing of language happens when someone uses background information to predict the meaning of language they are going to listen to or read. Rather than relying first on the actual words or sounds (bottom up), they develop expectations about what they will hear or read, and confirm or reject these as they listen or read. Top-down processing is thought to be an effective way of processing language; it makes the most of what the person brings to the situation.

Example Asking learners to predict what a newspaper article might be about from the headline or first sentence will encourage...

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵列出 Y 與輸入 A、B、C、D 間的真值表。 (10 分)

【評論內容】Clusters, Digraph, Blends, and DiphthongsClusters of either consonants or vowels add to the challenge of beginning reading learner. Sometimes the clustered letters each make a sound, in which case early readers can apply phonetic decoding strategies to read them. However, other combinations make new or unexpected sounds that must be actively taught separately. Many reading specialists recommend that these more complicated sound patterns be taught after student demonstrate solid phonetic decoding skills. Consonant DigraphsConsonant digraphs are clusters of consonants pronounced as a single sou...

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵求電流 I2、I3。(10 分)

【評論內容】(D) A word boundary is the place in a sentence, phrase, text, or whatever else, whether written or spoken, between two words. As for identifying them, it really depends upon what language you are looking at. For the majority of languages, there will be a space at the word boundary, separating distinct words. Some languages, such as old classical Latin or some of the Asian languages like Chinese that use logograms/ideograms(表意文字), do not use spaces in the writtentext, in which case you will often times simply need to have a general knowledge of the vocabulary of the language.簡單的來說,...

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑵求電壓增益(A = vo/vi)(15 分)。



a symbol such as & or @ that stands for a word, or a character in a language that does not use the Roman alphabet (= the letters A to Z)

word boundary:

A word boundary is the place in a sentence, phrase, text, or whatever else, whether written or spoken, between two words. As for identifying them, it really depends upon what language you are looking at. For the majority of languages, there will be a space at the word boundary, separating distinct words. Some languages, such as old classical Latin or some of the Asian languages like Chinese that use logograms/ideograms(表意文字),...

【評論主題】一、圖一所示理想運算放大器,R1= 20 kΩ,R2= 20 kΩ,R3= 200 Ω。【題組】 ⑴求電流 I1、I2、I3 和電壓 Va。(8 分)



As they participate in interactive reading with adults, children also learn about books – author's and illustrators names, titles, tables of content, page numbers, and so forth. They also learn about book handling –how to turn pages, how to find the top and bottom on a page, how to identify the front and back cover of a book, and so forth. As part of this learning, they begin to develop the very important concept "word" – that meaning is conveyed through words; that printed words are separated by spaces; and that some words in print look longer (because they have more letters) ...

【評論主題】四、請依圖三所示數位電路,回答下列問題:【題組】 ⑴寫出 Y 與輸入 A、B、C、D 的布林代數關係式。(5分)

【評論內容】學者Gleitman在1990年提出Syntactic Bootstrapping Hypothesis。其要義是說:小朋友在學習語言時,毋須由外人解說或闡釋,就能透過句型中的文法訊息來推論某些辭彙的意義。syntax - 句法,construe - 詮釋檢舉

Children do not need to rely solely on environmental context to understand meaning or have the words explained to them. With this theory, children infer word meanings from their observations about syntax, and use these observations to comprehend future utterances they hear.

This led linguists like Lila Gleitman, who coined the term syntactic bootstrapping in 1990,[13] to argue that syntax was pivo...

【評論主題】【題組】 ⑶求電壓增益(A = vo/vi)(5 分)。



Nasal 跟 Approximant 對初學兒童比較難掌握,可以先排除(A)learn跟(B)girl。

至於(C)itch不恰當的原因應該是結尾consonant cluster,對初學者來說比較難以掌握。

【評論主題】Which of the following sets of words would be most effective to use when introducing students to the


Structural analysis: the process of using familiar word parts (base words, prefixes, and suffixes) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. 

【評論主題】【題組】87.I can’twait tobecome a college student._________________________________________________(loo



語內偏誤( intralingual error )就是某種語言內部的發展偏誤,也叫“發展性偏誤”,不但二語學習者會出現,母語學習者也會出現。比如,英語學習者說“*He is comes.”這可能是他把“He is coming”跟“He comes”混了。漢語學習者可能會說:“他離開了他家,*他國家。”“他國家”缺失了助詞“的”,可能是由前者“他家”類推而來的。


A.過度概括(overgeneralization)。這是語言項目在沒有明顯對照的時候採取的一種學習策略,比如,有的人學習英語動詞的時態,單數第三人稱一般現在時動詞後加-s,就早出了像He can sings這樣的句子,他不知道當用了助動詞後就不用加-s了。美國前總統演說時說...

【評論主題】8.根據維高思基(L.S.Vygotsky)的看法,一位青少年所能獨力完成的與他在協助下完成的表現上的差異,稱為:(A)同化(assimilation)(B)潛在發展區(zone of proxima


